Module AI.AI_Cargo_Dispatcher_Ship
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using Ships.
- Transport cargo to various deploy zones using naval vehicles.
- Various Cargo.Cargo#CARGO types can be transported, including infantry, vehicles, and crates.
- Define a deploy zone of various types to determine the destination of the cargo.
- Ships will follow shipping lanes as defined in the Mission Editor.
- Multiple ships can transport multiple cargo as a single group.
Test Missions:
Author: acrojason (derived from AI_Cargo_Dispatcher_APC by FlightControl)
A dynamic cargo transportation capability for AI groups. |
A dynamic cargo transportation capability for AI groups.
Naval vessels can be mobilized to semi-intelligently transport cargo within the simulation.
The AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP module is derived from the AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER module.
Note! In order to fully understand the mechanisms of the AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP class, it is recommended that you first consult and READ the documentation of the AI.AI_Cargo_Dispatcher module!!!
This will be particularly helpful in order to determine how to Tailor the different cargo handling events.
The AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP class uses the Cargo.Cargo capabilities within the MOOSE framework. Also ensure that you fully understand how to declare and setup Cargo objects within the MOOSE framework before using this class. CARGO derived objects must generally be declared within the mission to make the AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP object recognize the cargo.
2) AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP is a Finite State Machine.
This section must be read as follows... Each of the rows indicate a state transition, triggered through an event, and with an ending state of the event was executed. The first column is the From state, the second column the Event, and the third column the To state.
So, each of the rows have the following structure.
- From => Event => To
Important to know is that an event can only be executed if the current state is the From state. This, when an Event that is being triggered has a From state that is equal to the Current state of the state machine, the event will be executed, and the resulting state will be the To state.
These are the different possible state transitions of this state machine implementation:
Idle => Start => Monitoring
Monitoring => Monitor => Monitoring
Monitoring => Stop => Idle
Monitoring => Pickup => Monitoring
Monitoring => Load => Monitoring
Monitoring => Loading => Monitoring
Monitoring => Loaded => Monitoring
Monitoring => PickedUp => Monitoring
Monitoring => Deploy => Monitoring
Monitoring => Unload => Monitoring
Monitoring => Unloaded => Monitoring
Monitoring => Deployed => Monitoring
Monitoring => Home => Monitoring
- Monitoring: The process is dispatching.
- Idle: The process is idle.
Start: Start the transport process.
Stop: Stop the transport process.
Monitor: Monitor and take action.
Pickup: Pickup cargo.
Load: Load the cargo.
Loading: The dispatcher is coordinating the loading of a cargo.
Loaded: Flag that the cargo is loaded.
PickedUp: The dispatcher has loaded all requested cargo into the CarrierGroup.
Deploy: Deploy cargo to a location.
Unload: Unload the cargo.
Unloaded: Flag that the cargo is unloaded.
Deployed: All cargo is unloaded from the carriers in the group.
Home: A Carrier is going home.
2.3) Enhance your mission scripts with Tailored Event Handling!
Within your mission, you can capture these events when triggered, and tailor the events with your own code! Check out the AI.AI_Cargo_Dispatcher#AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER class at chapter 3 for details on the different event handlers that are available and how to use them.
There are a lot of templates available that allows you to quickly setup an event handler for a specific event type!
3) Set the pickup parameters.
Several parameters can be set to pickup cargo:
- AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP.SetPickupRadius(): Sets or randomizes the pickup location for the Ship around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and optional inner radius.
- AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP.SetPickupSpeed(): Set the speed or randomizes the speed in km/h to pickup the cargo.
4) Set the deploy parameters.
Several parameters can be set to deploy cargo:
- AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP.SetDeployRadius(): Sets or randomizes the deploy location for the Ship around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and an optional inner radius.
- AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP.SetDeploySpeed(): Set the speed or randomizes the speed in km/h to deploy the cargo.
5) Set the home zone when there isn't any more cargo to pickup.
A home zone can be specified to where the Ship will move when there isn't any cargo left for pickup. Use AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP.SetHomeZone() to specify the home zone.
If no home zone is specified, the Ship will wait near the deploy zone for a new pickup command.
Developer Note
Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated
Fields and Methods inherited from AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP | Description |
AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP:New(ShipSet, CargoSet, PickupZoneSet, DeployZoneSet, ShippingLane) |
Creates a new AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP object. |
Defined in:
Creates a new AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP object.
Defined in:
Core.Set#SET_GROUP ShipSet
The set of Wrapper.Group#GROUP objects of Ships that will transport the cargo
Core.Set#SET_CARGO CargoSet
The set of Cargo.Cargo#CARGO objects, which can be CARGO_GROUP, CARGO_CRATE, or CARGO_SLINGLOAD objects.
Core.Set#SET_ZONE PickupZoneSet
The set of pickup zones which are used to determine from where the cargo can be picked up by the Ship.
Core.Set#SET_ZONE DeployZoneSet
The set of deploy zones which determine where the cargo will be deployed by the Ship.
#table ShippingLane
Table containing list of Shipping Lanes to be used
Return value:
-- An AI dispatcher object for a naval group, moving cargo from pickup zones to deploy zones via a predetermined Shipping Lane
local SetCargoInfantry = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
local SetShip = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "Ship" ):FilterStart()
local SetPickupZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Pickup" ):FilterStart()
local SetDeployZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Deploy" ):FilterStart()
NEED MORE THOUGHT - ShippingLane is part of Warehouse.......
local ShippingLane = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "ShippingLane" ):FilterOnce():GetSetObjects()
AICargoDispatcherShip = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_SHIP:New( SetShip, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones, ShippingLane )
Defined in: