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Module AI.AI_Cargo_Dispatcher

AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo.


Test Missions:

Test missions can be located on the main GITHUB site.

FlightControl-Master/MOOSE_MISSIONS/AID - AI Dispatching/AID-CGO - AI Cargo Dispatching/

The dispatcher concept.

Carrier equipment can be mobilized to intelligently transport infantry and other cargo within the simulation. The AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER module uses the Cargo.Cargo capabilities within the MOOSE framework, to enable Carrier GROUP objects to transport Cargo.Cargo towards several deploy zones. Cargo.Cargo must be declared within the mission to make the AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER object recognize the cargo. Please consult the Cargo.Cargo module for more information.

Why cargo dispatching?

It provides a realistic way of distributing your army forces around the battlefield, and to provide a quick means of cargo transportation. Instead of having troops or cargo to "appear" suddenly at certain locations, the dispatchers will pickup the cargo and transport it. It also allows to enforce or retreat your army from certain zones when needed, using helicopters or APCs. Airplanes can transport cargo over larger distances between the airfields.

What is a cargo object then?

In order to make use of the MOOSE cargo system, you need to declare the DCS objects as MOOSE cargo objects! This sounds complicated, but it is actually quite simple.

See here an example:

local EngineerCargoGroup = CARGO_GROUP:New( GROUP:FindByName( "Engineers" ), "Workmaterials", "Engineers", 250 )

The above code declares a MOOSE cargo object called EngineerCargoGroup. It actually just refers to an infantry group created within the sim called "Engineers". The infantry group now becomes controlled by the MOOSE cargo object EngineerCargoGroup. A MOOSE cargo object also has properties, like the type of cargo, the logical name, and the reporting range.

For more information, please consult the Cargo.Cargo module documentation. Please read through it, because it will explain how to setup the cargo objects for use within your dispatchers.

Do I need to do a lot of coding to setup a dispatcher?

No! It requires a bit of studying to set it up, but once you understand the different components that use the cargo dispatcher, it becomes very easy. Also, the dispatchers work in a true dynamic environment. The carriers and cargo, pickup and deploy zones can be created dynamically in your mission, and will automatically be recognized by the dispatcher.

Is the dispatcher causing a lot of CPU overhead?

A little yes, but once the cargo is properly loaded into the carrier, the CPU consumption is very little. When infantry or vehicles board into a carrier, or unboard from a carrier, you may perceive certain performance lags. We are working to minimize the impact of those. That being said, the DCS simulator is limited. It is just impossible to deploy hundreds of cargo over the battlefield, hundreds of helicopters transporting, without any performance impact. The amount of helicopters that are active and flying in your simulation influences more the performance than the dispatchers. It really comes down to trying it out and getting experienced with what is possible and what is not (or too much).

Are the dispatchers a "black box" in terms of the logic?

No. You can tailor the dispatcher mechanisms using event handlers, and create additional logic to enhance the behaviour and dynamism in your own mission. The events are listed below, and so are the options, but here are a couple of examples of what is possible:

  • You could handle the Deployed event, when all the cargo is unloaded from a carrier in the dispatcher. Adding your own code to the event handler, you could move the deployed cargo (infantry) to specific points to engage in the battlefield.

  • When a carrier is picking up cargo, the Pickup* event is triggered, and you can inform the coalition of this event, because it is an indication that troops are planned to join.

Are there options that you can set to modify the behaviour of the carries?

Yes, there are options to configure:

  • the location where carriers will park or land near the cargo for pickup.
  • the location where carriers will park or land in the deploy zone for cargo deployment.
  • the height for airborne carriers when they fly to and from pickup and deploy zones.
  • the speed of the carriers. This is an important parameter, because depending on the tactication situation, speed will influence the detection by radars.

Can the zones be of any zone type?

Yes, please ensure that the zones are declared using the Core.Zone classes. Possible zones that function at the moment are ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_UNIT, ZONE_POLYGON.

Developer Note

Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated

Author: FlightControl



A dynamic cargo handling capability for AI groups.


A dynamic cargo handling capability for AI groups.

Carrier equipment can be mobilized to intelligently transport infantry and other cargo within the simulation. The AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER module uses the Cargo.Cargo capabilities within the MOOSE framework, to enable Carrier GROUP objects to transport Cargo.Cargo towards several deploy zones. Cargo.Cargo must be declared within the mission to make the AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER object recognize the cargo. Please consult the Cargo.Cargo module for more information.

1) AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER constructor.

Find below some examples of AI cargo dispatcher objects created.

An AI dispatcher object for a helicopter squadron, moving infantry from pickup zones to deploy zones.

   local SetCargoInfantry = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
   local SetHelicopter = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "Helicopter" ):FilterStart()
   local SetPickupZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Pickup" ):FilterStart()
   local SetDeployZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Deploy" ):FilterStart()

   AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 
   AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetHomeZone( ZONE:FindByName( "Home" ) )

An AI dispatcher object for a vehicle squadron, moving infantry from pickup zones to deploy zones.

   local SetCargoInfantry = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
   local SetAPC = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "APC" ):FilterStart()
   local SetDeployZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Deploy" ):FilterStart()

   AICargoDispatcherAPC = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_APC:New( SetAPC, SetCargoInfantry, nil, SetDeployZones ) 

An AI dispatcher object for an airplane squadron, moving infantry and vehicles from pickup airbases to deploy airbases.

   local CargoInfantrySet = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
   local AirplanesSet = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "Airplane" ):FilterStart()
   local PickupZoneSet = SET_ZONE:New()
   local DeployZoneSet = SET_ZONE:New()

   PickupZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Gudauta ) )
   DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler ) )
   DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Maykop_Khanskaya ) )
   DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Mineralnye_Vody ) )
   DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Vaziani ) )

   AICargoDispatcherAirplanes = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRPLANE:New( AirplanesSet, CargoInfantrySet, PickupZoneSet, DeployZoneSet ) 
   AICargoDispatcherAirplanes:SetHomeZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Kobuleti ) )

2) AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER is a Finite State Machine.

This section must be read as follows. Each of the rows indicate a state transition, triggered through an event, and with an ending state of the event was executed. The first column is the From state, the second column the Event, and the third column the To state.

So, each of the rows have the following structure.

  • From => Event => To

Important to know is that an event can only be executed if the current state is the From state. This, when an Event that is being triggered has a From state that is equal to the Current state of the state machine, the event will be executed, and the resulting state will be the To state.

These are the different possible state transitions of this state machine implementation:

  • Idle => Start => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Monitor => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Stop => Idle

  • Monitoring => Pickup => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Load => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Loading => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Loaded => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => PickedUp => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Deploy => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Unload => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Unloaded => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Deployed => Monitoring

  • Monitoring => Home => Monitoring


  • Monitoring: The process is dispatching.
  • Idle: The process is idle.


  • Start: Start the transport process.

  • Stop: Stop the transport process.

  • Monitor: Monitor and take action.

  • Pickup: Pickup cargo.

  • Load: Load the cargo.

  • Loading: The dispatcher is coordinating the loading of a cargo.

  • Loaded: Flag that the cargo is loaded.

  • PickedUp: The dispatcher has loaded all requested cargo into the CarrierGroup.

  • Deploy: Deploy cargo to a location.

  • Unload: Unload the cargo.

  • Unloaded: Flag that the cargo is unloaded.

  • Deployed: All cargo is unloaded from the carriers in the group.

  • Home: A Carrier is going home.

3) Enhance your mission scripts with Tailored Event Handling!

Use these methods to capture the events and tailor the events with your own code! All classes derived from AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER can capture these events, and you can write your own code.

In order to properly capture the events, it is mandatory that you execute the following actions using your script:

  • Copy / Paste the code section into your script.
  • Change the CLASS literal to the object name you have in your script.
  • Within the function, you can now write your own code!
  • IntelliSense will recognize the type of the variables provided by the function. Note: the From, Event and To variables can be safely ignored, but you need to declare them as they are automatically provided by the event handling system of MOOSE.

You can send messages or fire off any other events within the code section. The sky is the limit!

Mission AID-CGO-140, AID-CGO-240 and AID-CGO-340 contain examples how these events can be tailored.

For those who don't have the time to check the test missions, find the underlying example of a Deployed event that is tailored.

 --- Deployed Handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @function OnAfterDeployed
 -- @param #AICargoDispatcherHelicopter self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was fired.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was fired.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was fired.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:OnAfterDeployed( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, DeployZone )

   MESSAGE:NewType( "Group " .. CarrierGroup:GetName() .. " deployed all cargo in zone " .. DeployZone:GetName(), MESSAGE.Type.Information ):ToAll()


3.1) Tailor the Pickup event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed towards a new pickup Coordinate and a specified Speed. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Pickup event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed towards a new pickup Coordinate and a specified Speed.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate The coordinate of the pickup location.
 -- @param #number Speed The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the pickup Coordinate.
 -- @param #number Height Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone (optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.
 function CLASS:OnAfterPickup( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, PickupZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.2) Tailor the Load event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the loading or boarding of cargo within reporting or near range. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Load event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the loading or boarding of cargo within reporting or near range.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone (optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.
 function CLASS:OnAfterLoad( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, PickupZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.3) Tailor the Loading event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup is in the process of loading or boarding of a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Loading event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup is in the process of loading or boarding of a cargo object.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- Note that this event is triggered repeatedly until all cargo (units) have been boarded into the carrier.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Cargo.Cargo#CARGO Cargo The cargo object.
 -- @param Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit The carrier unit that is executing the cargo loading operation.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone (optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.
 function CLASS:OnAfterLoading( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, PickupZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.4) Tailor the Loaded event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has loaded a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. Note that if more cargo objects were loading or boarding into the CarrierUnit, then this event can be triggered multiple times for each different Cargo/CarrierUnit.

The function provides the CarrierGroup, which is the main group that was loading the Cargo into the CarrierUnit. A CarrierUnit is part of the larger CarrierGroup.

 --- Loaded event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has loaded a cargo object.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- Note that if more cargo objects were loading or boarding into the CarrierUnit, then this event can be triggered multiple times for each different Cargo/CarrierUnit.
 -- A CarrierUnit can be part of the larger CarrierGroup.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Cargo.Cargo#CARGO Cargo The cargo object.
 -- @param Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit The carrier unit that is executing the cargo loading operation.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone (optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.
 function CLASS:OnAfterLoaded( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, PickupZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.5) Tailor the PickedUp event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has picked up all cargo objects into the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- PickedUp event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has picked up all cargo objects into the CarrierGroup.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE_AIRBASE PickupZone (optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.
 function CLASS:OnAfterPickedUp( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, PickupZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.6) Tailor the Deploy event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed to a deploy coordinate, to Unload all cargo objects in each CarrierUnit. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Deploy event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed to a deploy coordinate, to Unload all cargo objects in each CarrierUnit.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate The deploy coordinate.
 -- @param #number Speed The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the deploy Coordinate.
 -- @param #number Height Height in meters to move to the deploy coordinate.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterDeploy( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, DeployZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.7) Tailor the Unload event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the unloading or unboarding of cargo. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Unload event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the unloading or unboarding of cargo.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterUnload( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, DeployZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.8) Tailor the Unloading event

 --- UnLoading event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup is in the process of unloading or unboarding of a cargo object.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- Note that this event is triggered repeatedly until all cargo (units) have been unboarded from the CarrierUnit.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Cargo.Cargo#CARGO Cargo The cargo object.
 -- @param Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit The carrier unit that is executing the cargo unloading operation.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterUnload( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, DeployZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.9) Tailor the Unloaded event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has unloaded a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Unloaded event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has unloaded a cargo object.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- Note that if more cargo objects were unloading or unboarding from the CarrierUnit, then this event can be triggered multiple times for each different Cargo/CarrierUnit.
 -- A CarrierUnit can be part of the larger CarrierGroup.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Cargo.Cargo#CARGO Cargo The cargo object.
 -- @param Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit The carrier unit that is executing the cargo unloading operation.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterUnloaded( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, DeployZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.10) Tailor the Deployed event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Deployed event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterDeployed( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, DeployZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


3.11) Tailor the Home event

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is returning to the HomeZone, after it has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

 --- Home event handler OnAfter for CLASS.
 -- Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is returning to the HomeZone, after it has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup.
 -- You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.
 -- If there is no HomeZone is specified, the CarrierGroup will stay at the current location after having deployed all cargo and this event won't be triggered.
 -- @param #CLASS self
 -- @param #string From A string that contains the "*from state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string Event A string that contains the "*event name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param #string To A string that contains the "*to state name*" when the event was triggered.
 -- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.
 -- @param Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate The home coordinate the Carrier will arrive and stop it's activities.
 -- @param #number Speed The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the home Coordinate.
 -- @param #number Height Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.
 -- @param Core.Zone#ZONE HomeZone The zone wherein the carrier will return when all cargo has been transported. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.
 function CLASS:OnAfterHome( From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, HomeZone )

   -- Write here your own code.


4) Set the pickup parameters.

Several parameters can be set to pickup cargo:

5) Set the deploy parameters.

Several parameters can be set to deploy cargo:

6) Set the home zone when there isn't any more cargo to pickup.

A home zone can be specified to where the Carriers will move when there isn't any cargo left for pickup. Use AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.SetHomeZone() to specify the home zone.

If no home zone is specified, the carriers will wait near the deploy zone for a new pickup command.


Fields and Methods inherited from AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER Description


List of AI_Cargo











AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:New(CarrierSet, CargoSet, PickupZoneSet, DeployZoneSet)

Creates a new AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER object.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterDeploy(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, DeployZone)

Deploy event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterDeployed(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, DeployZone)

Deployed event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterHome(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, HomeZone)

Home event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterLoad(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, PickupZone)

Load event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterLoaded(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, PickupZone)

Loaded event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterLoading(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, PickupZone)

Loading event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterPickedUp(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, PickupZone)

PickedUp event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterPickup(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Coordinate, Speed, Height, PickupZone)

Pickup event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterUnload(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, DeployZone)

Unload event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterUnloaded(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, DeployZone)

Unloaded event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:OnAfterUnloading(From, Event, To, CarrierGroup, Cargo, CarrierUnit, DeployZone)

UnLoading event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.











AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetDeployHeight(MaxHeight, MinHeight)

Set the height or randomizes the height in meters to fly and deploy the cargo.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetDeployRadius(OuterRadius, InnerRadius)

Sets or randomizes the deploy location for the carrier around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and an optional inner radius.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetDeploySpeed(MaxSpeed, MinSpeed)

Sets or randomizes the speed in km/h to deploy the cargo.


Set the home zone.


Set the monitor time interval.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetPickupHeight(MaxHeight, MinHeight)

Set the height or randomizes the height in meters to fly and pickup the cargo.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetPickupRadius(OuterRadius, InnerRadius)

Sets or randomizes the pickup location for the carrier around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and optional inner radius.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:SetPickupSpeed(MaxSpeed, MinSpeed)

Set the speed or randomizes the speed in km/h to pickup the cargo.






Start Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER


Stop Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER


The Start trigger event, which actually takes action at the specified time interval.

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:onafterStart(From, Event, To)

AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER:onafterTransport(From, Event, To, Carrier, Cargo)

Make a Carrier run for a cargo deploy action after the cargo has been loaded, by default.



List of AI_Cargo


Creates a new AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER object.

Defined in:



Core.Set#SET_GROUP CarrierSet

The set of Wrapper.Group#GROUP objects of carriers that will transport the cargo.

The set of Cargo.Cargo#CARGO objects, which can be CARGO_GROUP, CARGO_CRATE, CARGO_SLINGLOAD objects.

Core.Set#SET_ZONE PickupZoneSet

(optional) The set of pickup zones, which are used to where the cargo can be picked up by the carriers. If nil, then cargo can be picked up everywhere.

Core.Set#SET_ZONE DeployZoneSet

The set of deploy zones, which are used to where the cargo will be deployed by the carriers.

Return value:


         -- An AI dispatcher object for a helicopter squadron, moving infantry from pickup zones to deploy zones.
         local SetCargoInfantry = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
         local SetHelicopter = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "Helicopter" ):FilterStart()
         local SetPickupZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Pickup" ):FilterStart()
         local SetDeployZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Deploy" ):FilterStart()
         AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 
         -- An AI dispatcher object for a vehicle squadron, moving infantry from pickup zones to deploy zones.
         local SetCargoInfantry = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
         local SetAPC = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "APC" ):FilterStart()
         local SetDeployZones = SET_ZONE:New():FilterPrefixes( "Deploy" ):FilterStart()
         AICargoDispatcherAPC = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_APC:New( SetAPC, SetCargoInfantry, nil, SetDeployZones ) 
         -- An AI dispatcher object for an airplane squadron, moving infantry and vehicles from pickup airbases to deploy airbases.
         local CargoInfantrySet = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Infantry" ):FilterStart()
         local AirplanesSet = SET_GROUP:New():FilterPrefixes( "Airplane" ):FilterStart()
         local PickupZoneSet = SET_ZONE:New()
         local DeployZoneSet = SET_ZONE:New()
         PickupZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Gudauta ) )
         DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler ) )
         DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Maykop_Khanskaya ) )
         DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Mineralnye_Vody ) )
         DeployZoneSet:AddZone( ZONE_AIRBASE:New( AIRBASE.Caucasus.Vaziani ) )
         AICargoDispatcherAirplanes = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRPLANE:New( AirplanesSet, CargoInfantrySet, PickupZoneSet, DeployZoneSet ) 

Deploy event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed to a deploy coordinate, to Unload all cargo objects in each CarrierUnit. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The deploy coordinate.

#number Speed

The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the deploy Coordinate.

#number Height

Height in meters to move to the deploy coordinate.

Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone

The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

Deployed event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone

The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

Home event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is returning to the HomeZone, after it has deployed all cargo objects from the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. If there is no HomeZone is specified, the CarrierGroup will stay at the current location after having deployed all cargo.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The home coordinate the Carrier will arrive and stop it's activities.

#number Speed

The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the home Coordinate.

#number Height

Height in meters to move to the home coordinate.

Core.Zone#ZONE HomeZone

The zone wherein the carrier will return when all cargo has been transported. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

Load event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the loading or boarding of cargo within reporting or near range. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

(optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.

Loaded event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has loaded a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. Note that if more cargo objects were loading or boarding into the CarrierUnit, then this event can be triggered multiple times for each different Cargo/CarrierUnit. A CarrierUnit can be part of the larger CarrierGroup.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The cargo object.

Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit

The carrier unit that is executing the cargo loading operation.

(optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.

Loading event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup is in the process of loading or boarding of a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. Note that this event is triggered repeatedly until all cargo (units) have been boarded into the carrier.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The cargo object.

Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit

The carrier unit that is executing the cargo loading operation.

(optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.

PickedUp event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a carrier has picked up all cargo objects into the CarrierGroup. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

(optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.

Pickup event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup is routed towards a new pickup Coordinate and a specified Speed. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The coordinate of the pickup location.

#number Speed

The velocity in meters per second on which the CarrierGroup is routed towards the pickup Coordinate.

#number Height

Height in meters to move to the pickup coordinate.

(optional) The zone from where the cargo is picked up. Note that the zone is optional and may not be provided, but for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_AIRBASE there will always be a PickupZone, as the pickup location is an airbase zone.

Unload event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierGroup has initiated the unloading or unboarding of cargo. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone

The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

Unloaded event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup has unloaded a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. Note that if more cargo objects were unloading or unboarding from the CarrierUnit, then this event can be triggered multiple times for each different Cargo/CarrierUnit. A CarrierUnit can be part of the larger CarrierGroup.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The cargo object.

Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit

The carrier unit that is executing the cargo unloading operation.

Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone

The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

UnLoading event handler OnAfter for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER.

Use this event handler to tailor the event when a CarrierUnit of a CarrierGroup is in the process of unloading or unboarding of a cargo object. You can use this event handler to post messages to players, or provide status updates etc. Note that this event is triggered repeatedly until all cargo (units) have been unboarded from the CarrierUnit.

Defined in:



#string From

A string that contains the "from state name" when the event was triggered.

#string Event

A string that contains the "event name" when the event was triggered.

#string To

A string that contains the "to state name" when the event was triggered.

Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup

The group object that contains the CarrierUnits.

The cargo object.

Wrapper.Unit#UNIT CarrierUnit

The carrier unit that is executing the cargo unloading operation.

Core.Zone#ZONE DeployZone

The zone wherein the cargo is deployed. This can be any zone type, like a ZONE, ZONE_GROUP, ZONE_AIRBASE.

Set the height or randomizes the height in meters to fly and deploy the cargo.

The default height is 200 meters.

Defined in:



#number MaxHeight

(optional) The maximum height to fly to the cargo deploy location.

#number MinHeight

(optional) The minimum height to fly to the cargo deploy location.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the minimum deploy fly height to be 50 meters and the maximum height to be 200 meters.
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetDeployHeight( 200, 50 )

Sets or randomizes the deploy location for the carrier around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and an optional inner radius.

This radius is influencing the location where the carrier will land to deploy the cargo. There is an aspect that is very important to remember and take into account:

  • Take care of the potential cargo position and possible reasons to crash the carrier. This is especially important for locations which are crowded with other objects, like in the middle of villages or cities. So, for the best operation of cargo operations, always ensure that the cargo is located at open spaces.

The default radius is 0, so the center. In case of a polygon zone, a random location will be selected as the center in the zone.

Defined in:



#number OuterRadius

The outer radius in meters around the cargo coordinate.

#number InnerRadius

(optional) The inner radius in meters around the cargo coordinate.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the carrier to land within a band around the cargo coordinate between 500 and 300 meters!
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetDeployRadius( 500, 300 )

Sets or randomizes the speed in km/h to deploy the cargo.

Defined in:



#number MaxSpeed

The maximum speed to move to the cargo deploy location.

#number MinSpeed

(optional) The minimum speed to move to the cargo deploy location.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the minimum deploy speed to be 100 km/h and the maximum speed to be 200 km/h.
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetDeploySpeed( 200, 100 )

Set the home zone.

When there is nothing anymore to pickup, the carriers will go to a random coordinate in this zone. They will await here new orders.

Defined in:



The home zone where the carriers will return when there is no more cargo to pickup.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the home coordinate
local HomeZone = ZONE:New( "Home" )
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetHomeZone( HomeZone )

Set the monitor time interval.

Defined in:



#number MonitorTimeInterval

The interval in seconds when the cargo dispatcher will search for new cargo to be picked up.

Return value:

Set the height or randomizes the height in meters to fly and pickup the cargo.

The default height is 200 meters.

Defined in:



#number MaxHeight

(optional) The maximum height to fly to the cargo pickup location.

#number MinHeight

(optional) The minimum height to fly to the cargo pickup location.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the minimum pickup fly height to be 50 meters and the maximum height to be 200 meters.
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetPickupHeight( 200, 50 )

Sets or randomizes the pickup location for the carrier around the cargo coordinate in a radius defined an outer and optional inner radius.

This radius is influencing the location where the carrier will land to pickup the cargo. There are two aspects that are very important to remember and take into account:

  • Ensure that the outer and inner radius are within reporting radius set by the cargo. For example, if the cargo has a reporting radius of 400 meters, and the outer and inner radius is set to 500 and 450 respectively, then no cargo will be loaded!!!
  • Also take care of the potential cargo position and possible reasons to crash the carrier. This is especially important for locations which are crowded with other objects, like in the middle of villages or cities. So, for the best operation of cargo operations, always ensure that the cargo is located at open spaces.

The default radius is 0, so the center. In case of a polygon zone, a random location will be selected as the center in the zone.

Defined in:



#number OuterRadius

The outer radius in meters around the cargo coordinate.

#number InnerRadius

(optional) The inner radius in meters around the cargo coordinate.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the carrier to land within a band around the cargo coordinate between 500 and 300 meters!
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetPickupRadius( 500, 300 )

Set the speed or randomizes the speed in km/h to pickup the cargo.

Defined in:



#number MaxSpeed

(optional) The maximum speed to move to the cargo pickup location.

#number MinSpeed

The minimum speed to move to the cargo pickup location.

Return value:


-- Create a new cargo dispatcher
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter = AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER_HELICOPTER:New( SetHelicopter, SetCargoInfantry, SetPickupZones, SetDeployZones ) 

-- Set the minimum pickup speed to be 100 km/h and the maximum speed to be 200 km/h.
AICargoDispatcherHelicopter:SetPickupSpeed( 200, 100 )


Defined in:



Defined in:


Start Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER

Defined in:



#number Delay

Stop Asynchronous Trigger for AI_CARGO_DISPATCHER

Defined in:



#number Delay

The Start trigger event, which actually takes action at the specified time interval.

Defined in:


Defined in:






Make a Carrier run for a cargo deploy action after the cargo has been loaded, by default.

Defined in:






Return value: