Module Core.Fsm
Core - FSM (Finite State Machine) are objects that model and control long lasting business processes and workflow.
- Provide a base class to model your own state machines.
- Trigger events synchronously.
- Trigger events asynchronously.
- Handle events before or after the event was triggered.
- Handle state transitions as a result of event before and after the state change.
- For internal moose purposes, further state machines have been designed:
- to handle controllables (groups and units).
- to handle tasks.
- to handle processes.
A Finite State Machine (FSM) models a process flow that transitions between various States through triggered Events.
A FSM can only be in one of a finite number of states. The machine is in only one state at a time; the state it is in at any given time is called the current state. It can change from one state to another when initiated by an internal or external triggering event, which is called a transition. A FSM implementation is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the triggering events for each possible transition. A FSM implementation is composed out of two parts, a set of state transition rules, and an implementation set of state transition handlers, implementing those transitions.
The FSM class supports a hierarchical implementation of a Finite State Machine, that is, it allows to embed existing FSM implementations in a master FSM. FSM hierarchies allow for efficient FSM re-use, not having to re-invent the wheel every time again when designing complex processes.
The above diagram shows a graphical representation of a FSM implementation for a Task, which guides a Human towards a Zone, orders him to destroy x targets and account the results. Other examples of ready made FSM could be:
- Route a plane to a zone flown by a human.
- Detect targets by an AI and report to humans.
- Account for destroyed targets by human players.
- Handle AI infantry to deploy from or embark to a helicopter or airplane or vehicle.
- Let an AI patrol a zone.
The MOOSE framework extensively uses the FSM class and derived FSM_ classes, because the goal of MOOSE is to simplify mission design complexity for mission building. By efficiently utilizing the FSM class and derived classes, MOOSE allows mission designers to quickly build processes. Ready made FSM-based implementations classes exist within the MOOSE framework that can easily be re-used, and tailored by mission designers through the implementation of Transition Handlers. Each of these FSM implementation classes start either with:
- an acronym AI_, which indicates a FSM implementation directing AI controlled Wrapper.Group#GROUP and/or Wrapper.Unit#UNIT. These AI_ classes derive the #FSM_CONTROLLABLE class.
- an acronym TASK_, which indicates a FSM implementation executing a Tasking.Task#TASK executed by Groups of players. These TASK_ classes derive the #FSM_TASK class.
- an acronym ACT_, which indicates an Sub-FSM implementation, directing Humans actions that need to be done in a Tasking.Task#TASK, seated in a Wrapper.Client#CLIENT (slot) or a Wrapper.Unit#UNIT (CA join). These ACT_ classes derive the #FSM_PROCESS class.
Detailed explanations and API specifics are further below clarified and FSM derived class specifics are described in those class documentation sections.
The FSM class development is based on a finite state machine implementation made by Conroy Kyle. The state machine can be found on github I've reworked this development (taken the concept), and created a hierarchical state machine out of it, embedded within the DCS simulator. Additionally, I've added extendability and created an API that allows seamless FSM implementation.
The following derived classes are available in the MOOSE framework, that implement a specialized form of a FSM:
- #FSM_TASK: Models Finite State Machines for Tasking.Tasks.
- #FSM_PROCESS: Models Finite State Machines for Tasking.Task actions, which control Wrapper.Clients.
- #FSM_CONTROLLABLE: Models Finite State Machines for Wrapper.Controllables, which are Wrapper.Groups, Wrapper.Units, Wrapper.Clients.
- #FSM_SET: Models Finite State Machines for Core.Sets. Note that these FSMs control multiple objects!!! So State concerns here for multiple objects or the position of the state machine in the process.
Author: FlightControl
Contributions: funkyfranky
Global FSM |
A Finite State Machine (FSM) models a process flow that transitions between various States through triggered Events. |
A Finite State Machine (FSM) models a process flow that transitions between various States through triggered Events.
A FSM can only be in one of a finite number of states. The machine is in only one state at a time; the state it is in at any given time is called the current state. It can change from one state to another when initiated by an internal or external triggering event, which is called a transition. An FSM implementation is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the triggering events for each possible transition. An FSM implementation is composed out of two parts, a set of state transition rules, and an implementation set of state transition handlers, implementing those transitions.
The FSM class supports a hierarchical implementation of a Finite State Machine, that is, it allows to embed existing FSM implementations in a master FSM. FSM hierarchies allow for efficient FSM re-use, not having to re-invent the wheel every time again when designing complex processes.
The above diagram shows a graphical representation of a FSM implementation for a Task, which guides a Human towards a Zone, orders him to destroy x targets and account the results. Other examples of ready made FSM could be:
- route a plane to a zone flown by a human
- detect targets by an AI and report to humans
- account for destroyed targets by human players
- handle AI infantry to deploy from or embark to a helicopter or airplane or vehicle
- let an AI patrol a zone
The MOOSE framework uses extensively the FSM class and derived FSM_ classes, because the goal of MOOSE is to simplify mission design complexity for mission building. By efficiently utilizing the FSM class and derived classes, MOOSE allows mission designers to quickly build processes. Ready made FSM-based implementations classes exist within the MOOSE framework that can easily be re-used, and tailored by mission designers through the implementation of Transition Handlers. Each of these FSM implementation classes start either with:
- an acronym AI_, which indicates an FSM implementation directing AI controlled Wrapper.Group#GROUP and/or Wrapper.Unit#UNIT. These AI_ classes derive the #FSM_CONTROLLABLE class.
- an acronym TASK_, which indicates an FSM implementation executing a Tasking.Task#TASK executed by Groups of players. These TASK_ classes derive the #FSM_TASK class.
- an acronym ACT_, which indicates an Sub-FSM implementation, directing Humans actions that need to be done in a Tasking.Task#TASK, seated in a Wrapper.Client#CLIENT (slot) or a Wrapper.Unit#UNIT (CA join). These ACT_ classes derive the #FSM_PROCESS class.
The FSM class is the base class of all FSM_ derived classes. It implements the main functionality to define and execute Finite State Machines. The derived FSM_ classes extend the Finite State Machine functionality to run a workflow process for a specific purpose or component.
Finite State Machines have Transition Rules, Transition Handlers and Event Triggers.
The Transition Rules define the "Process Flow Boundaries", that is, the path that can be followed hopping from state to state upon triggered events. If an event is triggered, and there is no valid path found for that event, an error will be raised and the FSM will stop functioning.
The Transition Handlers are special methods that can be defined by the mission designer, following a defined syntax. If the FSM object finds a method of such a handler, then the method will be called by the FSM, passing specific parameters. The method can then define its own custom logic to implement the FSM workflow, and to conduct other actions.
The Event Triggers are methods that are defined by the FSM, which the mission designer can use to implement the workflow. Most of the time, these Event Triggers are used within the Transition Handler methods, so that a workflow is created running through the state machine.
As explained above, a FSM supports Linear State Transitions and Hierarchical State Transitions, and both can be mixed to make a comprehensive FSM implementation. The below documentation has a separate chapter explaining both transition modes, taking into account the Transition Rules, Transition Handlers and Event Triggers.
FSM Linear Transitions
Linear Transitions are Transition Rules allowing an FSM to transition from one or multiple possible From state(s) towards a To state upon a Triggered Event. The Linear transition rule evaluation will always be done from the current state of the FSM. If no valid Transition Rule can be found in the FSM, the FSM will log an error and stop.
FSM Transition Rules
The FSM has transition rules that it follows and validates, as it walks the process. These rules define when an FSM can transition from a specific state towards an other specific state upon a triggered event.
The method FSM.AddTransition() specifies a new possible Transition Rule for the FSM.
The initial state can be defined using the method FSM.SetStartState(). The default start state of an FSM is "None".
Find below an example of a Linear Transition Rule definition for an FSM.
local Fsm3Switch = FSM:New() -- #FsmDemo
FsmSwitch:SetStartState( "Off" )
FsmSwitch:AddTransition( "Off", "SwitchOn", "On" )
FsmSwitch:AddTransition( "Off", "SwitchMiddle", "Middle" )
FsmSwitch:AddTransition( "On", "SwitchOff", "Off" )
FsmSwitch:AddTransition( "Middle", "SwitchOff", "Off" )
The above code snippet models a 3-way switch Linear Transition:
- It can be switched On by triggering event SwitchOn.
- It can be switched to the Middle position, by triggering event SwitchMiddle.
- It can be switched Off by triggering event SwitchOff.
- Note that once the Switch is On or Middle, it can only be switched Off.
Some additional comments:
Note that Linear Transition Rules can be declared in a few variations:
- The From states can be a table of strings, indicating that the transition rule will be valid if the current state of the FSM will be one of the given From states.
- The From state can be a "*", indicating that the transition rule will always be valid, regardless of the current state of the FSM.
The below code snippet shows how the two last lines can be rewritten and condensed.
FsmSwitch:AddTransition( { "On", "Middle" }, "SwitchOff", "Off" )
Transition Handling
An FSM transitions in 4 moments when an Event is being triggered and processed. The mission designer can define for each moment specific logic within methods implementations following a defined API syntax. These methods define the flow of the FSM process; because in those methods the FSM Internal Events will be triggered.
- To handle State transition moments, create methods starting with OnLeave or OnEnter concatenated with the State name.
- To handle Event transition moments, create methods starting with OnBefore or OnAfter concatenated with the Event name.
The OnLeave and OnBefore transition methods may return false, which will cancel the transition!
Transition Handler methods need to follow the above specified naming convention, but are also passed parameters from the FSM. These parameters are on the correct order: From, Event, To:
- From = A string containing the From state.
- Event = A string containing the Event name that was triggered.
- To = A string containing the To state.
On top, each of these methods can have a variable amount of parameters passed. See the example in section 1.1.3.
Event Triggers
The FSM creates for each Event two Event Trigger methods. There are two modes how Events can be triggered, which is synchronous and asynchronous:
- The method FSM:Event() triggers an Event that will be processed synchronously or immediately.
- The method FSM:Event( __seconds ) triggers an Event that will be processed asynchronously over time, waiting x seconds.
The distinction between these 2 Event Trigger methods are important to understand. An asynchronous call will "log" the Event Trigger to be executed at a later time. Processing will just continue. Synchronous Event Trigger methods are useful to change states of the FSM immediately, but may have a larger processing impact.
The following example provides a little demonstration on the difference between synchronous and asynchronous Event Triggering.
function FSM:OnAfterEvent( From, Event, To, Amount )
self:T( { Amount = Amount } )
local Amount = 1
FSM:__Event( 5, Amount )
Amount = Amount + 1
FSM:Event( Text, Amount )
In this example, the :OnAfterEvent() Transition Handler implementation will get called when Event is being triggered. Before we go into more detail, let's look at the last 4 lines of the example. The last line triggers synchronously the Event, and passes Amount as a parameter. The 3rd last line of the example triggers asynchronously Event. Event will be processed after 5 seconds, and Amount is given as a parameter.
The output of this little code fragment will be:
- Amount = 2
- Amount = 2
Because ... When Event was asynchronously processed after 5 seconds, Amount was set to 2. So be careful when processing and passing values and objects in asynchronous processing!
Linear Transition Example
This example is fully implemented in the MOOSE test mission on GitHub: FSM-100 - Transition Explanation
It models a unit standing still near Batumi, and flaring every 5 seconds while switching between a Green flare and a Red flare. The purpose of this example is not to show how exciting flaring is, but it demonstrates how a Linear Transition FSM can be build. Have a look at the source code. The source code is also further explained below in this section.
The example creates a new FsmDemo object from class FSM. It will set the start state of FsmDemo to state Green. Two Linear Transition Rules are created, where upon the event Switch, the FsmDemo will transition from state Green to Red and from Red back to Green.
local FsmDemo = FSM:New() -- #FsmDemo
FsmDemo:SetStartState( "Green" )
FsmDemo:AddTransition( "Green", "Switch", "Red" )
FsmDemo:AddTransition( "Red", "Switch", "Green" )
In the above example, the FsmDemo could flare every 5 seconds a Green or a Red flare into the air. The next code implements this through the event handling method OnAfterSwitch.
function FsmDemo:OnAfterSwitch( From, Event, To, FsmUnit )
self:T( { From, Event, To, FsmUnit } )
if From == "Green" then
if From == "Red" then
self:__Switch( 5, FsmUnit ) -- Trigger the next Switch event to happen in 5 seconds.
FsmDemo:__Switch( 5, FsmUnit ) -- Trigger the first Switch event to happen in 5 seconds.
The OnAfterSwitch implements a loop. The last line of the code fragment triggers the Switch Event within 5 seconds. Upon the event execution (after 5 seconds), the OnAfterSwitch method is called of FsmDemo (cfr. the double point notation!!! ":"). The OnAfterSwitch method receives from the FSM the 3 transition parameter details ( From, Event, To ), and one additional parameter that was given when the event was triggered, which is in this case the Unit that is used within OnSwitchAfter.
function FsmDemo:OnAfterSwitch( From, Event, To, FsmUnit )
For debugging reasons the received parameters are traced within the DCS.log.
self:T( { From, Event, To, FsmUnit } )
The method will check if the From state received is either "Green" or "Red" and will flare the respective color from the FsmUnit.
if From == "Green" then
if From == "Red" then
It is important that the Switch event is again triggered, otherwise, the FsmDemo would stop working after having the first Event being handled.
FsmDemo:__Switch( 5, FsmUnit ) -- Trigger the next Switch event to happen in 5 seconds.
The below code fragment extends the FsmDemo, demonstrating multiple From states declared as a table, adding a Linear Transition Rule. The new event Stop will cancel the Switching process. The transition for event Stop can be executed if the current state of the FSM is either "Red" or "Green".
local FsmDemo = FSM:New() -- #FsmDemo
FsmDemo:SetStartState( "Green" )
FsmDemo:AddTransition( "Green", "Switch", "Red" )
FsmDemo:AddTransition( "Red", "Switch", "Green" )
FsmDemo:AddTransition( { "Red", "Green" }, "Stop", "Stopped" )
The transition for event Stop can also be simplified, as any current state of the FSM is valid.
FsmDemo:AddTransition( "*", "Stop", "Stopped" )
So... When FsmDemo:Stop() is being triggered, the state of FsmDemo will transition from Red or Green to Stopped. And there is no transition handling method defined for that transition, thus, no new event is being triggered causing the FsmDemo process flow to halt.
FSM Hierarchical Transitions
Hierarchical Transitions allow to re-use readily available and implemented FSMs. This becomes in very useful for mission building, where mission designers build complex processes and workflows, combining smaller FSMs to one single FSM.
The FSM can embed Sub-FSMs that will execute and return multiple possible Return (End) States. Depending upon which state is returned, the main FSM can continue the flow triggering specific events.
The method FSM.AddProcess() adds a new Sub-FSM to the FSM.
Models Finite State Machines for Wrapper.Controllables, which are Wrapper.Groups, Wrapper.Units, Wrapper.Clients. |
Models Finite State Machines for Wrapper.Controllables, which are Wrapper.Groups, Wrapper.Units, Wrapper.Clients.
FSM_PROCESS class models Finite State Machines for Tasking.Task actions, which control Wrapper.Clients. |
FSM_PROCESS class models Finite State Machines for Tasking.Task actions, which control Wrapper.Clients.
Global FSM_SET |
FSM_SET class models Finite State Machines for Core.Sets. |
Global FSM_TASK |
Models Finite State Machines for Tasking.Tasks. |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM | Description |
Adds an End state. |
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task. |
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved. |
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved. |
Add a new transition rule to the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns the End states. |
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM. |
Returns a table with the scores defined. |
Returns the start state of the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns a table with the Subs defined. |
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Load call backs. |
Creates a new FSM object. |
Sets the start state of the FSM. |
Add to map. |
Call handler. |
Create transition. |
Delayed transition. |
Event map. |
Go sub. |
Handler. |
Is end state. |
Sub maps. |
Check if can do an event. |
Check if cannot do an event. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_CONTROLLABLE | Description |
Gets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs. |
Creates a new FSM_CONTROLLABLE object. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
FSM_CONTROLLABLE:OnBeforeStop(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
FSM_CONTROLLABLE:OnEnterStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
FSM_CONTROLLABLE:OnLeaveStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
Sets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
FSM_CONTROLLABLE:_call_handler(step, trigger, params, EventName) |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_PROCESS | Description |
Assign the process to a Wrapper.Unit and activate the process. |
Creates a new FSM_PROCESS object based on this FSM_PROCESS. |
Gets the mission of the process. |
Gets the mission of the process. |
Gets the task of the process. |
Send a message of the Tasking.Task to the Group of the Unit. |
Creates a new FSM_PROCESS object. |
Removes an FSM_PROCESS object. |
Sets the task of the process. |
FSM_PROCESS:onenterFailed(ProcessUnit, Task, From, Event, To) |
FSM_PROCESS:onstatechange(ProcessUnit, Event, From, To, Task) |
StateMachine callback function for a FSM_PROCESS |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_SET | Description |
Gets the SET_BASE object that the FSM_SET governs. |
Creates a new FSM_SET object. |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM | Description |
Adds an End state. |
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task. |
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved. |
FSM_SET:AddScoreProcess(From, Event, State, ScoreText, Score) |
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved. |
Add a new transition rule to the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns the End states. |
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM. |
Returns a table with the scores defined. |
Returns the start state of the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns a table with the Subs defined. |
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Load call backs. |
Creates a new FSM object. |
Sets the start state of the FSM. |
Add to map. |
Call handler. |
Create transition. |
Delayed transition. |
Event map. |
Go sub. |
Handler. |
Is end state. |
Sub maps. |
Check if can do an event. |
Check if cannot do an event. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_TASK | Description |
Creates a new FSM_TASK object. |
New current state.
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
Core.Fsm#FSM_PROCESS Process
An sub-process FSM.
#table ReturnEvents
A table indicating for which returned events of the SubFSM which Event must be triggered in the FSM.
Return value:
The SubFSM.
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string From
is the From State of the main process.
#string Event
is the Event of the main process.
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Add a new transition rule to the FSM.
A transition rule defines when and if the FSM can transition from a state towards another state upon a triggered event.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
#string To
The To state.
Defined in:
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM.
Defined in:
Return value:
Sub processes.
Returns a table with the scores defined.
Defined in:
Return value:
Returns the start state of the FSM.
Defined in:
Return value:
A string containing the start state.
Returns a table with the Subs defined.
Defined in:
Return value:
Sub processes.
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM.
Defined in:
Return value:
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.
Load call backs.
Defined in:
#table CallBackTable
Table of call backs.
Defined in:
Sets the start state of the FSM.
Defined in:
#string State
A string defining the start state.
Add to map.
Defined in:
#table Map
#table Event
Event table.
Call handler.
Defined in:
#string step
Step "onafter", "onbefore", "onenter", "onleave".
#string trigger
#table params
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Create transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Delayed transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Event map.
Defined in:
#table Events
#table EventStructure
Event structure.
Go sub.
Defined in:
#string ParentFrom
Parent from state.
#string ParentEvent
Parent event name.
Return value:
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Is end state.
Defined in:
#string Current
Current state name.
Return values:
FSM parent.
Event name.
Sub maps.
Defined in:
#table subs
#table sub
#string name
Check if can do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return values:
If true, FSM can do the event.
To state.
Check if cannot do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return value:
If true, FSM cannot do the event.
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.
self:F( FSMControllable:GetName() )
Gets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Creates a new FSM_CONTROLLABLE object.
Defined in:
#table FSMT
Finite State Machine Table
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
(optional) The CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Return value:
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
Sets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE FSMControllable
Return value:
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Defined in:
Assign the process to a Wrapper.Unit and activate the process.
Defined in:
Tasking.Task#TASK Task
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT ProcessUnit
Return value:
Creates a new FSM_PROCESS object based on this FSM_PROCESS.
Gets the mission of the process.
Gets the mission of the process.
Gets the task of the process.
Defined in:
Send a message of the Tasking.Task to the Group of the Unit.
Defined in:
Creates a new FSM_PROCESS object.
Removes an FSM_PROCESS object.
Sets the task of the process.
Defined in:
Defined in:
StateMachine callback function for a FSM_PROCESS
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE ProcessUnit
#string Event
#string From
#string To
FSM_SET class
Gets the SET_BASE object that the FSM_SET governs.
Creates a new FSM_SET object.
Defined in:
#table FSMT
Finite State Machine Table
FSMSet (optional) The Set object that the FSM_SET governs.
Return value:
Defined in:
Adds an End state.
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
Core.Fsm#FSM_PROCESS Process
An sub-process FSM.
#table ReturnEvents
A table indicating for which returned events of the SubFSM which Event must be triggered in the FSM.
Return value:
The SubFSM.
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string From
is the From State of the main process.
#string Event
is the Event of the main process.
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Add a new transition rule to the FSM.
A transition rule defines when and if the FSM can transition from a state towards another state upon a triggered event.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
#string To
The To state.
Get current state.
Returns the End states.
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM.
Returns a table with the scores defined.
Returns the start state of the FSM.
Get current state.
Returns a table with the Subs defined.
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM.
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.
Load call backs.
Sets the start state of the FSM.
Add to map.
Call handler.
Defined in:
#string step
Step "onafter", "onbefore", "onenter", "onleave".
#string trigger
#table params
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Create transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Delayed transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Event map.
Go sub.
Defined in:
#string ParentFrom
Parent from state.
#string ParentEvent
Parent event name.
Return value:
Is end state.
Defined in:
#string Current
Current state name.
Return values:
FSM parent.
Event name.
Sub maps.
Check if can do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return values:
If true, FSM can do the event.
To state.
Check if cannot do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return value:
If true, FSM cannot do the event.
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.
FSM_TASK class
Creates a new FSM_TASK object.
Defined in: