Module Ops.NavyGroup
Ops - Enhanced Naval Group.
Main Features:
- Let the group steam into the wind
- Command a full stop
- Patrol waypoints ad infinitum
- Collision warning, if group is heading towards a land mass or another obstacle
- Automatic pathfinding, e.g. around islands
- Let a submarine dive and surface
- Manage TACAN and ICLS beacons
- Dynamically add and remove waypoints
- Sophisticated task queueing system (know when DCS tasks start and end)
- Convenient checks when the group enters or leaves a zone
- Detection events for new, known and lost units
- Simple LASER and IR-pointer setup
- Compatible with AUFTRAG class
- Many additional events that the mission designer can hook into
Example Missions:
Demo missions can be found on GitHub
Author: funkyfranky
Something must be left to chance; nothing is sure in a sea fight above all. -- Horatio Nelson The NAVYGROUP ConceptThis class enhances naval groups. |
Something must be left to chance; nothing is sure in a sea fight above all. -- Horatio Nelson
This class enhances naval groups.
Fields and Methods inherited from NAVYGROUP | Description |
NAVYGROUP:AddTaskAttackGroup(TargetGroup, WeaponExpend, WeaponType, Clock, Prio) |
Add a scheduled task. |
NAVYGROUP:AddTaskFireAtPoint(Coordinate, Clock, Radius, Nshots, WeaponType, Prio) |
Add a scheduled task. |
Add a waypoint task. |
NAVYGROUP:AddTurnIntoWind(starttime, stoptime, speed, uturn, offset) |
Add a time window, where the groups steams into the wind. |
NAVYGROUP:AddWaypoint(Coordinate, Speed, AfterWaypointWithID, Depth, Updateroute) |
Add an a waypoint to the route. |
Triggers the FSM event "ClearAhead". |
Triggers the FSM event "CollisionWarning". |
Triggers the FSM event "Cruise". |
Triggers the FSM event "Dive". |
Extend duration of turn into wind. |
Get heading of group into the wind. |
Get heading of group into the wind. |
Get heading of group into the wind. |
Get "Turn Into Wind" data. |
Get the turn into wind window, which is currently open. |
Get the next turn into wind window, which is not yet running. |
Get wind direction and speed at current position. |
Check if the group is currently cruising. |
Check if the group is currently diving. |
Check if the group is currently holding its positon. |
Check if the group is currently launching aircraft. |
Check if the group is currently on a detour. |
Check if the group is currently recovering aircraft. |
Check if the group is currently steaming into the wind. |
Check if the group is currently turning. |
Create a new NAVYGROUP class object. |
On after "ClearAhead" event. |
On after "CollisionWarning" event. |
On after "Cruise" event. |
On after "Dive" event. |
On after "Surface" event. |
On after "TurnIntoWind" event. |
NAVYGROUP:OnAfterTurnIntoWindOver(From, Event, To, IntoWindData) |
On after "TurnIntoWindOver" event. |
On after "TurnIntoWindStop" event. |
On after "TurnedIntoWind" event. |
On after "TurningStarted" event. |
On after "TurningStopped" event. |
Queue of "into wind" turns. |
Remove steam into wind window from queue. |
Set if old into wind calculation is used when carrier turns into the wind for a recovery. |
Enable/disable pathfinding. |
Disable pathfinding. |
Enable pathfinding. |
Group patrols ad inifintum. |
Update status. |
Triggers the FSM event "Surface". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWind". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindOver". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindStop". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnedIntoWind". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStarted". |
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStopped". |
Check for possible collisions between two coordinates. |
Check if group is turning. |
Check queued turns into wind. |
NAVYGROUP:_CreateTurnIntoWind(starttime, stoptime, speed, uturn, offset) |
Create a turn into wind window. |
Find free path to next waypoint. |
Initialize group parameters. |
Update engage target. |
Triggers the FSM event "ClearAhead" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "CollisionWarning" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "Cruise" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "Dive" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "Surface" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWind" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindOver" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindStop" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurnedIntoWind" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStarted" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStopped" after a delay. |
If true, collition warning. |
Ordered depth in meters. |
Engage target. |
Into wind info. |
Counter of into wind IDs. |
Use old calculation to determine heading into wind. |
If true, group is currently path finding. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterCollisionWarning(From, Event, To, Distance) |
On after "CollisionWarning" event. |
On after "Cruise" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterDetour(From, Event, To, Coordinate, Speed, Depth, ResumeRoute) |
On after "Detour" event. |
On after "DetourReached" event. |
On after "Disengage" event. |
On after "Dive" event. |
On after "ElementSpawned" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterEngageTarget(From, Event, To, Group, Target) |
On after "EngageTarget" event. |
On after "FullStop" event. |
On after "OutOfAmmo" event. |
On after "RTZ" event. |
On after "Returned" event. |
On after "Spawned" event. |
On after "Surface" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterTurnIntoWind(From, Event, To, Into, IntoWind) |
On after "TurnIntoWind" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterTurnIntoWindOver(From, Event, To, IntoWindData) |
On after "TurnIntoWindOver" event. |
On after "TurnIntoWindStop" event. |
On after "TurningStarted" event. |
On after "TurningStarted" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterUpdateRoute(From, Event, To, n, N, Speed, Depth) |
On after "UpdateRoute" event. |
On before "TurnIntoWindStop" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onbeforeUpdateRoute(From, Event, To, n, N, Speed, Depth) |
On before "UpdateRoute" event. |
Path corrdidor width in meters. |
If true, enable pathfining. |
If true, group is currently turning. |
NavyGroup version. |
Fields and Methods inherited from OPSGROUP | Description |
Activate a late activated group. |
Add a zone that triggers and event if the group enters or leaves any of the zones. |
Add mission to queue. |
Create a cargo transport assignment. |
Add a scheduled task. |
Add an enroute task. |
NAVYGROUP:AddTaskWaypoint(task, Waypoint, description, prio, duration) |
Add a waypoint task. |
NAVYGROUP:AddWeaponRange(RangeMin, RangeMax, BitType, ConversionToMeters) |
Add a weapon range for ARTY auftrag. |
Add weight to the internal cargo of an element of the group. |
path finding. |
Check if the group can in principle be carrier of a cargo group. |
Cancel all missions in mission queue that are not already done or cancelled. |
Check if task description is unique. |
Name of the class. |
Clear DCS tasks. |
Clear waypoints. |
Count elements of the group. |
Count remaining missons. |
Count the number of tasks that still pending in the queue. |
Count remaining cargo transport assignments. |
Count remaining waypoint tasks. |
Deactivate the group. |
Delete a cargo transport assignment from the cargo queue. |
Despawn the group. |
Despawn an element/unit of the group. |
Despawn a unit of the group. |
Destroy group. |
Destroy a unit of the group. |
Find carrier for cargo by evaluating the free cargo bay storage. |
Get 2D distance to a coordinate. |
Get current Alarm State of the group. |
Set current altitude. |
Get inital amount of ammunition. |
Get the number of shells a unit or group currently has. |
Get total amount of ammunition of the whole group. |
Get the number of shells a unit or group currently has. |
Get generalized attribute. |
Get current TACAN parameters. |
NAVYGROUP:GetCallsignName(ShortCallsign, Keepnumber, CallsignTranslations) |
Get callsign of the first element alive. |
Get all groups currently loaded as cargo. |
Get OPSGROUPs in the cargo bay. |
Get coalition. |
Get current coordinate of the group. |
NAVYGROUP:GetCoordinateInRange(TargetCoord, WeaponBitType, RefCoord, SurfaceTypes) |
Get a coordinate, which is in weapon range. |
Get default cruise speed. |
Get DCS GROUP object. |
Get DCS group object. |
Get DCS GROUP object. |
Get DCS units. |
Get set of detected groups. |
Get set of detected units. |
Get distance to waypoint. |
Get current EPLRS state. |
Get the first element of a group, which is alive. |
Get the element of a group. |
Get the bounding box of the element. |
Get the loading zone of the element. |
Get the unloading zone of the element. |
Get current emission state. |
Returns the currently expected speed. |
Get free cargo bay weight. |
Get max weight of cargo (group) this group can load. |
NAVYGROUP:GetFreeCargobayRelative(UnitName, IncludeReserved) |
Get relative free cargo bay in percent. |
Get MOOSE GROUP object. |
Get current heading of the group or (optionally) of a specific unit of the group. |
Get highest threat. |
Get LASER code. |
Get current LASER coordinate, i.e. |
Get current target of the LASER. |
Returns the absolute total life points of the group. |
Get mission by its id (auftragsnummer). |
Get mission by its task id. |
Get current mission. |
Get the group name. |
Get number of elements alive. |
Get coordinate of next waypoint of the group. |
Get cargo transport assignment from the cargo queue by its unique ID. |
Get current orientation of the group. |
Get current "X" orientation of the first unit in the group. |
Get current ROE of the group. |
Get current ROT of the group. |
Get current Radio frequency and modulation. |
Get default cruise speed. |
Returns a non-zero speed to the next waypoint (even if the waypoint speed is zero). |
Get current TACAN parameters. |
Get task by its id. |
Get the currently executed task if there is any. |
Get the unfinished waypoint tasks |
Get highest detected threat. |
Get time to waypoint based on current velocity. |
Get MOOSE UNIT object. |
NAVYGROUP:GetUsedCargobayRelative(UnitName, IncludeReserved) |
Get relative used (loaded) cargo bay in percent. |
Get current 2D position vector of the group. |
Get current 3D position vector of the group. |
Get current velocity of the group. |
Get waypoint. |
Get the waypoint from its unique ID. |
Get the waypoint from its index. |
Get waypoint coordinates. |
Get current waypoint. |
Get current waypoint UID. |
Get final waypoint. |
Get unique ID of waypoint given its index. |
Get the waypoint index (its position in the current waypoints table). |
Get waypoint index after waypoint with given ID. |
Get current waypoint index. |
Get next waypoint index. |
Get next waypoint. |
Get waypoint speed. |
Get unique ID of waypoint. |
Get the waypoint UID from its index, i.e. |
Get the waypoints. |
Get weapon data. |
Get weight of the internal cargo the group is carriing right now. |
Get max weight of the internal cargo the group can carry. |
Get total weight of the group including cargo. |
NAVYGROUP:HasLoS(Coordinate, Element, OffsetElement, OffsetCoordinate) |
Check if an element of the group has line of sight to a coordinate. |
Check if this group has passed its final waypoint. |
Returns true if the DCS controller currently has a task. |
NAVYGROUP:InWeaponRange(TargetCoord, WeaponBitType, RefCoord) |
Check if a given coordinate is in weapon range. |
Check if group is activated. |
Check if group is alive. |
Check if this is a ARMYGROUP. |
Check if awaiting a transport lift. |
Check if the group is currently boarding a carrier. |
Check if the group is currently busy doing something. |
Check if the group is assigned as cargo. |
Check if the group is a carrier. |
Check if group is dead. |
Check if group was destroyed. |
Check if the group is engaging another unit or group. |
Check if group is exists. |
Check if this is a FLIGHTGROUP. |
Check if group is in state in utero. |
Check if group is currently inside a zone. |
Check if the group has currently switched a LASER on. |
Check if this group is currently "late activated" and needs to be "activated" to appear in the mission. |
Check if the group is currently loaded into a carrier. |
Check if the group is loading cargo. |
Check if a given mission is already in the queue. |
Check if a given mission type is already in the queue. |
Check if this is a NAVYGROUP. |
Check if the group is not cargo. |
Check if the group is not a carrier yet. |
Check if group is currently on a mission. |
Check if the group is completely out of ammo. |
Check if the group is out of bombs. |
Check if the group is out of guns. |
Check if the group is out of missiles. |
Check if the group is out of torpedos. |
Check if the group is picking up cargo. |
Check if the group is currently rearming or on its way to the rearming place. |
Check if the group is retreated (has reached its retreat zone). |
Check if the group is currently retreating or retreated. |
Check if the group is currently returning to a zone. |
Check if group is in state spawned. |
Check if FSM is stopped. |
Check if target is detected. |
Check if the group is transporting cargo. |
Check if this group is currently "uncontrolled" and needs to be "started" to begin its route. |
Check if the group is unloading cargo. |
Check if group is currently waiting. |
NAVYGROUP:KnowTarget(TargetObject, KnowType, KnowDist, Delay) |
Set detection on or off. |
Mark waypoints on F10 map. |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionCancel". |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionDone". |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionExecute". |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionStart". |
Number of destroyed units. |
Create a new OPSGROUP class object. |
NAVYGROUP:NewTaskScheduled(task, clock, description, prio, duration) |
Create a scheduled task. |
Number of hits taken. |
Number kills of this groups. |
On After "DetectedGroup" event. |
On After "DetectedGroupKnown" event. |
On After "DetectedGroupLost" event. |
On After "DetectedGroupNew" event. |
On After "DetectedUnit" event. |
On After "DetectedUnitKnown" event. |
On After "DetectedUnitLost" event. |
On After "DetectedUnitNew" event. |
On after "HoverEnd" event. |
On after "HoverStart" event. |
On after "MissionCancel" event. |
On after "MissionDone" event. |
On after "MissionExecute" event. |
On after "MissionStart" event. |
NAVYGROUP:OnAfterTransportCancel(From, Event, To, Transport) |
On after "TransportCancel" event. |
Event function handling the birth of a unit. |
Event function handling the dead of a unit. |
Event function handling the hit of a unit. |
Event function handling the event that a unit achieved a kill. |
Event function handling when a unit is removed from the game. |
Event function handling when a unit is removed from the game. |
Push DCS task. |
NAVYGROUP:RadioTransmission(Text, Delay, SayCallsign, Frequency) |
Send a radio transmission via SRS Text-To-Speech. |
Reduce weight to the internal cargo of an element of the group. |
Remove mission from queue. |
Remove task from task queue. |
Remove a waypoint. |
Remove a waypoint with a ceratin UID. |
Remove waypoints markers on the F10 map. |
Return group back to the legion it belongs to. |
Route group along waypoints. |
Route group to mission. |
NAVYGROUP:SelfDestruction(Delay, ExplosionPower, ElementName) |
Self destruction of group. |
Set current altitude. |
Set max weight that each unit of the group can handle. |
Set that this carrier is an all aspect loader. |
Set that this carrier is a back loader. |
Set that this carrier is a front loader. |
Set that this carrier is a port (left side) loader. |
Set that this carrier is a starboard (right side) loader. |
Set that this carrier is an all aspect unloader. |
Set that this carrier is a back unloader. |
Set that this carrier is a front unloader. |
Set that this carrier is a port (left side) unloader. |
Set that this carrier is a starboard (right side) unloader. |
Define a SET of zones that trigger and event if the group enters or leaves any of the zones. |
Set the default Alarm State for the group. |
Set default cruise altitude. |
Set default callsign. |
Set the default EPLRS for the group. |
Set the default emission state for the group. |
Set default formation. |
NAVYGROUP:SetDefaultICLS(Channel, Morse, UnitName, OffSwitch) |
Set default ICLS parameters. |
Set the default immortal for the group. |
Set the default invisible for the group. |
Set the default ROE for the group. |
Set the default ROT for the group. |
Set default Radio frequency and modulation. |
Set default cruise speed. |
NAVYGROUP:SetDefaultTACAN(Channel, Morse, UnitName, Band, OffSwitch) |
Set default TACAN parameters. |
Set detection on or off. |
Disable to automatically engage detected targets. |
NAVYGROUP:SetEngageDetectedOn(RangeMax, TargetTypes, EngageZoneSet, NoEngageZoneSet) |
Enable to automatically engage detected targets. |
Set LASER parameters. |
Set LASER target. |
Set that group is going to rearm once it runs out of ammo. |
Set that group is retreating once it runs out of ammo. |
Set that group is return to legion once it runs out of ammo. |
[GROUND, NAVAL] Set whether this group should return to its legion once all mission etc are finished. |
NAVYGROUP:SetSRS(PathToSRS, Gender, Culture, Voice, Port, PathToGoogleKey, Label, Volume) |
Use SRS Simple-Text-To-Speech for transmissions. |
Set current speed. |
Set DCS task. |
Set verbosity level. |
Triggers the FSM event "Status". |
Triggers the FSM event "Stop". |
Set current Alarm State of the group. |
Switch to a specific callsign. |
Switch EPLRS datalink on or off. |
Switch emission on or off. |
Switch to a specific formation. |
Activate/switch ICLS beacon settings. |
Switch immortality on or off. |
Switch invisibility on or off. |
Set current ROE for the group. |
Set ROT for the group. |
Turn radio on or switch frequency/modulation. |
Activate/switch TACAN beacon settings. |
Teleport the group to a different location. |
Triggers the FSM event "TransportCancel". |
Deactivate ICLS beacon. |
Turn radio off. |
Deactivate TACAN beacon. |
Abs. mission time stamp when the group was ordered to wait. |
NAVYGROUP:_AddCargobay(CargoGroup, CarrierElement, Reserved) |
Add OPSGROUP to cargo bay of a carrier. |
NAVYGROUP:_AddCargobayStorage(CarrierElement, CargoUID, StorageType, StorageAmount, StorageWeight) |
Add warehouse storage to cargo bay of a carrier. |
Add a unit/element to the OPS group. |
Add storage to cargo bay of a carrier. |
Check if awaiting a transport. |
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints. |
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead). |
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead). |
Check ammo is full. |
Check ammo status. |
Check cargo transport assignments. |
Check damage. |
Check if all cargo of this transport assignment was delivered. |
Check detected units. |
Check if all cargo of this transport assignment was delivered. |
Check if passed the final waypoint and, if necessary, update route. |
Check if group is in zones. |
Check if group got stuck. |
Get coordinate from an object. |
Count paused mission. |
NAVYGROUP:_CreateMyCargo(CargoUID, OpsGroup, StorageType, StorageAmount, StorageWeight) |
Add OPSGROUP to cargo bay of a carrier. |
Enhance waypoint table. |
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier. |
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier. |
Remove my lift. |
Get cargo bay item. |
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier. |
Get target group. |
Get/update the (un-)loading zone of the element. |
Get cargo bay data from a cargo data id. |
Get my carrier. |
Get my carrier element. |
Get my carrier group. |
Get cargo transport from cargo queue. |
Get next mission. |
Get next task in queue. |
Get paused mission. |
Get name of ROE corresponding to the numerical value. |
Get the template of the group. |
NAVYGROUP:_GetWeightStorage(Storage, Total, Reserved, Amount) |
Get weight of warehouse storage to transport. |
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints. |
Check if a unit is an element of the flightgroup. |
Check if a group is in the cargo bay. |
Is my carrier reserved. |
Returns a name of a missile category. |
Set (new) cargo status. |
Set (new) carrier status. |
Set passed final waypoint value. |
Function called when a group is passing a waypoint. |
Print info on mission and task status to DCS log file. |
On after "QueueUpdate" event. |
On after "MissionDone" event. |
Remove my carrier. |
Remove paused mission from the table. |
Respawn the group. |
Sandwitch DCS task in stop condition and push the task to the group. |
Set status for all elements (except dead ones). |
Set legion this ops group belongs to. |
Set mission specific options for ROE, Alarm state, etc. |
NAVYGROUP:_SetMyCarrier(CarrierGroup, CarrierElement, Reserved) |
Set my carrier. |
Set the template of the group. |
Set tasks at this waypoint |
Simple task function. |
On after "Loading" event. |
Sort task queue. |
Spawn group from a given template. |
Activate/switch ICLS beacon settings. |
Activate/switch TACAN beacon settings. |
Function called when a task is done. |
Function called when a task is executed. |
NAVYGROUP:_TransferCargo(CargoGroup, CarrierGroup, CarrierElement) |
Transfer cargo from to another carrier. |
Update laser point. |
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead). |
Check if all elements of the group have the same status or are dead. |
Update (DCS) task. |
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints. |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionCancel" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionDone" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionExecute" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "MissionStart" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "Status" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "Stop" after a delay. |
Triggers the FSM event "TransportCancel" after a delay. |
Resume route at first waypoint when final waypoint is reached. |
Initial ammount of ammo. |
Generalized attribute. |
Current callsign settings. |
Callsign alias. |
Default callsign settings. |
Callsign name. |
Table containing OPSGROUP loaded into this group. |
Cargo status of this group acting as cargo. |
Transport zone combo (pickup, deploy etc.) currently used. |
Current cargo transport assignment. |
Unique ID of the transport assignment this cargo group is associated with. |
Table containing cargo groups to be transported. |
Carrier the group is loaded into as cargo. |
Carrier group transporting this group as cargo. |
Carrier loader parameters. |
Carrier status of this group acting as cargo carrier. |
Carrier unloader parameters. |
Set of zones. |
Cohort the group belongs to. |
The DCS controller of the group. |
Current coordinate. |
The current airbase of the flight group, i.e. where it is currently located or landing at. |
The ID (auftragsnummer) of the currently assigned AUFTRAG. |
Current waypoint index. This is the index of the last passed waypoint. |
Time to wait in seconds. Default |
The DCS group object. |
The destination base of the flight group. |
The destination zone of the flight group. Set when final waypoint is in air. |
Set of detected groups. |
Set of detected units. |
If true, detected units of the group are analyzed. |
Table of elements, i.e. units of the group. |
Set of zones in which targets are engaged. Default is anywhere. |
Set of zones in which targets are not engaged. Default is nowhere. |
If |
Max range in NM. Only detected targets within this radius from the group will be engaged. Default is 25 NM. |
Types of target attributes that will be engaged. See DCS enum attributes. Default "All". |
Group object. |
If true, group parameters were initialized. |
Name of the group. |
Heading of the group at last status check. |
Backup of last heading to monitor changes. |
The home base of the flight group. |
The home zone of the flight group. Set when spawn happens in air. |
Current ICLS settings. |
Default ICLS settings. |
Set of zones in which the group is currently in. |
If true, group is purely AI. |
If true, the whole group is dead. |
If true, the whole group was destroyed. |
If true, this is a helicopter group. |
Is the group late activated. |
If |
If true, this is a submarine group. |
Is the group uncontrolled. |
If true, this is capable of Vertical TakeOff and Landing (VTOL). |
If true, group is on pathfinding route. |
Legion the group belongs to. |
Class id string for output to DCS log file. |
Queue of missions. |
MOOSE SRS wrapper. |
Carrier group for this group. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterBoard(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Carrier) |
On after "Board" event. |
On after "Damaged" event. |
On after "Dead" event. |
On after "Delivered" event. |
On after "Destroyed" event. |
On after "DetectedGroup" event. |
On after "DetectedGroupNew" event. |
On after "DetectedUnit" event. |
On after "DetectedUnitNew" event. |
On after "ElementDamaged" event. |
On after "ElementDead" event. |
On after "ElementDestroyed" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterElementHit(From, Event, To, Element, Enemy) |
On after "ElementHit" event. |
On after "ElementInUtero" event. |
On after "EnterZone" event. |
On after "GotoWaypoint" event. |
On after "Hit" event. |
On after "InUtero" event. |
On after "LaserCode" event. |
On after "LaserGotLOS" event. |
On after "LaserLostLOS" event. |
On after "LaserOff" event. |
On after "LaserOn" event. |
On after "LaserPause" event. |
On after "LaserResume" event. |
On after "LeaveZone" event. |
On after "Load" event. |
On after "Loading" event. |
On after "LoadingDone" event. |
On after "MissionCancel" event. |
On after "MissionDone" event. |
On after "MissionExecute" event. |
On after "MissionStart" event. |
On after "OutOfAmmo" event. |
On after "PassedFinalWaypoint" event. |
On after "PassingWaypoint" event. |
On after "PauseMission" event. |
On after "Pickup" event. |
On after "Respawn" event. |
On after "Stop" event. |
On after "TaskCancel" event. |
On after "TaskDone" event. |
On after "TaskExecute" event. |
On after "Transport" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterTransportCancel(From, Event, To, The, Transport) |
On after "TransportCancel" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onafterUnload(From, Event, To, OpsGroup, Coordinate, Activated, Heading) |
On after "Unload" event. |
On after "Unloaded" event. |
On after "Unloading" event. |
On after "UnloadingDone" event. |
On after "UnpauseMission" event. |
On after "Wait" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onbeforeBoard(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Carrier) |
On before "Board" event. |
On before "Dead" event. |
On before "ElementSpawned" event. |
On before "LaserOff" event. |
On before "LaserOn" event. |
On before "LaserResume" event. |
On before "MissionStart" event. |
On before "Stop" event. |
On before "TaskDone" event. |
On before "TaskExecute" event. |
On before "Transport" event. |
NAVYGROUP:onbeforeUnload(From, Event, To, OpsGroup, Coordinate, Heading) |
On before "Unload" event. |
On before "Wait" event. |
Current optional settings. |
Default option settings. |
Orientation at last status check. |
Backup of last orientation to monitor changes. |
Group has passed the final waypoint. |
Paused missions. |
Position of the group at last status check. |
Backup of last position vec to monitor changes. |
Current radio settings. |
Default radio settings. |
Radio queue. |
If |
Cruising speed in km/h. |
Max speed in km/h. |
Speed to the next waypoint in m/s. |
Laser and IR spot. |
If |
Time stamp [sec], when the group got stuck. |
Position where the group got stuck. |
Current TACAN settings. |
Default TACAN settings. |
Running number of task ids. |
ID of current task. If 0, there is no current task assigned. |
Enroute task of the group. |
Paused tasks. |
Queue of tasks. |
Template table of the group. |
Timer for check zones. |
Timer for queue updates. |
Timer for status update. |
Distance traveled in meters. This is a lower bound. |
Time. |
If |
Use SRS for transmissions. |
Verbosity level. 0=silent. |
OpsGroup version. |
Table of waypoints. |
Table of initial waypoints. |
Weapon data table with key=BitType. |
Running number counting waypoints. |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM | Description |
Adds an End state. |
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task. |
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved. |
NAVYGROUP:AddScoreProcess(From, Event, State, ScoreText, Score) |
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved. |
Add a new transition rule to the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns the End states. |
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM. |
Returns a table with the scores defined. |
Returns the start state of the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns a table with the Subs defined. |
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Load call backs. |
Creates a new FSM object. |
Sets the start state of the FSM. |
Add to map. |
Call handler. |
Create transition. |
Delayed transition. |
Event map. |
Go sub. |
Handler. |
Is end state. |
Sub maps. |
Check if can do an event. |
Check if cannot do an event. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Fields and Methods inherited from NAVYGROUP.IntoWind | Description |
Coordinate where we left the route. |
Heading the boat will take in degrees. |
Unique ID of the turn. |
Offset angle in degrees. |
Currently active. |
This turn is over. |
If |
Speed in knots. |
Time to start. |
Time to stop. |
U-turn. |
Turn into wind waypoint. |
Fields and Methods inherited from NAVYGROUP.Target | Description |
Last known coordinate of the target. |
The target. |
the waypoint created to go to the target. |
Alarm state backup. |
ROE backup. |
Queue of "into wind" turns.
Group ammo.
If true, collition warning.
Ordered depth in meters.
Init done.
Counter of into wind IDs.
Use old calculation to determine heading into wind.
Ships are always AI.
Not dead or destroyed yet.
Is (template) group late activated.
Naval groups cannot be uncontrolled.
If true, group is currently path finding.
Set some string id for output to DCS.log file.
Path corrdidor width in meters.
If true, enable pathfining.
Max speed in km/h.
Start check zone timer.
Start queue update timer.
Start the status monitoring.
If true, group is currently turning.
NavyGroup version.
Add a scheduled task.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP TargetGroup
Target group.
#number WeaponExpend
How much weapons does are used.
#number WeaponType
Type of weapon. Default auto.
#string Clock
Time when to start the attack.
#number Prio
Priority of the task.
Return value:
The task data.
Add a scheduled task.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate of the target.
#string Clock
Time when to start the attack.
#number Radius
Radius in meters. Default 100 m.
#number Nshots
Number of shots to fire. Default 3.
#number WeaponType
Type of weapon. Default auto.
#number Prio
Priority of the task.
Return value:
The task data.
Add a waypoint task.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate of the target.
Ops.OpsGroup#OPSGROUP.Waypoint Waypoint
Where the task is executed. Default is next waypoint.
#number Radius
Radius in meters. Default 100 m.
#number Nshots
Number of shots to fire. Default 3.
#number WeaponType
Type of weapon. Default auto.
#number Prio
Priority of the task.
#number Duration
Duration in seconds after which the task is cancelled. Default never.
Return value:
The task table.
Add a time window, where the groups steams into the wind.
Defined in:
#string starttime
Start time, e.g. "8:00" for eight o'clock. Default now.
#string stoptime
Stop time, e.g. "9:00" for nine o'clock. Default 90 minutes after start time.
#number speed
Wind speed on deck in knots during turn into wind leg. Default 20 knots.
#boolean uturn
If true
(or nil
), carrier wil perform a U-turn and go back to where it came from before resuming its route to the next waypoint. If false, it will go directly to the next waypoint.
#number offset
Offset angle clock-wise in degrees, e.g. to account for an angled runway. Default 0 deg. Use around -9.1° for US carriers.
Return value:
Turn into window data table.
Add an a waypoint to the route.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate of the waypoint. Use COORDINATE:SetAltitude()
to define the altitude.
#number Speed
Speed in knots. Default is default cruise speed or 70% of max speed.
#number AfterWaypointWithID
Insert waypoint after waypoint given ID. Default is to insert as last waypoint.
#number Depth
Depth at waypoint in feet. Only for submarines.
#boolean Updateroute
If true or nil, call UpdateRoute. If false, no call.
Return value:
Waypoint table.
Triggers the FSM event "Cruise".
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Triggers the FSM event "Dive".
Defined in:
#number Depth
Dive depth in meters. Default 50 meters.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Extend duration of turn into wind.
Defined in:
#number Duration
Duration in seconds. Default 300 sec.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind TurnIntoWind
(Optional) Turn into window data table. If not given, the currently open one is used (if there is any).
Return value:
Get heading of group into the wind.
This minimizes the cross wind for an angled runway. Implementation based on Mags & Bami work.
Defined in:
#number Offset
Offset angle in degrees, e.g. to account for an angled runway.
#number vdeck
Desired wind speed on deck in Knots.
Return values:
Carrier heading in degrees.
Carrier speed in knots.
Get heading of group into the wind.
This minimizes the cross wind for an angled runway. Implementation based on Mags & Bami work.
Defined in:
#number Offset
Offset angle in degrees, e.g. to account for an angled runway.
#number vdeck
Desired wind speed on deck in Knots.
Return values:
Carrier heading in degrees.
Carrier speed in knots.
Get heading of group into the wind.
Defined in:
#number Offset
Offset angle in degrees, e.g. to account for an angled runway.
#number vdeck
Desired wind speed on deck in Knots.
Return values:
Carrier heading in degrees.
Carrier speed in knots.
Get "Turn Into Wind" data.
You can specify a certain ID.
Defined in:
#number TID
(Optional) Turn Into wind ID. If not given, the currently open "Turn into Wind" data is return (if there is any).
Return value:
Turn into window data table.
Get the turn into wind window, which is currently open.
Defined in:
Return value:
Current into wind data. Could be nil
if there is no window currenly open.
Get the next turn into wind window, which is not yet running.
Defined in:
Return value:
Next into wind data. Could be nil
if there is not next window.
Get wind direction and speed at current position.
Defined in:
#number Altitude
Altitude in meters above main sea level at which the wind is calculated. Default 18 meters.
Return values:
Direction the wind is blowing from in degrees.
Wind speed in m/s.
Check if the group is currently cruising.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group cruising.
Check if the group is currently diving.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is currently diving.
Check if the group is currently holding its positon.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group was ordered to hold.
Check if the group is currently launching aircraft.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is currently launching.
Check if the group is currently on a detour.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is on a detour
Check if the group is currently recovering aircraft.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is currently recovering.
Check if the group is currently steaming into the wind.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is currently steaming into the wind.
Check if the group is currently turning.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is currently turning.
Create a new NAVYGROUP class object.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP group
The group object. Can also be given by its group name as #string
Return value:
On after "ClearAhead" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "CollisionWarning" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Cruise" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
On after "Dive" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Depth
Dive depth in meters. Default 50 meters.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
On after "Surface" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
On after "TurnIntoWind" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind Into
wind parameters.
On after "TurnIntoWindOver" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind IntoWindData
Data table.
On after "TurnIntoWindStop" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TurnedIntoWind" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TurningStarted" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TurningStopped" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Remove steam into wind window from queue.
If the window is currently active, it is stopped first.
Defined in:
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind IntoWindData
Turn into window data table.
Return value:
Set if old into wind calculation is used when carrier turns into the wind for a recovery.
Defined in:
#boolean SwitchOn
If true
or nil
, use old into wind calculation.
Return value:
Enable/disable pathfinding.
Defined in:
#boolean Switch
If true, enable pathfinding.
#number CorridorWidth
Corridor with in meters. Default 400 m.
Return value:
Disable pathfinding.
Enable pathfinding.
Defined in:
#number CorridorWidth
Corridor with in meters. Default 400 m.
Return value:
Group patrols ad inifintum.
If the last waypoint is reached, it will go to waypoint one and repeat its route.
Defined in:
#boolean switch
If true or nil, patrol until the end of time. If false, go along the waypoints once and stop.
Return value:
Triggers the FSM event "Surface".
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWind".
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindOver".
Check for possible collisions between two coordinates.
Defined in:
#number DistanceMax
Max distance in meters ahead to check. Default 5000.
#number dx
Return value:
Free distance in meters.
Create a turn into wind window.
Note that this is not executed as it not added to the queue.
Defined in:
#string starttime
Start time, e.g. "8:00" for eight o'clock. Default now.
#string stoptime
Stop time, e.g. "9:00" for nine o'clock. Default 90 minutes after start time.
#number speed
Speed in knots during turn into wind leg.
#boolean uturn
If true (or nil), carrier wil perform a U-turn and go back to where it came from before resuming its route to the next waypoint. If false, it will go directly to the next waypoint.
#number offset
Offset angle in degrees, e.g. to account for an angled runway. Default 0 deg.
Return value:
Recovery window.
Find free path to next waypoint.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, a path was found.
Initialize group parameters.
Also initializes waypoints if self.waypoints is nil.
Defined in:
#table Template
Template used to init the group. Default is self.template
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before group is initialized. Default nil
, i.e. instantaneous.
Return value:
Triggers the FSM event "ClearAhead" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Triggers the FSM event "CollisionWarning" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Triggers the FSM event "Cruise" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Triggers the FSM event "Dive" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
#number Depth
Dive depth in meters. Default 50 meters.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Triggers the FSM event "Surface" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWind" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind Into
wind parameters.
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindOver" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind IntoWindData
Data table.
Triggers the FSM event "TurnIntoWindStop" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Triggers the FSM event "TurnedIntoWind" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStarted" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Triggers the FSM event "TurningStopped" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
On after "CollisionWarning" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Distance
Distance in meters where obstacle was detected.
On after "Cruise" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached. Default is speed set for waypoint.
On after "Detour" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where to go.
#number Speed
Speed in knots. Default cruise speed.
#number Depth
Depth in meters. Default 0 meters.
#number ResumeRoute
If true, resume route after detour point was reached. If false, the group will stop at the detour point and wait for futher commands.
On after "DetourReached" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Disengage" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Dive" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Depth
Dive depth in meters. Default 50 meters.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
On after "ElementSpawned" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.OpsGroup#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The group element.
On after "EngageTarget" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Group
the group to be engaged.
On after "FullStop" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "OutOfAmmo" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "RTZ" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone to return to.
#number Formation
Formation of the group.
On after "Returned" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Spawned" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Surface" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Speed
Speed in knots until next waypoint is reached.
On after "TurnIntoWind" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind Into
wind parameters.
On after "TurnIntoWindOver" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#NAVYGROUP.IntoWind IntoWindData
Data table.
On after "TurnIntoWindStop" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TurningStarted" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TurningStarted" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "UpdateRoute" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number n
Next waypoint index. Default is the one coming after that one that has been passed last.
#number N
Waypoint Max waypoint index to be included in the route. Default is the final waypoint.
#number Speed
Speed in knots to the next waypoint.
#number Depth
Depth in meters to the next waypoint.
On before "TurnIntoWindStop" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On before "UpdateRoute" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number n
Next waypoint index. Default is the one coming after that one that has been passed last.
#number N
Waypoint Max waypoint index to be included in the route. Default is the final waypoint.
#number Speed
Speed in knots to the next waypoint.
#number Depth
Depth in meters to the next waypoint.
Queue of "into wind" turns.
Group ammo.
If true, collition warning.
Ordered depth in meters.
Init done.
Counter of into wind IDs.
Use old calculation to determine heading into wind.
Ships are always AI.
Not dead or destroyed yet.
Is (template) group late activated.
Naval groups cannot be uncontrolled.
If true, group is currently path finding.
Set some string id for output to DCS.log file.
Path corrdidor width in meters.
If true, enable pathfining.
Max speed in km/h.
Start check zone timer.
Start queue update timer.
Start the status monitoring.
If true, group is currently turning.
NavyGroup version.
Activate a late activated group.
Defined in:
#number delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the group is activated. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Add a zone that triggers and event if the group enters or leaves any of the zones.
Add mission to queue.
Create a cargo transport assignment.
Defined in:
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT OpsTransport
The troop transport assignment.
Return value:
Add a scheduled task.
Defined in:
#table task
DCS task table structure.
#string clock
Mission time when task is executed. Default in 5 seconds. If argument passed as #number, it defines a relative delay in seconds.
#string description
Brief text describing the task, e.g. "Attack SAM".
#number prio
Priority of the task.
#number duration
Duration before task is cancelled in seconds counted after task started. Default never.
Return value:
The task structure.
Add an enroute task.
Add a waypoint task.
Defined in:
#table task
DCS task table structure.
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint Waypoint
where the task is executed. Default is the at next waypoint.
#string description
Brief text describing the task, e.g. "Attack SAM".
#number prio
Priority of the task. Number between 1 and 100. Default is 50.
#number duration
Duration before task is cancelled in seconds counted after task started. Default never.
Return value:
The task structure.
Add a weapon range for ARTY auftrag.
Defined in:
#number RangeMin
Minimum range in nautical miles. Default 0 NM.
#number RangeMax
Maximum range in nautical miles. Default 10 NM.
#number BitType
Bit mask of weapon type for which the given min/max ranges apply. Default is ENUMS.WeaponFlag.Auto
, i.e. for all weapon types.
#function ConversionToMeters
Function that converts input units of ranges to meters. Defaul UTILS.NMToMeters
Return value:
Add weight to the internal cargo of an element of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#number Weight
Cargo weight to be added in kg.
Check if the group can in principle be carrier of a cargo group.
This checks the max cargo capacity of the group but not how much cargo is already loaded (if any). Note that the cargo group cannot be split into units, i.e. the largest cargo bay of any element of the group must be able to load the whole cargo group in one piece.
Defined in:
Cargo data, which needs a carrier.
Return value:
If true
, there is an element of the group that can load the whole cargo group.
Cancel all missions in mission queue that are not already done or cancelled.
Defined in:
Check if task description is unique.
Defined in:
#string description
Task destription
Return value:
If true, no other task has the same description.
Clear DCS tasks.
Clear waypoints.
Defined in:
#number IndexMin
Clear waypoints up to this min WP index. Default 1.
#number IndexMax
Clear waypoints up to this max WP index. Default #self.waypoints
Count elements of the group.
Defined in:
#table States
(Optional) Only count elements in specific states. Can also be a single state passed as #string.
Return value:
Number of elements.
Count remaining missons.
Count the number of tasks that still pending in the queue.
Defined in:
Return values:
Total number of tasks remaining.
Number of SCHEDULED tasks remaining.
Number of WAYPOINT tasks remaining.
Count remaining cargo transport assignments.
Defined in:
Return value:
Number of unfinished transports in the queue.
Count remaining waypoint tasks.
Defined in:
#number uid
Unique waypoint ID.
Return value:
Number of waypoint tasks.
Deactivate the group.
Group will be respawned in late activated state.
Defined in:
#number delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the group is deactivated. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Delete a cargo transport assignment from the cargo queue.
Defined in:
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT CargoTransport
Cargo transport do be deleted.
Return value:
Despawn the group.
The whole group is despawned and a "Remove Unit
" event is generated for all current units of the group.
If no Remove Unit
event should be generated, the second optional parameter needs to be set to true
If this group belongs to an AIRWING, BRIGADE or FLEET, it will be added to the warehouse stock if the NoEventRemoveUnit
parameter is false
or nil
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the group will be despawned. Default immediately.
#boolean NoEventRemoveUnit
If true
, no event "Remove Unit" is generated.
Return value:
Despawn an element/unit of the group.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The element that will be despawned.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the element will be despawned. Default immediately.
#boolean NoEventRemoveUnit
If true, no event "Remove Unit" is generated.
Return value:
Despawn a unit of the group.
A "Remove Unit" event is generated by default.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the group will be despawned. Default immediately.
#boolean NoEventRemoveUnit
If true, no event "Remove Unit" is generated.
Return value:
Destroy group.
The whole group is despawned and a Unit Lost for aircraft or Dead event for ground/naval units is generated for all current units.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the group will be destroyed. Default immediately.
Return value:
Destroy a unit of the group.
A Unit Lost for aircraft or Dead event for ground/naval units is generated.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit which should be destroyed.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the group will be destroyed. Default immediately.
Return value:
Find carrier for cargo by evaluating the free cargo bay storage.
Defined in:
#number Weight
Weight of cargo in kg.
Return value:
Carrier able to transport the cargo.
Get 2D distance to a coordinate.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Can also be a DCS#Vec2 or DCS#Vec3.
Return value:
Distance in meters.
Get current Alarm State of the group.
Set current altitude.
Get inital amount of ammunition.
Get the number of shells a unit or group currently has.
For a group the ammo count of all units is summed up.
Get total amount of ammunition of the whole group.
Get the number of shells a unit or group currently has.
For a group the ammo count of all units is summed up.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT unit
The unit object.
#boolean display
Display ammo table as message to all. Default false.
Return value:
Ammo data.
Get generalized attribute.
Get current TACAN parameters.
Get callsign of the first element alive.
Defined in:
#boolean ShortCallsign
If true, append major flight number only
#boolean Keepnumber
(Player only) If true, and using a customized callsign in the #GROUP name after an #-sign, use all of that information.
#table CallsignTranslations
(optional) Translation table between callsigns
Return value:
Callsign name, e.g. Uzi11, or "Ghostrider11".
Get all groups currently loaded as cargo.
Defined in:
#string CarrierName
(Optional) Only return cargo groups loaded into a particular carrier unit.
Return value:
Cargo ops groups.
Get OPSGROUPs in the cargo bay.
Get coalition.
Get current coordinate of the group.
If the current position cannot be determined, the last known position is returned.
Defined in:
#boolean NewObject
Create a new coordiante object.
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get position of a specifc unit of the group. Default is the first existing unit in the group.
Return value:
The coordinate (of the first unit) of the group.
Get a coordinate, which is in weapon range.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE TargetCoord
Coordinate of the target.
#number WeaponBitType
Weapon type.
Core.Point#COORDINATE RefCoord
Reference coordinate.
#table SurfaceTypes
Valid surfaces types of the coordinate. Default any (nil).
Return value:
Coordinate in weapon range
Get default cruise speed.
Get DCS GROUP object.
Get DCS group object.
Get DCS GROUP object.
Defined in:
#number UnitNumber
Number of the unit in the group. Default first unit.
Return value:
DCS group object.
Get DCS units.
Get set of detected groups.
Get set of detected units.
Get distance to waypoint.
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index. Default is the next waypoint.
Return value:
Distance in meters.
Get current EPLRS state.
Get the first element of a group, which is alive.
Defined in:
Return value:
The element or #nil
if no element is alive any more.
Get the element of a group.
Defined in:
#string unitname
Name of unit.
Return value:
The element.
Get the bounding box of the element.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of unit.
Return value:
Bounding box polygon zone.
Get the loading zone of the element.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of unit.
Return value:
Bounding box polygon zone.
Get the unloading zone of the element.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of unit.
Return value:
Bounding box polygon zone.
Get current emission state.
Returns the currently expected speed.
Get free cargo bay weight.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#boolean IncludeReserved
If false
, cargo weight that is only reserved is not counted. By default (true
or nil
), the reserved cargo is included.
Return value:
Free cargo bay in kg.
Get max weight of cargo (group) this group can load.
This is the largest free cargo bay of any (not dead) element of the group. Optionally, you can calculate the current max weight possible, which accounts for currently loaded cargo.
Defined in:
#boolean Currently
If true, calculate the max weight currently possible in case there is already cargo loaded.
Return value:
Max weight in kg.
Get relative free cargo bay in percent.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#boolean IncludeReserved
If false
, cargo weight that is only reserved is not counted. By default (true
or nil
), the reserved cargo is included.
Return value:
Free cargo bay in percent.
Get MOOSE GROUP object.
Get current heading of the group or (optionally) of a specific unit of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get heading of a specific unit of the group. Default is from the first existing unit in the group.
Return value:
Current heading of the group in degrees.
Get highest threat.
Defined in:
Return values:
Get LASER code.
Get current LASER coordinate, i.e.
where the beam is pointing at if the LASER is on.
Defined in:
Return value:
Current position where the LASER is pointing at.
Get current target of the LASER.
This can be a STATIC or UNIT object.
Defined in:
Return value:
Current target object.
Returns the absolute total life points of the group.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
(Optional) Only get life points of this element.
Return values:
Life points, i.e. the sum of life points over all units in the group (unless a specific element was passed).
Initial life points.
Get mission by its id (auftragsnummer).
Defined in:
#number id
Mission id (auftragsnummer).
Return value:
The mission.
Get mission by its task id.
Defined in:
#number taskid
The id of the (waypoint) task of the mission.
Return value:
The mission.
Get current mission.
Get the group name.
Get number of elements alive.
Defined in:
#string status
(Optional) Only count number, which are in a special status.
Return value:
Number of elements.
Get coordinate of next waypoint of the group.
Defined in:
#boolean cyclic
If true, return first waypoint if last waypoint was reached.
Return value:
Coordinate of the next waypoint.
Get cargo transport assignment from the cargo queue by its unique ID.
Defined in:
#number uid
Unique ID of the transport
Return value:
Get current orientation of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get orientation of a specific unit of the group. Default is the first existing unit of the group.
Return values:
Get current "X" orientation of the first unit in the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get orientation of a specific unit of the group. Default is the first existing unit of the group.
Return value:
Orientation X parallel to where the "nose" is pointing.
Get current ROE of the group.
Get current ROT of the group.
Get current Radio frequency and modulation.
Defined in:
Return values:
Radio frequency in MHz or nil.
Radio modulation or nil.
If true, the radio is on. Otherwise, radio is turned off.
Get default cruise speed.
Returns a non-zero speed to the next waypoint (even if the waypoint speed is zero).
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Speed to next waypoint (>0) in knots.
Get current TACAN parameters.
Defined in:
Return values:
TACAN channel.
TACAN Morse code.
TACAN band ("X" or "Y").
TACAN is On (true) or Off (false).
UnitName Name of the unit acting as beacon.
Get task by its id.
Defined in:
#number id
Task id.
#string status
(Optional) Only return tasks with this status, e.g. OPSGROUP.TaskStatus.SCHEDULED.
Return value:
The task or nil.
Get the currently executed task if there is any.
Get the unfinished waypoint tasks
Defined in:
#number id
Unique waypoint ID.
Return value:
Table of tasks. Table could also be empty {}.
Get highest detected threat.
Detection must be turned on. The threat level is a number between 0 and 10, where 0 is the lowest, e.g. unarmed units.
Defined in:
#number ThreatLevelMin
Only consider threats with level greater or equal to this number. Default 1 (so unarmed units wont be considered).
#number ThreatLevelMax
Only consider threats with level smaller or queal to this number. Default 10.
Return values:
Highest threat unit detected by the group or nil
if no threat is currently detected.
Threat level.
Get time to waypoint based on current velocity.
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index. Default is the next waypoint.
Return value:
Time in seconds. If velocity is 0
Get MOOSE UNIT object.
Defined in:
#number UnitNumber
Number of the unit in the group. Default first unit.
Return value:
The MOOSE UNIT object.
Get relative used (loaded) cargo bay in percent.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#boolean IncludeReserved
If false
, cargo weight that is only reserved is not counted. By default (true
or nil
), the reserved cargo is included.
Return value:
Used cargo bay in percent.
Get current 2D position vector of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get position of a specifc unit of the group. Default is the first existing unit in the group.
Return value:
Vector with x,y components.
Get current 3D position vector of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get position of a specifc unit of the group. Default is the first existing unit in the group.
Return value:
Vector with x,y,z components.
Get current velocity of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
(Optional) Get velocity of a specific unit of the group. Default is from the first existing unit in the group.
Return value:
Velocity in m/s.
Get waypoint.
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Waypoint table.
Get the waypoint from its unique ID.
Defined in:
#number uid
Waypoint unique ID.
Return value:
Waypoint data.
Get the waypoint from its index.
Defined in:
#number index
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Waypoint data.
Get waypoint coordinates.
Defined in:
#number index
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Coordinate of the next waypoint.
Get current waypoint.
Get current waypoint UID.
Get final waypoint.
Get unique ID of waypoint given its index.
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Unique ID.
Get the waypoint index (its position in the current waypoints table).
Defined in:
#number uid
Waypoint unique ID.
Return value:
Waypoint data.
Get waypoint index after waypoint with given ID.
So if the waypoint has index 3 it will return 4.
Defined in:
#number uid
Unique ID of the waypoint. Default is new waypoint index after the last current one.
Return value:
Index after waypoint with given ID.
Get current waypoint index.
This is the index of the last passed waypoint.
Get next waypoint index.
Defined in:
#boolean cyclic
If true
, return first waypoint if last waypoint was reached. Default is patrol ad infinitum value set.
#number i
Waypoint index from which the next index is returned. Default is the last waypoint passed.
Return value:
Next waypoint index.
Get next waypoint.
Defined in:
#boolean cyclic
If true, return first waypoint if last waypoint was reached.
Return value:
Next waypoint table.
Get waypoint speed.
Defined in:
#number indx
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Speed set at waypoint in knots.
Get unique ID of waypoint.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint waypoint
The waypoint data table.
Return value:
Unique ID.
Get the waypoint UID from its index, i.e.
its current position in the waypoints table.
Defined in:
#number index
Waypoint index.
Return value:
Unique waypoint ID.
Get the waypoints.
Get weapon data.
Defined in:
#number BitType
Type of weapon.
Return value:
Weapon range data.
Get weight of the internal cargo the group is carriing right now.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#boolean IncludeReserved
If false
, cargo weight that is only reserved is not counted. By default (true
or nil
), the reserved cargo is included.
Return value:
Cargo weight in kg.
Get max weight of the internal cargo the group can carry.
Optionally, the max cargo weight of a specific unit can be requested.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
Return value:
Max cargo weight in kg. This does not include any cargo loaded or reserved currently.
Get total weight of the group including cargo.
Optionally, the total weight of a specific unit can be requested.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit. Default is of the whole group.
#boolean IncludeReserved
If false
, cargo weight that is only reserved is not counted. By default (true
or nil
), the reserved cargo is included.
Return value:
Total weight in kg.
Check if an element of the group has line of sight to a coordinate.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The position to which we check the LoS. Can also be a DCS#Vec3.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The (optinal) element. If not given, all elements are checked.
DCS#Vec3 OffsetElement
Offset vector of the element.
DCS#Vec3 OffsetCoordinate
Offset vector of the coordinate.
Return value:
If true
, there is line of sight to the specified coordinate.
Check if this group has passed its final waypoint.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, this group has passed the final waypoint.
Returns true if the DCS controller currently has a task.
Defined in:
Return value:
True or false if the controller has a task. Nil if no controller.
Check if a given coordinate is in weapon range.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE TargetCoord
Coordinate of the target.
#number WeaponBitType
Weapon type.
Core.Point#COORDINATE RefCoord
Reference coordinate.
Return value:
If true
, coordinate is in range.
Check if group is activated.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, the group exists or false if the group does not exist. If nil, the DCS group could not be found.
Check if group is alive.
Defined in:
Return value:
true if group is exists and is activated, false if group is exist but is NOT activated. nil otherwise, e.g. the GROUP object is nil or the group is not spawned yet.
Check if this is a ARMYGROUP.
Check if awaiting a transport lift.
Defined in:
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT Transport
(Optional) The transport.
Return value:
If true, group is awaiting transport lift..
Check if the group is currently boarding a carrier.
Defined in:
#string CarrierGroupName
(Optional) Additionally check if group is boarding this particular carrier group.
Return value:
If true, group is boarding.
Check if the group is currently busy doing something.
- Boarding
- Rearming
- Returning
- Pickingup, Loading, Transporting, Unloading
- Engageing
Check if the group is assigned as cargo.
Defined in:
#boolean CheckTransport
If true
or nil
, also check if cargo is associated with a transport assignment. If not, we consider it not cargo.
Return value:
If true, group is cargo.
Check if the group is a carrier.
Check if group is dead.
Could be destroyed or despawned. FSM state of dead group is InUtero
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, all units/elements of the group are dead.
Check if group was destroyed.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, all units/elements of the group were destroyed.
Check if the group is engaging another unit or group.
Check if group is exists.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, the group exists or false if the group does not exist. If nil, the DCS group could not be found.
Check if this is a FLIGHTGROUP.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, this is an airplane or helo group.
Check if group is in state in utero.
Note that dead groups are also in utero but will return false
Check if group is currently inside a zone.
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone.
Return value:
If true, group is in this zone
Check if the group has currently switched a LASER on.
Check if this group is currently "late activated" and needs to be "activated" to appear in the mission.
Check if the group is currently loaded into a carrier.
Defined in:
#string CarrierGroupName
(Optional) Additionally check if group is loaded into a particular carrier group(s).
Return value:
If true, group is loaded.
Check if the group is loading cargo.
Check if a given mission is already in the queue.
Defined in:
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
the mission to check
Return value:
If true
, the mission is in the queue.
Check if a given mission type is already in the queue.
Defined in:
#string MissionType
MissionType Type of mission.
Return value:
If true
, the mission type is in the queue.
Check if this is a NAVYGROUP.
Check if the group is not cargo.
Defined in:
#boolean CheckTransport
If true
or nil
, also check if cargo is associated with a transport assignment. If not, we consider it not cargo.
Return value:
If true, group is not cargo.
Check if the group is not a carrier yet.
Check if group is currently on a mission.
Defined in:
#number MissionUID
(Optional) Check if group is currently on a mission with this UID. Default is to check for any current mission.
Return value:
If true
, group is currently on a mission.
Check if the group is completely out of ammo.
Check if the group is out of bombs.
Check if the group is out of guns.
Check if the group is out of missiles.
Check if the group is out of torpedos.
Check if the group is picking up cargo.
Check if the group is currently rearming or on its way to the rearming place.
Check if the group is retreated (has reached its retreat zone).
Check if the group is currently retreating or retreated.
Defined in:
Return value:
If true, group is retreating or retreated.
Check if the group is currently returning to a zone.
Check if group is in state spawned.
Check if FSM is stopped.
Check if target is detected.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Positionable#POSITIONABLE TargetObject
The target object.
Return value:
If true
, target was detected.
Check if the group is transporting cargo.
Check if this group is currently "uncontrolled" and needs to be "started" to begin its route.
Check if the group is unloading cargo.
Check if group is currently waiting.
Set detection on or off.
If detection is on, detected targets of the group will be evaluated and FSM events triggered.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Positionable#POSITIONABLE TargetObject
The target object.
#boolean KnowType
Make type known.
#boolean KnowDist
Make distance known.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the target is known.
Return value:
Mark waypoints on F10 map.
Defined in:
#number Duration
Duration in seconds how long the waypoints are displayed before they are automatically removed. Default is that they are never removed.
Return value:
Triggers the FSM event "MissionCancel".
Triggers the FSM event "MissionDone".
Triggers the FSM event "MissionExecute".
Triggers the FSM event "MissionStart".
Create a new OPSGROUP class object.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP group
The GROUP object. Can also be given by its group name as #string
Return value:
Create a scheduled task.
Defined in:
#table task
DCS task table structure.
#string clock
Mission time when task is executed. Default in 5 seconds. If argument passed as #number, it defines a relative delay in seconds.
#string description
Brief text describing the task, e.g. "Attack SAM".
#number prio
Priority of the task.
#number duration
Duration before task is cancelled in seconds counted after task started. Default never.
Return value:
The task structure.
On After "DetectedGroup" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#Group Group
Detected Group.
On After "DetectedGroupKnown" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#Group Group
Known detected group.
On After "DetectedGroupLost" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#Group Group
Lost detected group.
On After "DetectedGroupNew" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#Group Group
Newly detected group.
On After "DetectedUnit" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#Unit Unit
Detected Unit.
On After "DetectedUnitKnown" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#Unit Unit
Known detected unit.
On After "DetectedUnitLost" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#Unit Unit
Lost detected unit.
On After "DetectedUnitNew" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#Unit Unit
Newly detected unit.
On after "HoverEnd" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "HoverStart" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "MissionCancel" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission.
On after "MissionDone" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission.
On after "MissionExecute" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission.
On after "MissionStart" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission.
On after "TransportCancel" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT Transport
The transport.
Event function handling the birth of a unit.
Event function handling the dead of a unit.
Event function handling the hit of a unit.
Event function handling the event that a unit achieved a kill.
Event function handling when a unit is removed from the game.
Event function handling when a unit is removed from the game.
Push DCS task.
Defined in:
#table DCSTask
DCS task structure.
Return value:
Send a radio transmission via SRS Text-To-Speech.
Defined in:
#string Text
Text of transmission.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the transmission is started.
#boolean SayCallsign
If true
, the callsign is prepended to the given text. Default false
#number Frequency
Override sender frequency, helpful when you need multiple radios from the same sender. Default is the frequency set for the OpsGroup.
Return value:
Reduce weight to the internal cargo of an element of the group.
Defined in:
#string UnitName
Name of the unit.
#number Weight
Cargo weight to be reduced in kg.
Remove mission from queue.
Remove task from task queue.
Defined in:
The task to be removed from the queue.
Return value:
True if task could be removed.
Remove a waypoint.
Defined in:
#number wpindex
Waypoint number.
Return value:
Remove a waypoint with a ceratin UID.
Defined in:
#number uid
Waypoint UID.
Return value:
Remove waypoints markers on the F10 map.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the markers are removed. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Return group back to the legion it belongs to.
Group is despawned and added back to the stock.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before the group will be despawned. Default immediately
Return value:
Route group along waypoints.
Defined in:
#table waypoints
Table of waypoints.
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Return value:
Route group to mission.
Defined in:
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG mission
The mission table.
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Self destruction of group.
An explosion is created at the position of each element.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds. Default now.
#number ExplosionPower
(Optional) Explosion power in kg TNT. Default 100 kg.
#string ElementName
Name of the element that should be destroyed. Default is all elements.
Return value:
Set current altitude.
Defined in:
#number Altitude
Altitude in feet. Default is 10,000 ft for airplanes and 1,500 feet for helicopters.
#boolean Keep
If true
the group will maintain that speed on passing waypoints. If nil
or false
the group will return to the speed as defined by their route.
Return value:
Set max weight that each unit of the group can handle.
Defined in:
#number Weight
Max weight of cargo in kg the unit can carry.
#string UnitName
Name of the Unit. If not given, weight is set for all units of the group.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is an all aspect loader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a back loader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a front loader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a port (left side) loader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a starboard (right side) loader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is an all aspect unloader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a back unloader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a front unloader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a port (left side) unloader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Set that this carrier is a starboard (right side) unloader.
Defined in:
#number Length
Length of loading zone in meters. Default 50 m.
#number Width
Width of loading zone in meters. Default 20 m.
Return value:
Define a SET of zones that trigger and event if the group enters or leaves any of the zones.
Set the default Alarm State for the group.
This is the state gets when the group is spawned or to which it defaults back after a mission.
Defined in:
#number alarmstate
Alarm state of group. Default is AI.Option.Ground.val.ALARM_STATE.AUTO
Return value:
Set default cruise altitude.
Defined in:
#number Altitude
Altitude in feet. Default is 10,000 ft for airplanes and 1,500 feet for helicopters.
Return value:
Set default callsign.
Defined in:
#number CallsignName
Callsign name.
#number CallsignNumber
Callsign number. Default 1.
Return value:
Set the default EPLRS for the group.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
, EPLRS is on by default. If false
default EPLRS setting is off. If nil
, default is on if group has EPLRS and off if it does not have a datalink.
Return value:
Set the default emission state for the group.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
, EPLRS is on by default. If false
default EPLRS setting is off. If nil
, default is on if group has EPLRS and off if it does not have a datalink.
Return value:
Set default formation.
Defined in:
#number Formation
The formation the groups flies in.
Return value:
Set default ICLS parameters.
Defined in:
#number Channel
ICLS channel. Default is 1.
#string Morse
Morse code. Default "XXX".
#string UnitName
Name of the unit acting as beacon.
#boolean OffSwitch
If true, TACAN is off by default.
Return value:
Set the default immortal for the group.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
, group is immortal by default.
Return value:
Set the default invisible for the group.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
, group is ivisible by default.
Return value:
Set the default ROE for the group.
This is the ROE state gets when the group is spawned or to which it defaults back after a mission.
Defined in:
#number roe
ROE of group. Default is ENUMS.ROE.ReturnFire
Return value:
Set the default ROT for the group.
This is the ROT state gets when the group is spawned or to which it defaults back after a mission.
Defined in:
#number rot
ROT of group. Default is ENUMS.ROT.PassiveDefense
Return value:
Set default Radio frequency and modulation.
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Radio frequency in MHz. Default 251 MHz.
#number Modulation
Radio modulation. Default radio.modulation.AM
#boolean OffSwitch
If true, radio is OFF by default.
Return value:
Set default cruise speed.
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in knots.
Return value:
Set default TACAN parameters.
Defined in:
#number Channel
TACAN channel. Default is 74.
#string Morse
Morse code. Default "XXX".
#string UnitName
Name of the unit acting as beacon.
#string Band
TACAN mode. Default is "X" for ground and "Y" for airborne units.
#boolean OffSwitch
If true, TACAN is off by default.
Return value:
Set detection on or off.
If detection is on, detected targets of the group will be evaluated and FSM events triggered.
Defined in:
#boolean Switch
If true
, detection is on. If false
or nil
, detection is off. Default is off.
Return value:
Disable to automatically engage detected targets.
Enable to automatically engage detected targets.
Defined in:
#number RangeMax
Max range in NM. Only detected targets within this radius from the group will be engaged. Default is 25 NM.
#table TargetTypes
Types of target attributes that will be engaged. See DCS enum attributes. Default "All".
Core.Set#SET_ZONE EngageZoneSet
Set of zones in which targets are engaged. Default is anywhere.
Core.Set#SET_ZONE NoEngageZoneSet
Set of zones in which targets are not engaged. Default is nowhere.
Return value:
Set LASER parameters.
Defined in:
#number Code
Laser code. Default 1688.
#boolean CheckLOS
Check if lasing unit has line of sight to target coordinate. Default is true
#boolean IROff
If true, then dont switch on the additional IR pointer.
#number UpdateTime
Time interval in seconds the beam gets up for moving targets. Default every 0.5 sec.
Return value:
Set LASER target.
Defined in:
The target to lase. Can also be a COORDINATE object.
Set that group is going to rearm once it runs out of ammo.
Set that group is retreating once it runs out of ammo.
Set that group is return to legion once it runs out of ammo.
[GROUND, NAVAL] Set whether this group should return to its legion once all mission etc are finished.
Only for ground and naval groups. Aircraft will
Defined in:
#boolean Switch
If true
or nil
, group will return. If false
, group will not return and stay where it finishes its last mission.
Return value:
Use SRS Simple-Text-To-Speech for transmissions.
Defined in:
#string PathToSRS
Path to SRS directory.
#string Gender
Gender: "male" or "female" (default).
#string Culture
Culture, e.g. "en-GB" (default).
#string Voice
Specific voice. Overrides Gender
and Culture
#number Port
SRS port. Default 5002.
#string PathToGoogleKey
Full path to the google credentials JSON file, e.g. "C:\Users\myUsername\Downloads\key.json"
#string Label
Label of the SRS comms for the SRS Radio overlay. Defaults to "ROBOT". No spaces allowed!
#number Volume
Volume to be set, 0.0 = silent, 1.0 = loudest. Defaults to 1.0
Return value:
Set current speed.
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in knots. Default is 70% of max speed.
#boolean Keep
If true
the group will maintain that speed on passing waypoints. If nil
or false
the group will return to the speed as defined by their route.
#boolean AltCorrected
If true
, use altitude corrected indicated air speed.
Return value:
Set DCS task.
Enroute tasks are injected automatically.
Defined in:
#table DCSTask
DCS task structure.
Return value:
Set verbosity level.
Defined in:
#number VerbosityLevel
Level of output (higher=more). Default 0.
Return value:
Triggers the FSM event "Stop".
Stops the OPSGROUP and all its event handlers.
Defined in:
Set current Alarm State of the group.
- 0 = "Auto"
- 1 = "Green"
- 2 = "Red"
Defined in:
#number alarmstate
Alarm state of group. Default is 0="Auto".
Return value:
Switch to a specific callsign.
Defined in:
#number CallsignName
Callsign name.
#number CallsignNumber
Callsign number.
Return value:
Switch EPLRS datalink on or off.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
or nil
, switch EPLRS on. If false
EPLRS switched off.
Return value:
Switch emission on or off.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
or nil
, switch emission on. If false
emission switched off.
Return value:
Switch to a specific formation.
Defined in:
#number Formation
New formation the group will fly in. Default is the setting of SetDefaultFormation()
Return value:
Activate/switch ICLS beacon settings.
Defined in:
#number Channel
ICLS Channel. Default is what is set in SetDefaultICLS()
so usually channel 1.
#string Morse
ICLS morse code. Default is what is set in SetDefaultICLS()
so usually "XXX".
#string UnitName
Name of the unit in the group which should activate the ICLS beacon. Can also be given as #number to specify the unit number. Default is the first unit of the group.
Return value:
Switch immortality on or off.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
or nil
, switch immortality on. If false
immortality switched off.
Return value:
Switch invisibility on or off.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOffSwitch
If true
or nil
, switch invisibliity on. If false
invisibility switched off.
Return value:
Set current ROE for the group.
Defined in:
#string roe
ROE of group. Default is value set in SetDefaultROE
(usually ENUMS.ROE.ReturnFire
Return value:
Set ROT for the group.
Defined in:
#string rot
ROT of group. Default is value set in :SetDefaultROT
(usually ENUMS.ROT.PassiveDefense
Return value:
Turn radio on or switch frequency/modulation.
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Radio frequency in MHz. Default is value set in SetDefaultRadio
(usually 251 MHz).
#number Modulation
Radio modulation. Default is value set in SetDefaultRadio
(usually radio.modulation.AM
Return value:
Activate/switch TACAN beacon settings.
Defined in:
#number Channel
TACAN Channel.
#string Morse
TACAN morse code. Default is the value set in OPSGROUP.SetDefaultTACAN or if not set "XXX".
#string UnitName
Name of the unit in the group which should activate the TACAN beacon. Can also be given as #number to specify the unit number. Default is the first unit of the group.
#string Band
TACAN channel mode "X" or "Y". Default is "Y" for aircraft and "X" for ground and naval groups.
Return value:
Teleport the group to a different location.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where the group is teleported to.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before respawn happens. Default 0.
#boolean NoPauseMission
If true
, dont pause a running mission.
Return value:
Triggers the FSM event "TransportCancel".
Deactivate ICLS beacon.
Turn radio off.
Deactivate TACAN beacon.
Add OPSGROUP to cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP CargoGroup
Cargo group.
#OPSGROUP.Element CarrierElement
The element of the carrier.
#boolean Reserved
Only reserve the cargo bay space.
Add warehouse storage to cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element CarrierElement
The element of the carrier.
#number CargoUID
UID of the cargo data.
#string StorageType
Storage type.
#number StorageAmount
Storage amount.
#number StorageWeight
Weight of a single storage item in kg.
Add a unit/element to the OPS group.
Defined in:
#string unitname
Name of unit.
Return value:
The element or nil.
Add storage to cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.MyCargo MyCargo
My cargo.
#OPSGROUP.Element CarrierElement
The element of the carrier.
Check if awaiting a transport.
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint waypoint
Waypoint data.
#number wpnumber
Waypoint index/number. Default is as last waypoint.
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead).
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead).
Defined in:
#string status
Status to check.
Return value:
If true, all elements have a similar status.
Check ammo is full.
Check cargo transport assignments.
Check damage.
Check if all cargo of this transport assignment was delivered.
Defined in:
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT CargoTransport
The next due cargo transport or nil
Return value:
If true, all cargo was delivered.
Check if all cargo of this transport assignment was delivered.
Defined in:
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT CargoTransport
The next due cargo transport or nil
Return value:
If true, all cargo was delivered.
Check if passed the final waypoint and, if necessary, update route.
Get coordinate from an object.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Object#OBJECT Object
The object.
Return value:
The coordinate of the object.
Count paused mission.
Add OPSGROUP to cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#number CargoUID
UID of the cargo data.
Cargo group.
#string StorageType
Storage type.
#number StorageAmount
Storage amount.
#number StorageWeight
Weight of a single storage item in kg.
Return value:
My cargo object.
Enhance waypoint table.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint Waypoint
Return value:
Modified waypoint data.
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP CargoGroup
Cargo group.
Return value:
If true
, cargo could be removed.
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
Cargo group.
#OPSGROUP.MyCargo MyCargo
My cargo data.
Return value:
If true
, cargo could be removed.
Remove my lift.
Get cargo bay item.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP CargoGroup
Cargo group.
Return values:
Cargo bay item or nil
if the group is not in the carrier.
CargoBayIndex Index of item in the cargo bay table.
Carrier element.
Remove OPSGROUP from cargo bay of a carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
Cargo group.
#number CargoUID
Cargo UID.
Return value:
MyCargo My cargo data.
Get target group.
Defined in:
Return values:
Get/update the (un-)loading zone of the element.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The zone.
#OPSGROUP.CarrierLoader Loader
Loader parameters.
Return value:
Bounding box polygon zone.
Get cargo bay data from a cargo data id.
Defined in:
#number uid
Unique ID of cargo data.
Return values:
Get my carrier.
Defined in:
Return values:
Carrier group.
Carrier element.
If true
, space is reserved for me
Get my carrier element.
Get my carrier group.
Get cargo transport from cargo queue.
Defined in:
Return value:
The next due cargo transport or nil
Get next mission.
Get next task in queue.
Task needs to be in state SCHEDULED and time must have passed.
Get paused mission.
Get name of ROE corresponding to the numerical value.
Get the template of the group.
Defined in:
#boolean Copy
Get a deep copy of the template.
Return value:
Template table.
Get weight of warehouse storage to transport.
Defined in:
#boolean Total
Get total weight. Otherweise the amount left to deliver (total-loaded-lost-delivered).
#boolean Reserved
Reduce weight that is reserved.
#boolean Amount
Return amount not weight.
Return value:
Weight of cargo in kg or amount in number of items, if Amount=true
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints.
Defined in:
#number WpIndexMin
#number WpIndexMax
Return value:
Check if a unit is an element of the flightgroup.
Defined in:
#string unitname
Name of unit.
Return value:
If true, unit is element of the flight group or false if otherwise.
Check if a group is in the cargo bay.
Defined in:
Group to check.
Return value:
If true
, group is in the cargo bay.
Is my carrier reserved.
Returns a name of a missile category.
Defined in:
#number categorynumber
Number of missile category from weapon missile category enumerator. See
Return value:
Missile category name.
Set (new) cargo status.
Set (new) carrier status.
Set passed final waypoint value.
Defined in:
#boolean final
If true
, final waypoint was passed.
#string comment
Some comment as to why the final waypoint was passed.
Function called when a group is passing a waypoint.
Print info on mission and task status to DCS log file.
Defined in:
On after "MissionDone" event.
Defined in:
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
#boolean Silently
Remove waypoints by table.remove()
and do not update the route.
Remove my carrier.
Remove paused mission from the table.
Defined in:
#number AuftragsNummer
Mission ID of the paused mission to remove.
Return value:
Respawn the group.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before respawn happens. Default 0.
DCS#Template Template
(optional) The template of the Group retrieved with GROUP:GetTemplate(). If the template is not provided, the template will be retrieved of the group itself.
#boolean Reset
Reset waypoints and reinit group if true
Return value:
Sandwitch DCS task in stop condition and push the task to the group.
Defined in:
DCS#Task DCSTask
The DCS task.
#boolean SetTask
Set task instead of pushing it.
#number Delay
Delay in seconds. Default nil.
Set status for all elements (except dead ones).
Set legion this ops group belongs to.
Set mission specific options for ROE, Alarm state, etc.
Set my carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP CarrierGroup
Carrier group.
#OPSGROUP.Element CarrierElement
Carrier element.
#boolean Reserved
If true
, reserve space for me.
Set the template of the group.
Defined in:
#table Template
Template to set. Default is from the GROUP.
Return value:
Set tasks at this waypoint
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint Waypoint
The waypoint.
Return value:
Number of tasks.
Simple task function.
Can be used to call a function which has the warehouse and the executing group as parameters.
Defined in:
#string Function
The name of the function to call passed as string.
#number uid
Waypoint UID.
On after "Loading" event.
Defined in:
#table Cargos
Table of cargos.
Return value:
Table of sorted cargos.
Spawn group from a given template.
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds before respawn happens. Default 0.
DCS#Template Template
(optional) The template of the Group retrieved with GROUP:GetTemplate(). If the template is not provided, the template will be retrieved of the group itself.
Return value:
Activate/switch ICLS beacon settings.
Activate/switch TACAN beacon settings.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Beacon Tacan
TACAN data table. Default is the default TACAN settings.
Return value:
Function called when a task is done.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP group
Group for which the task is done.
#OPSGROUP opsgroup
Ops group.
#OPSGROUP.Task task
Function called when a task is executed.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP group
Group which should execute the task.
#OPSGROUP opsgroup
Ops group.
#OPSGROUP.Task task
Transfer cargo from to another carrier.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP CargoGroup
The cargo group to be transferred.
#OPSGROUP CarrierGroup
The new carrier group.
#OPSGROUP.Element CarrierElement
The new carrier element.
Check if all elements of the group have the same status (or are dead).
Check if all elements of the group have the same status or are dead.
Defined in:
#OPSGROUP.Element element
#string newstatus
New status of element
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE airbase
Airbase if applicable.
Update (DCS) task.
Initialize Mission Editor waypoints.
Triggers the FSM event "MissionCancel" after a delay.
Triggers the FSM event "MissionDone" after a delay.
Triggers the FSM event "MissionExecute" after a delay.
Triggers the FSM event "MissionStart" after a delay.
Triggers the FSM event "Status" after a delay.
Triggers the FSM event "Stop" after a delay.
Stops the OPSGROUP and all its event handlers.
Triggers the FSM event "TransportCancel" after a delay.
Defined in:
#number delay
Delay in seconds.
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT Transport
The transport.
On after "Board" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP CarrierGroup
The carrier group.
#OPSGROUP.Element Carrier
The OPSGROUP element
On after "Damaged" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Dead" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Delivered" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.OpsTransport#OPSTRANSPORT CargoTransport
The cargo transport assignment.
On after "Destroyed" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "DetectedGroup" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Group
The detected Group.
On after "DetectedGroupNew" event.
Add newly detected group to detected group set.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Group
The detected group.
On after "DetectedUnit" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT Unit
The detected unit.
On after "DetectedUnitNew" event.
Add newly detected unit to detected unit set.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT Unit
The detected unit.
On after "ElementDamaged" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The flight group element.
On after "ElementDead" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The flight group element.
On after "ElementDestroyed" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The flight group element.
On after "ElementHit" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The flight group element.
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT Enemy
Unit that hit the element or nil
On after "ElementInUtero" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Element Element
The flight group element.
On after "EnterZone" event.
Sets self.inzones[zonename]=true.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone that the group entered.
On after "GotoWaypoint" event.
Group will got to the given waypoint and execute its route from there.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number UID
The goto waypoint unique ID.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed to waypoint in knots.
On after "Hit" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT Enemy
Unit that hit the element or nil
On after "InUtero" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LaserCode" event.
Changes the LASER code.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#number Code
Laser code. Default is 1688.
On after "LaserGotLOS" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LaserLostLOS" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LaserOff" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LaserOn" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Target
Target Coordinate. Target can also be any POSITIONABLE from which we can obtain its coordinates.
On after "LaserPause" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LaserResume" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LeaveZone" event.
Sets self.inzones[zonename]=false.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone that the group entered.
On after "Load" event.
Carrier loads a cargo group into ints cargo bay.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP CargoGroup
The OPSGROUP loaded as cargo.
#OPSGROUP.Element Carrier
The carrier element/unit.
On after "Loading" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "LoadingDone" event.
Carrier has loaded all (possible) cargo at the pickup zone.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "MissionCancel" event.
Cancels the mission.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission to be cancelled.
On after "MissionDone" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission that is done.
On after "MissionExecute" event.
Mission execution began.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission table.
On after "MissionStart" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Ops.Auftrag#AUFTRAG Mission
The mission table.
On after "OutOfAmmo" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "PassedFinalWaypoint" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "PassingWaypoint" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#OPSGROUP.Waypoint Waypoint
Waypoint data passed.
On after "PauseMission" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Pickup" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "Respawn" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
#table Template
The template used to respawn the group. Default is the inital template of the group.
On after "Stop" event.
Defined in:
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
On after "TaskCancel" event.
Cancels the current task or simply sets the status to DONE if the task is not the current one.