Module AI.AI_Patrol
AI - Perform Air Patrolling for airplanes.
- Patrol AI airplanes within a given zone.
- Trigger detected events when enemy airplanes are detected.
- Manage a fuel threshold to RTB on time.
AI PATROL classes makes AI Controllables execute an Patrol.
There are the following types of PATROL classes defined:
- #AI_PATROL_ZONE: Perform a PATROL in a zone.
Demo Missions
YouTube Playlist
Author: FlightControl
- Dutch_Baron: Working together with James has resulted in the creation of the AI_BALANCER class. James has shared his ideas on balancing AI with air units, and together we made a first design which you can use now :-)
- Pikey: Testing and API concept review.
Implements the core functions to patrol a Core.Zone by an AI Wrapper.Controllable or Wrapper.Group. |
Implements the core functions to patrol a Core.Zone by an AI Wrapper.Controllable or Wrapper.Group.
The AI_PATROL_ZONE is assigned a Wrapper.Group and this must be done before the AI_PATROL_ZONE process can be started using the Start event.
The AI will fly towards the random 3D point within the patrol zone, using a random speed within the given altitude and speed limits. Upon arrival at the 3D point, a new random 3D point will be selected within the patrol zone using the given limits.
This cycle will continue.
During the patrol, the AI will detect enemy targets, which are reported through the Detected event.
-- Note that the enemy is not engaged! To model enemy engagement, either tailor the Detected event, or use derived AI_ classes to model AI offensive or defensive behaviour.
Until a fuel or damage threshold has been reached by the AI, or when the AI is commanded to RTB. When the fuel threshold has been reached, the airplane will fly towards the nearest friendly airbase and will land.
1. AI_PATROL_ZONE constructor
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.New(): Creates a new AI_PATROL_ZONE object.
2.1. AI_PATROL_ZONE States
- None ( Group ): The process is not started yet.
- Patrolling ( Group ): The AI is patrolling the Patrol Zone.
- Returning ( Group ): The AI is returning to Base.
- Stopped ( Group ): The process is stopped.
- Crashed ( Group ): The AI has crashed or is dead.
2.2. AI_PATROL_ZONE Events
- Start ( Group ): Start the process.
- Stop ( Group ): Stop the process.
- Route ( Group ): Route the AI to a new random 3D point within the Patrol Zone.
- RTB ( Group ): Route the AI to the home base.
- Detect ( Group ): The AI is detecting targets.
- Detected ( Group ): The AI has detected new targets.
- Status ( Group ): The AI is checking status (fuel and damage). When the thresholds have been reached, the AI will RTB.
3. Set or Get the AI controllable
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetControllable(): Set the AIControllable.
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.GetControllable(): Get the AIControllable.
4. Set the Speed and Altitude boundaries of the AI controllable
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetSpeed(): Set the patrol speed boundaries of the AI, for the next patrol.
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetAltitude(): Set altitude boundaries of the AI, for the next patrol.
5. Manage the detection process of the AI controllable
The detection process of the AI controllable can be manipulated. Detection requires an amount of CPU power, which has an impact on your mission performance. Only put detection on when absolutely necessary, and the frequency of the detection can also be set.
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetDetectionOn(): Set the detection on. The AI will detect for targets.
- AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetDetectionOff(): Set the detection off, the AI will not detect for targets. The existing target list will NOT be erased.
The detection frequency can be set with AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetRefreshTimeInterval( seconds ), where the amount of seconds specify how much seconds will be waited before the next detection. Use the method AI_PATROL_ZONE.GetDetectedUnits() to obtain a list of the Wrapper.Units detected by the AI.
The detection can be filtered to potential targets in a specific zone. Use the method AI_PATROL_ZONE.SetDetectionZone() to set the zone where targets need to be detected. Note that when the zone is too far away, or the AI is not heading towards the zone, or the AI is too high, no targets may be detected according the weather conditions.
6. Manage the "out of fuel" in the AI_PATROL_ZONE
When the AI is out of fuel, it is required that a new AI is started, before the old AI can return to the home base. Therefore, with a parameter and a calculation of the distance to the home base, the fuel threshold is calculated. When the fuel threshold is reached, the AI will continue for a given time its patrol task in orbit, while a new AI is targeted to the AI_PATROL_ZONE. Once the time is finished, the old AI will return to the base. Use the method AI_PATROL_ZONE.ManageFuel() to have this process in place.
7. Manage "damage" behaviour of the AI in the AI_PATROL_ZONE
When the AI is damaged, it is required that a new AIControllable is started. However, damage cannon be foreseen early on. Therefore, when the damage threshold is reached, the AI will return immediately to the home base (RTB). Use the method AI_PATROL_ZONE.ManageDamage() to have this process in place.
Developer Note
Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated
Fields and Methods inherited from AI_PATROL_ZONE | Description |
The Wrapper.Controllable patrolling. |
Clears the list of Wrapper.Unit#UNITs that were detected by the AI. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Detect. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Detected. |
Gets a list of Wrapper.Unit#UNITs that were detected by the AI. |
When the AI is damaged beyond a certain threshold, it is required that the AI returns to the home base. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:ManageFuel(PatrolFuelThresholdPercentage, PatrolOutOfFuelOrbitTime) |
When the AI is out of fuel, it is required that a new AI is started, before the old AI can return to the home base. |
Creates a new AI_PATROL_ZONE object |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Detect. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnAfterDetected(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Detected. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event RTB. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Route. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Start. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Status. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnBeforeDetect(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Detect. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnBeforeDetected(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Detected. |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event RTB. |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Route. |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Start. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnBeforeStatus(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Status. |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnEnterPatrolling(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Patrolling. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnEnterReturning(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Returning. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnEnterStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnLeavePatrolling(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Patrolling. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnLeaveReturning(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Returning. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnLeaveStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol. |
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol. |
The maximum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h. |
The minimum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h. |
The Core.Zone where the patrol needs to be executed. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event RTB. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Route. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:SetAltitude(PatrolFloorAltitude, PatrolCeilingAltitude) |
Sets the floor and ceiling altitude of the patrol. |
Activate the detection. |
Deactivate the detection. |
Set the detection off. |
Set the detection on. |
Set the detection zone where the AI is detecting targets. |
Set the interval in seconds between each detection executed by the AI. |
Sets (modifies) the minimum and maximum speed of the patrol. |
Set the status checking off. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Start. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Status. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Detect. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Detected. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event RTB. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Route. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Start. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Status. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
Defines a new patrol route using the #AI_PATROL_ZONE parameters and settings. |
Defines a new patrol route using the #AI_PATROL_ZONE parameters and settings. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:onbeforeDetect(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM_CONTROLLABLE | Description |
Gets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs. |
Creates a new FSM_CONTROLLABLE object. |
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnEnterStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:OnLeaveStopped(Controllable, From, Event, To) |
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped. |
Sets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs. |
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:_call_handler(step, trigger, params, EventName) |
Fields and Methods inherited from FSM | Description |
Adds an End state. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:AddProcess(From, Event, Process, ReturnEvents) |
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task. |
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:AddScoreProcess(From, Event, State, ScoreText, Score) |
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved. |
Add a new transition rule to the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns the End states. |
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM. |
Returns a table with the scores defined. |
Returns the start state of the FSM. |
Get current state. |
Returns a table with the Subs defined. |
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
Load call backs. |
Creates a new FSM object. |
Sets the start state of the FSM. |
Add to map. |
AI_PATROL_ZONE:_call_handler(step, trigger, params, EventName) |
Call handler. |
Create transition. |
Delayed transition. |
Event map. |
Go sub. |
Handler. |
Is end state. |
Sub maps. |
Check if can do an event. |
Check if cannot do an event. |
Check if FSM is in state. |
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
Clears the list of Wrapper.Unit#UNITs that were detected by the AI.
Defined in:
Gets a list of Wrapper.Unit#UNITs that were detected by the AI.
No filtering is applied, so, ANY detected UNIT can be in this list. It is up to the mission designer to use the Wrapper.Unit class and methods to filter the targets.
When the AI is damaged beyond a certain threshold, it is required that the AI returns to the home base.
However, damage cannot be foreseen early on. Therefore, when the damage threshold is reached, the AI will return immediately to the home base (RTB). Note that for groups, the average damage of the complete group will be calculated. So, in a group of 4 airplanes, 2 lost and 2 with damage 0.2, the damage threshold will be 0.25.
Defined in:
#number PatrolDamageThreshold
The threshold in percentage (between 0 and 1) when the AI is considered to be damaged.
Return value:
When the AI is out of fuel, it is required that a new AI is started, before the old AI can return to the home base.
Therefore, with a parameter and a calculation of the distance to the home base, the fuel threshold is calculated. When the fuel threshold is reached, the AI will continue for a given time its patrol task in orbit, while a new AIControllable is targeted to the AI_PATROL_ZONE. Once the time is finished, the old AI will return to the base.
Defined in:
#number PatrolFuelThresholdPercentage
The threshold in percentage (between 0 and 1) when the AIControllable is considered to get out of fuel.
#number PatrolOutOfFuelOrbitTime
The amount of seconds the out of fuel AIControllable will orbit before returning to the base.
Return value:
Creates a new AI_PATROL_ZONE object
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE_BASE PatrolZone
The Core.Zone where the patrol needs to be executed.
DCS#Altitude PatrolFloorAltitude
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
DCS#Altitude PatrolCeilingAltitude
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
DCS#Speed PatrolMinSpeed
The minimum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h.
DCS#Speed PatrolMaxSpeed
The maximum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h.
DCS#AltitudeType PatrolAltType
The altitude type ("RADIO"=="AGL", "BARO"=="ASL"). Defaults to RADIO
Return value:
-- Define a new AI_PATROL_ZONE Object. This PatrolArea will patrol an AIControllable within PatrolZone between 3000 and 6000 meters, with a variying speed between 600 and 900 km/h.
PatrolZone = ZONE:New( 'PatrolZone' )
PatrolSpawn = SPAWN:New( 'Patrol Group' )
PatrolArea = AI_PATROL_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 3000, 6000, 600, 900 )
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Detect.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Detected.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event RTB.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Route.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Start.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Status.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Detect.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Detected.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event RTB.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Route.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Start.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Status.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
@param #AI_PATROL_ZONE self @param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData
Defined in:
@param #AI_PATROL_ZONE self @param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData
Defined in:
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Patrolling.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Returning.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Patrolling.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Returning.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
@param #AI_PATROL_ZONE self @param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData
Defined in:
Sets the floor and ceiling altitude of the patrol.
Defined in:
DCS#Altitude PatrolFloorAltitude
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
DCS#Altitude PatrolCeilingAltitude
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
Return value:
Activate the detection.
The AI will detect for targets if the Detection is switched On.
Deactivate the detection.
The AI will NOT detect for targets.
Set the detection off.
The AI will NOT detect for targets. However, the list of already detected targets will be kept and can be enquired!
Set the detection on.
The AI will detect for targets.
Set the detection zone where the AI is detecting targets.
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE DetectionZone
The zone where to detect targets.
Return value:
Set the interval in seconds between each detection executed by the AI.
The list of already detected targets will be kept and updated. Newly detected targets will be added, but already detected targets that were not detected in this cycle, will NOT be removed! The default interval is 30 seconds.
Defined in:
#number Seconds
The interval in seconds.
Return value:
Sets (modifies) the minimum and maximum speed of the patrol.
Defined in:
DCS#Speed PatrolMinSpeed
The minimum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h.
DCS#Speed PatrolMaxSpeed
The maximum speed of the Wrapper.Controllable in km/h.
Return value:
Set the status checking off.
@param Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE AIControllable This static method is called from the route path within the last task at the last waypoint of the Controllable. Note that this method is required, as triggers the next route when patrolling for the Controllable.
Defined in:
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Detect.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Detected.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event RTB.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Route.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Start.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Status.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop.
Defined in:
#number Delay
The delay in seconds.
@param #AI_PATROL_ZONE self @param Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
Defined in:
Defines a new patrol route using the #AI_PATROL_ZONE parameters and settings.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Defines a new patrol route using the #AI_PATROL_ZONE parameters and settings.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
@param #AI_PATROL_ZONE self @param Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable+
Defined in:
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
Gets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Creates a new FSM_CONTROLLABLE object.
Defined in:
#table FSMT
Finite State Machine Table
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
(optional) The CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Return value:
OnAfter Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnBefore Transition Handler for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
OnEnter Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
OnLeave Transition Handler for State Stopped.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Controllable#CONTROLLABLE Controllable
The Controllable Object managed by the FSM.
#string From
The From State string.
#string Event
The Event string.
#string To
The To State string.
Return value:
Return false to cancel Transition.
Sets the CONTROLLABLE object that the FSM_CONTROLLABLE governs.
Synchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop.
Defined in:
Asynchronous Event Trigger for Event Stop.
The highest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
The lowest altitude in meters where to execute the patrol.
Adds an End state.
Set the default #FSM_PROCESS template with key ProcessName providing the ProcessClass and the process object when it is assigned to a Wrapper.Controllable by the task.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
Core.Fsm#FSM_PROCESS Process
An sub-process FSM.
#table ReturnEvents
A table indicating for which returned events of the SubFSM which Event must be triggered in the FSM.
Return value:
The SubFSM.
Adds a score for the FSM to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Adds a score for the FSM_PROCESS to be achieved.
Defined in:
#string From
is the From State of the main process.
#string Event
is the Event of the main process.
#string State
is the state of the process when the score needs to be given. (See the relevant state descriptions of the process).
#string ScoreText
is a text describing the score that is given according the status.
#number Score
is a number providing the score of the status.
Return value:
Add a new transition rule to the FSM.
A transition rule defines when and if the FSM can transition from a state towards another state upon a triggered event.
Defined in:
#table From
Can contain a string indicating the From state or a table of strings containing multiple From states.
#string Event
The Event name.
#string To
The To state.
Get current state.
Returns the End states.
Returns a table of the SubFSM rules defined within the FSM.
Returns a table with the scores defined.
Returns the start state of the FSM.
Get current state.
Returns a table with the Subs defined.
Returns a table of the transition rules defined within the FSM.
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.
Load call backs.
Sets the start state of the FSM.
Add to map.
Call handler.
Defined in:
#string step
Step "onafter", "onbefore", "onenter", "onleave".
#string trigger
#table params
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Create transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Delayed transition.
Defined in:
#string EventName
Event name.
Return value:
Event map.
Go sub.
Defined in:
#string ParentFrom
Parent from state.
#string ParentEvent
Parent event name.
Return value:
Is end state.
Defined in:
#string Current
Current state name.
Return values:
FSM parent.
Event name.
Sub maps.
Check if can do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return values:
If true, FSM can do the event.
To state.
Check if cannot do an event.
Defined in:
#string e
Event name.
Return value:
If true, FSM cannot do the event.
Check if FSM is in state.
Defined in:
#string State
State name.
Return value:
If true, FSM is in this state.