Module AI.AI_Cargo_Airplane
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of cargo using airplanes.
Author: FlightControl
Brings a dynamic cargo handling capability for an AI airplane group. |
Brings a dynamic cargo handling capability for an AI airplane group.
Airplane carrier equipment can be mobilized to intelligently transport infantry and other cargo within the simulation between airbases.
The AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE module uses the Cargo.Cargo capabilities within the MOOSE framework. Cargo.Cargo must be declared within the mission to make AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE recognize the cargo. Please consult the Cargo.Cargo module for more information.
Cargo pickup.
Using the AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE.Pickup() method, you are able to direct the helicopters towards a point on the battlefield to board/load the cargo at the specific coordinate. Ensure that the landing zone is horizontally flat, and that trees cannot be found in the landing vicinity, or the helicopters won't land or will even crash!
Cargo deployment.
Using the AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE.Deploy() method, you are able to direct the helicopters towards a point on the battlefield to unboard/unload the cargo at the specific coordinate. Ensure that the landing zone is horizontally flat, and that trees cannot be found in the landing vicinity, or the helicopters won't land or will even crash!
Infantry health.
When infantry is unboarded from the APCs, the infantry is actually respawned into the battlefield. As a result, the unboarding infantry is very healthy every time it unboards. This is due to the limitation of the DCS simulator, which is not able to specify the health of new spawned units as a parameter. However, infantry that was destroyed when unboarded, won't be respawned again. Destroyed is destroyed. As a result, there is some additional strength that is gained when an unboarding action happens, but in terms of simulation balance this has marginal impact on the overall battlefield simulation. Fortunately, the firing strength of infantry is limited, and thus, respacing healthy infantry every time is not so much of an issue ...
Developer Note
Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated
We are going home!
Deploy Trigger for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where to deploy stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to the deploy base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE DeployZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be deployed.
Find a free Carrier within a range.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE Airbase
#number Radius
Return value:
Creates a new AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE object.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Plane used for transportation of cargo.
Core.Set#SET_CARGO CargoSet
Cargo set to be transported.
Return value:
Deploy Handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where to deploy stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to the deploy base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE DeployZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be deployed.
On after Deployed event.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone
The zone wherein the cargo is deployed.
On after Loaded event, i.e.
triggered when the cargo is inside the carrier.
Pickup Handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate where to pickup stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to pickup base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be picked up.
Deploy Handler OnBefore for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo plane.
#string From
#string Event
#string To
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE Airbase
Destination airbase where troops are deployed.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to deploy base.
Return value:
Pickup Handler OnBefore for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE Airbase
Airbase where troops are picked up.
#number Speed
in km/h for travelling to pickup base.
Return value:
Pickup Trigger for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate where to pickup stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to pickup base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be picked up.
Route the airplane from one airport or it's current position to another airbase.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Airplane group to be routed.
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE Airbase
Destination airbase.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h. Default is 80% of max possible speed the group can do.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the Airbase.
#boolean Uncontrolled
If true, spawn group in uncontrolled state.
Set the Carrier (controllable).
Also initializes events for carrier and defines the coalition.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Transport plane.
Return value:
Deploy Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where to deploy stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to the deploy base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE DeployZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be deployed.
Pickup Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_AIRPLANE
Defined in:
#number Delay
Delay in seconds.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate where to pickup stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to pickup base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be picked up.
On after Depoly event.
Routes plane to the airbase where the troops are deployed.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinate where to deploy stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to the deploy base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE DeployZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be deployed.
On after Home event.
Aircraft will be routed to their home base.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
The cargo plane.
From state.
To State.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Home place (not used).
#number Speed
Speed in km/h to fly to the home airbase (zone). Default is 80% of max possible speed the unit can go.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE HomeZone
The home airbase (zone) where the plane should return to.
On after "Landed" event.
Called on engine shutdown and initiates the pickup mission or unloading event.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
On after "Pickup" event.
Routes transport to pickup airbase.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate where to pickup stuff.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h for travelling to pickup base.
#number Height
Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be picked up.
On after Unload event.
Cargo is beeing unloaded, i.e. the unboarding process is started.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Airplane
Cargo transport plane.
#string From
From state.
#string Event
#string To
To state.
Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE DeployZone
The airbase zone where the cargo will be deployed.