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Module AI.AI_Formation

AI - Build large airborne formations of aircraft.


  • Build in-air formations consisting of more than 40 aircraft as one group.
  • Build different formation types.
  • Assign a group leader that will guide the large formation path.

Additional Material:

Author: FlightControl




Build large formations, make AI follow a Wrapper.Client#CLIENT (player) leader or a Wrapper.Unit#UNIT (AI) leader.


Build large formations, make AI follow a Wrapper.Client#CLIENT (player) leader or a Wrapper.Unit#UNIT (AI) leader.

AI_FORMATION makes AI Wrapper.Group#GROUPs fly in formation of various compositions. The AI_FORMATION class models formations in a different manner than the internal DCS formation logic!!! The purpose of the class is to:

  • Make formation building a process that can be managed while in flight, rather than a task.
  • Human players can guide formations, consisting of larget planes.
  • Build large formations (like a large bomber field).
  • Form formations that DCS does not support off the shelve.

A few remarks:

  • Depending on the type of plane, the change in direction by the leader may result in the formation getting disentangled while in flight and needs to be rebuild.
  • Formations are vulnerable to collissions, but is depending on the type of plane, the distance between the planes and the speed and angle executed by the leader.
  • Formations may take a while to build up.

As a result, the AI_FORMATION is not perfect, but is very useful to:

  • Model large formations when flying straight line. You can build close formations when doing this.
  • Make humans guide a large formation, when the planes are wide from each other.

AI_FORMATION construction

Create a new SPAWN object with the AI_FORMATION.New method:

Formation methods

The following methods can be used to set or change the formation:


Use the method AI.AI_Formation#AI_FORMATION.SetFlightRandomization() to simulate the formation flying errors that pilots make while in formation. Is a range set in meters.


local FollowGroupSet = SET_GROUP:New():FilterCategories("plane"):FilterCoalitions("blue"):FilterPrefixes("Follow"):FilterStart()
local LeaderUnit = UNIT:FindByName( "Leader" )
local LargeFormation = AI_FORMATION:New( LeaderUnit, FollowGroupSet, "Center Wing Formation", "Briefing" )
LargeFormation:FormationCenterWing( 500, 50, 0, 250, 250 )
LargeFormation:__Start( 1 )

# Developer Note

Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE
Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated


Fields and Methods inherited from AI_FORMATION Description



The current follow distance.


AI_FORMATION:FollowMe(FollowGroup, ClientUnit, CT1, CV1, CT2, CV2)

Follow me.


The mode the escort is in.



The instance of the SCHEDULER class.


AI_FORMATION:FormationBox(XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, ZLevels)

FormationBox Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationCenterWing(XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationCenterWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationLeftLine(XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationLeftWing(XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationLine(XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationRightLine(XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationRightWing(XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationStack(XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace)

FormationStack Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationTrail(XStart, XSpace, YStart)

FormationTrail Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:FormationVic(XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationVic Trigger for AI_FORMATION


Gets your escorts to flight mode.

AI_FORMATION:New(FollowUnit, FollowGroupSet, FollowName, FollowBriefing)

AI_FORMATION class constructor for an AI group

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationBox(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, ZLevels)

FormationBox Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationCenterWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationCenterWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationLeftLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationLeftWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationRightLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationRightWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationStack(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace)

FormationStack Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationTrail(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart)

FormationTrail Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnAfterFormationVic(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationVic Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationBox(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, ZLevels)

FormationBox Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationCenterWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationCenterWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationLeftLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationLeftWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationRightLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationRightWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationStack(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace)

FormationStack Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationTrail(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart)

FormationTrail Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:OnBeforeFormationVic(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationVic Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION


Which REACTION_ON_THREAT is set to the FollowGroup.


If true, nearby targets are reported.


This sets your escorts to execute an attack.


This sets your escorts to fly in a formation.


This sets your escorts to fly a mission.


Use the method AI.AI_Formation#AI_FORMATION.SetFlightRandomization() to make the air units in your formation randomize their flight a bit while in formation.


Set time interval between updates of the formation.



This function is for test, it will put on the frequency of the FollowScheduler a red smoke at the direction vector calculated for the escort to fly to.


AI_FORMATION:__FormationBox(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, ZLevels)

FormationBox Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationCenterWing(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationCenterWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationLeftLine(Delay, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationLeftWing(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationLine(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationRightLine(Delay, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationRightWing(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationStack(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace)

FormationStack Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationTrail(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart)

FormationTrail Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:__FormationVic(Delay, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationVic Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION


Time step between position updates.

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationBox(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, ZLevels, FollowGroupSet)

FormationBox Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationCenterWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationCenterWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationLeftLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationLeftWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationLeftWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, Formation)

FormationLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationRightLine(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

FormationRightLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationRightWing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, ZStart, ZSpace)

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationStack(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace)

FormationStack Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationTrail(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart)

FormationTrail Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterFormationVic(From, Event, To, XStart, XSpace, YStart, YSpace, ZStart, ZSpace, FollowGroupSet)

FormationVic Handle for AI_FORMATION

AI_FORMATION:onafterStop(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To)

Stop function.

AI_FORMATION:onbeforeFollow(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To)

Follow event fuction.

AI_FORMATION:onenterFollowing(FollowGroupSet, From, Event, To)

Enter following state.

Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_SET Description


Gets the SET_BASE object that the FSM_SET governs.


Creates a new FSM_SET object.


AI_FORMATION:_call_handler(step, trigger, params, EventName)

Fields and Methods inherited from FSM Description


Adds an End state.

AI_FORMATION:AddProcess(From, Event, Process, ReturnEvents)

Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task.

AI_FORMATION:AddScore(State, ScoreText, Score)

Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved.

AI_FORMATION:AddScoreProcess(From, Event, State, ScoreText, Score)

Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved.

AI_FORMATION:AddTransition(From, Event, To)

Add a new transition rule to the FSM.




Get current state.


Returns the End states.

AI_FORMATION:GetProcess(From, Event)


Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM.


Returns a table with the scores defined.


Returns the start state of the FSM.


Get current state.


Returns a table with the Subs defined.


Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM.


Check if FSM is in state.


Load call backs.


Creates a new FSM object.


AI_FORMATION:SetProcess(From, Event, Fsm)


Sets the start state of the FSM.







AI_FORMATION:_add_to_map(Map, Event)

Add to map.

AI_FORMATION:_call_handler(step, trigger, params, EventName)

Call handler.


Create transition.


Delayed transition.

AI_FORMATION:_eventmap(Events, EventStructure)

Event map.

AI_FORMATION:_gosub(ParentFrom, ParentEvent)

Go sub.

AI_FORMATION:_handler(EventName, ...)



Is end state.

AI_FORMATION:_submap(subs, sub, name)

Sub maps.


Check if can do an event.


Check if cannot do an event.



AI_FORMATION:is(State, state)

Check if FSM is in state.





#number AI_FORMATION.FollowDistance

The current follow distance.


The mode the escort is in.

Core.Scheduler#SCHEDULER AI_FORMATION.FollowScheduler

The instance of the SCHEDULER class.

DCSTypes#AI.Option.Air.val.REACTION_ON_THREAT AI_FORMATION.OptionReactionOnThreat

Which REACTION_ON_THREAT is set to the FollowGroup.

#boolean AI_FORMATION.ReportTargets

If true, nearby targets are reported.

#number AI_FORMATION.dtFollow

Time step between position updates.


Follow me.

Defined in:



Wrapper.Group#GROUP FollowGroup

Follow group.

Wrapper.Unit#UNIT ClientUnit

Client Unit.

DCS#Time CT1


DCS#Vec3 CV1


DCS#Time CT2


DCS#Vec3 CV2


FormationBox Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZLevels

The amount of levels on the Z-axis.

FormationCenterWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightLine Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightWing Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationStack Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationTrail Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

FormationVic Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Gets your escorts to flight mode.

Defined in:



Wrapper.Group#GROUP FollowGroup


Return value:

AI_FORMATION class constructor for an AI group

Defined in:



Wrapper.Unit#UNIT FollowUnit

The UNIT leading the FolllowGroupSet.

Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string FollowName

Name of the escort.

#string FollowBriefing


Return value:

FormationBox Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZLevels

The amount of levels on the Z-axis.

FormationCenterWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationStack Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationTrail Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

FormationVic Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationBox Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZLevels

The amount of levels on the Z-axis.

Return value:


FormationCenterWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationLeftLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationLeftWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationRightLine Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationRightWing Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationStack Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


FormationTrail Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

Return value:


FormationVic Handler OnBefore for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:


This sets your escorts to execute an attack.

Defined in:



Wrapper.Group#GROUP FollowGroup


Return value:

This sets your escorts to fly in a formation.

Defined in:



Wrapper.Group#GROUP FollowGroup


Return value:

This sets your escorts to fly a mission.

Defined in:



Wrapper.Group#GROUP FollowGroup


Return value:

Use the method AI.AI_Formation#AI_FORMATION.SetFlightRandomization() to make the air units in your formation randomize their flight a bit while in formation.

Defined in:



#number FlightRandomization

The formation flying errors that pilots can make while in formation. Is a range set in meters.

Return value:

Set time interval between updates of the formation.

Defined in:



#number dt

Time step in seconds between formation updates. Default is every 0.5 seconds.

Return value:

This function is for test, it will put on the frequency of the FollowScheduler a red smoke at the direction vector calculated for the escort to fly to.

This allows to visualize where the escort is flying to.

Defined in:



#boolean SmokeDirection

If true, then the direction vector will be smoked.

Return value:

FormationBox Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZLevels

The amount of levels on the Z-axis.

FormationCenterWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightLine Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationRightWing Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationStack Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationTrail Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

FormationVic Asynchronous Trigger for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#number Delay

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationBox Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZLevels

The amount of levels on the Z-axis.


Return value:

FormationCenterWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLeftLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:

FormationLeftWing Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

FormationLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.


Return value:

FormationRightLine Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:

Defined in:












FormationStack Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

Return value:

FormationTrail Handler OnAfter for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The group AI escorting the FollowUnit.

#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

Return value:

FormationVic Handle for AI_FORMATION

Defined in:



#string From

#string Event

#string To

#number XStart

The start position on the X-axis in meters for the first group.

#number XSpace

The space between groups on the X-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number YStart

The start position on the Y-axis in meters for the first group.

#number YSpace

The space between groups on the Y-axis in meters for each sequent group.

#number ZStart

The start position on the Z-axis in meters for the first group.

#number ZSpace

The space between groups on the Z-axis in meters for each sequent group.


Return value:

Stop function.

Formation will not be updated any more.

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The following set of groups.

#string From

From state.

#string Event


#string To

The to state.

Follow event fuction.

Check if coming from state "stopped". If so the transition is rejected.

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The following set of groups.

#string From

From state.

#string Event


#string To

The to state.

Enter following state.

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP FollowGroupSet

The following set of groups.

#string From

From state.

#string Event


#string To

The to state.


#number AI_FORMATION.FollowDistance

The current follow distance.


The mode the escort is in.

Core.Scheduler#SCHEDULER AI_FORMATION.FollowScheduler

The instance of the SCHEDULER class.

DCSTypes#AI.Option.Air.val.REACTION_ON_THREAT AI_FORMATION.OptionReactionOnThreat

Which REACTION_ON_THREAT is set to the FollowGroup.

#boolean AI_FORMATION.ReportTargets

If true, nearby targets are reported.

#number AI_FORMATION.dtFollow

Time step between position updates.


Gets the SET_BASE object that the FSM_SET governs.

Defined in:

Return value:

Creates a new FSM_SET object.

Defined in:


#table FSMT

Finite State Machine Table


FSMSet (optional) The Set object that the FSM_SET governs.


Return value:

Defined in:







#number AI_FORMATION.FollowDistance

The current follow distance.


The mode the escort is in.

Core.Scheduler#SCHEDULER AI_FORMATION.FollowScheduler

The instance of the SCHEDULER class.

DCSTypes#AI.Option.Air.val.REACTION_ON_THREAT AI_FORMATION.OptionReactionOnThreat

Which REACTION_ON_THREAT is set to the FollowGroup.

#boolean AI_FORMATION.ReportTargets

If true, nearby targets are reported.

#number AI_FORMATION.dtFollow

Time step between position updates.


Adds an End state.

Defined in:


#string State

The FSM state.

Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task.

Defined in:


#table From

Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.

#string Event

The Event name.

An sub-process FSM.

#table ReturnEvents

A table indicating for which returned events of the SubFSM which Event must be triggered in the FSM.

Return value:

The SubFSM.

Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved.

Defined in:


#string State

is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).

#string ScoreText

is a text describing the score that is given according the status.

#number Score

is a number providing the score of the status.

Return value:



Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved.

Defined in:


#string From

is the From State of the main process.

#string Event

is the Event of the main process.

#string State

is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).

#string ScoreText

is a text describing the score that is given according the status.

#number Score

is a number providing the score of the status.

Return value:



Add a new transition rule to the FSM.

A transition rule defines when and if the FSM can transition from a state towards another state upon a triggered event.

Defined in:


#table From

Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.

#string Event

The Event name.

#string To

The To state.

Get current state.

Defined in:

Return value:


Current FSM state.

Returns the End states.

Defined in:

Return value:


End states.

Defined in:




Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM.

Defined in:

Return value:


Sub processes.

Returns a table with the scores defined.

Defined in:

Return value:



Returns the start state of the FSM.

Defined in:

Return value:


A string containing the start state.

Get current state.

Defined in:

Return value:


Current FSM state.

Returns a table with the Subs defined.

Defined in:

Return value:


Sub processes.

Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM.

Defined in:

Return value:



Check if FSM is in state.

Defined in:


#string State

State name.

Return value:


If true, FSM is in this state.

Load call backs.

Defined in:


#table CallBackTable

Table of call backs.

Creates a new FSM object.

Defined in:

Return value:


Defined in:





Sets the start state of the FSM.

Defined in:


#string State

A string defining the start state.

Add to map.

Defined in:


#table Map


#table Event

Event table.

Call handler.

Defined in:


#string step

Step "onafter", "onbefore", "onenter", "onleave".

#string trigger


#table params


#string EventName

Event name.

Return value:


Create transition.

Defined in:


#string EventName

Event name.

Return value:



Delayed transition.

Defined in:


#string EventName

Event name.

Return value:



Event map.

Defined in:


#table Events


#table EventStructure

Event structure.

Go sub.

Defined in:


#string ParentFrom

Parent from state.

#string ParentEvent

Parent event name.

Return value:




Defined in:


#string EventName

Event name.



Is end state.

Defined in:


#string Current

Current state name.

Return values:


FSM parent.


Event name.

Sub maps.

Defined in:


#table subs


#table sub


#string name


Check if can do an event.

Defined in:


#string e

Event name.

Return values:


If true, FSM can do the event.


To state.

Check if cannot do an event.

Defined in:


#string e

Event name.

Return value:


If true, FSM cannot do the event.

Check if FSM is in state.

Defined in:


#string State

State name.


Return value:


If true, FSM is in this state.