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AI - Models the process of Combat Air Patrol (CAP) for airplanes.
AI - Manages the process of an automatic A2A defense system based on an EWR network targets and coordinating CAP and GCI.
AI - Models the process of Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) for airplanes.
AI - Models the process of air patrol of airplanes.
AI - Models the process of air to ground BAI engagement for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Models the process of air to ground engagement for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Create an automated A2G defense system with reconnaissance units, coordinating SEAD, BAI and CAS operations.
AI - Models the process of air to ground SEAD engagement for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Models the process of AI air operations.
AI - Create an automated AIR defense system with reconnaissance units, coordinating SEAD, BAI and CAP operations.
AI - Models the process of air to ground engagement for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Models the process of A2G patrolling and engaging ground targets for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Models squadrons for airplanes and helicopters.
AI - Peform Battlefield Area Interdiction (BAI) within an engagement zone.
AI - Balance player slots with AI to create an engaging simulation environment, independent of the amount of players.
AI - Perform Combat Air Patrolling (CAP) for airplanes.
AI - Perform Close Air Support (CAS) near friendlies.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of cargo using ground vehicles.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of cargo using airplanes.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using APCs.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using Planes.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using Helicopters.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using Ships.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of cargo using helicopters.
AI - Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo.
AI - Taking the lead of AI escorting your flight or of other AI.
AI - Models the automatic assignment of AI escorts to player flights.
AI - Models the assignment of AI escorts to player flights upon request using the radio menu.
AI - Taking the lead of AI escorting your flight or of other AI, upon request using the menu.
AI - Build large airborne formations of aircraft.
AI - Perform Air Patrolling for airplanes.
Actions - ACT_ACCOUNT_ classes account for (detect, count & report) various DCS events occurring on UNITs.
(SP) (MP) (FSM) Accept or reject process for player (task) assignments.
(SP) (MP) (FSM) Route AI or players through waypoints or to zones.
(SP) (MP) (FSM) Route AI or players through waypoints or to zones.
Cargo - Management of CARGO logistics, that can be transported from and to transportation carriers.
Cargo - Management of single cargo crates, which are based on a STATIC object.
Cargo - Management of grouped cargo logistics, which are based on a GROUP object.
Cargo - Management of single cargo crates, which are based on a STATIC object.
Cargo - Management of single cargo logistics, which are based on a UNIT object.
Core - The base class within the framework.
Core - TACAN and other beacons.
Core - Client Menu Management.
Core - Define any or all conditions to be evaluated.
Core - Manages several databases containing templates, mission objects, and mission information.
Core - Models DCS event dispatching using a publish-subscribe model.
Core - FSM (Finite State Machine) are objects that model and control long lasting business processes and workflow.
Core - Models the process to achieve goal(s).
Core - Tap into markers added to the F10 map by users.
Core - Manage hierarchical menu structures and commands for players within a mission.
Core - Informs the players using messages during a simulation.
Core - Defines an extensive API to manage 3D points in the DCS World 3D simulation space.
Core - Provides a handy means to create messages and reports.
Core - SCHEDULEDISPATCHER dispatches the different schedules.
Core - Prepares and handles the execution of functions over scheduled time (intervals).
Core - Define collections of objects to perform bulk actions and logically group objects.
Core - Manages various settings for missions, providing a menu for players to tweak settings in running missions.
Core - Spawn dynamically new groups of units in running missions.
Core - Management of spotting logistics, that can be activated and deactivated upon command.
Core - A Moose GetText system.
Core - Manage user flags to interact with the mission editor trigger system and server side scripts.
Core - Models a velocity or speed, which can be expressed in various formats according the settings.
Core - Define zones within your mission of various forms, with various capabilities.
Core - The ZONE_DETECTION class, defined by a zone name, a detection object and a radius.
Functional - AI CSAR system.
Functional - Monitor airbase traffic and regulate speed while taxiing.
Functional -- Send a truck to supply artillery groups.
Functional - Control artillery units.
Functional - Autolase targets in the field.
Functional - Keep airbases clean of crashing or colliding airplanes, and kill missiles when being fired at airbases.
Functional - Manage and track client slots easily to add your own client-based menus and modules to.
Functional - Management of target Designation .
Functional - Models the detection of enemy units by FACs or RECCEs and group them according various methods.
Functional - Captures the class DETECTION_ZONES.
Functional - Taking the lead of AI escorting your flight.
Functional - Yet Another Missile Trainer.
Functional - Modular, Automatic and Network capable Targeting and Interception System for Air Defenses.
Functional - Train missile defence and deflection.
Functional - Limit the movement of simulaneous moving ground vehicles.
Functional - Create random air traffic in your missions.
Functional - Range Practice.
Functional - Administer the scoring of player achievements, file and log the scoring events for use at websites.
Functional - Make SAM sites evasive and execute defensive behaviour when being fired upon.
Functional - Short Range Air Defense System.
Functional - Suppress fire of ground units when they get hit.
Functional - TIRESIAS - manages AI behaviour.
Functional - Simulation of logistic operations.
Functional - Models the process to zone guarding and capturing.
Functional - Base class that models processes to achieve goals involving a Zone.
Functional - Base class that models processes to achieve goals involving a Zone and Cargo.
Functional (WIP) - Base class modeling processes to achieve goals involving coalition zones.
OPS - Air Traffic Control for AI and human players.
Ops - MOOSE AI AWACS Operations using text-to-speech.
Ops - Manages aircraft CASE X recoveries for carrier operations (X=I, II, III).
Ops - Enhanced Ground Group.
Ops - Combat Search and Rescue.
Ops - Combat Troops & Logistics Department.
Ops - Cohort encompassed all characteristics of SQUADRONs, PLATOONs and FLOTILLAs.
Ops - Commander of Airwings, Brigades and Fleets.
Easy CAP/GCI Class, based on OPS classes
Date: September 2023
Last Update: July 2024
Ops - Easy GCI & CAP Manager
Main Features:
Automatically create and manage A2A CAP/GCI defenses using an AirWing and Squadrons for one coalition
Easy set-up
Add additional AirWings on other airbases
Each wing can have more than one Squadron - tasking to Squadrons is done on a random basis per AirWing
Create borders and zones of engagement
Detection can be ground based and/or via AWACS
AUTHOR: applevangelist
Ops - Enhanced Airborne Group.
Ops - Flotilla is a small naval group belonging to a fleet.
Ops - Office of Military Intelligence.
Ops - Enhanced Naval Group.
Ops - Operation with multiple phases.
Ops - Generic group enhancement.
Ops - Transport assignment for OPS groups and storage.
Ops - Allow a player in a helo like the Gazelle, KA-50 to recon and lase ground targets.
Ops - PlayerTask (mission) for Players.
Ops - Recovery tanker for carrier operations.
Ops - Rescue helicopter for carrier operations.
Author: nielsvaes/coconutcockpit
Author: nielsvaes/coconutcockpit
Author: nielsvaes/coconutcockpit
Author: nielsvaes/coconutcockpit
Shapes - Class that serves as the base shapes drawn in the Mission Editor
Author: nielsvaes/coconutcockpit
TRIANGLE class with properties and methods for handling triangles.
Sound - Radio transmissions.
Sound - Queues Radio Transmissions.
Core - Makes the radio talk.
Sound - Simple Radio Standalone (SRS) Integration and Text-to-Speech.
Sound - Sound output classes.
Sound - Manage user sound.
Tasking - A command center governs multiple missions, and takes care of the reporting and communications.
Tasking - This module contains the DETECTION_MANAGER class and derived classes.
Tasking - A mission models a goal to be achieved through the execution and completion of tasks by human players.
Tasking - A task object governs the main engine to administer human taskings.
Tasking - Controls the information of a Task.
Tasking - The TASK_A2A models tasks for players in Air to Air engagements.
Tasking - Dynamically allocates A2A tasks to human players, based on detected airborne targets through an EWR network.
Tasking - The TASK_A2G models tasks for players in Air to Ground engagements.
Tasking - Dynamically allocates A2G tasks to human players, based on detected ground targets through reconnaissance.
Tasking - Base class to model tasks for players to transport cargo.
Tasking - Creates and manages player TASK_ZONE_CAPTURE tasks.
Tasking - The TASK_Protect models tasks for players to protect or capture specific zones.
Tasking - Orchestrates the task for players to execute CSAR for downed pilots.
Tasking - Creates and manages player TASK_CARGO tasks.
Tasking - Models tasks for players to transport cargo.
Tasking - This module contains the TASK_MANAGER class and derived classes.
UTILS - Classic FiFo Stack.
Utilities - DCS Simple Text-To-Speech (STTS).
Utilities - Derived utilities taken from the MIST framework, added helpers from the MOOSE community.
Wrapper - AIRBASE is a wrapper class to handle the DCS Airbase objects.
Wrapper - CLIENT wraps DCS Unit objects acting as a Client or Player within a mission.
Wrapper - CONTROLLABLE is an intermediate class wrapping Group and Unit classes "controllers".
Wrapper - Dynamic Cargo create from the F8 menu.
Wrapper - GROUP wraps the DCS Class Group objects.
Wrapper - IDENTIFIABLE is an intermediate class wrapping DCS Object class derived Objects.
Wrapper - Markers On the F10 map.
Wrapper - DCS net functions.
Wrapper - OBJECT wraps the DCS Object derived objects.
Wrapper - POSITIONABLE wraps DCS classes that are "positionable".
Wrapper - SCENERY models scenery within the DCS simulator.
Wrapper - STATIC wraps the DCS StaticObject class.
Wrapper - Warehouse storage of DCS airbases.
Wrapper - UNIT is a wrapper class for the DCS Class Unit.
Wrapper - Weapon functions.
Module AI.AI_Escort_Dispatcher_Request
AI - Models the assignment of AI escorts to player flights upon request using the radio menu.
Provides the facilities to trigger escorts when players join flight units.
Provide a menu for which escorts can be requested.
Author: FlightControl
Models the assignment of AI escorts to player flights upon request using the radio menu.
Models the assignment of AI escorts to player flights upon request using the radio menu.
Developer Note
Note while this class still works, it is no longer supported as the original author stopped active development of MOOSE
Therefore, this class is considered to be deprecated
Defined in:
The spawn object that will spawn in the Escorts.
The airbase where the escorts are spawned.
Name of the escort, which will also be the name of the escort menu.
A text showing the briefing to the player. Note that if no EscortBriefing is provided, the default briefing will be shown.
Return value:
@param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData
Defined in:
@param Core.Event#EVENTDATA EventData
Defined in:
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Defined in:
Start Asynchronous Trigger for AI_ESCORT_DISPATCHER_REQUEST
Defined in:
Stop Asynchronous Trigger for AI_ESCORT_DISPATCHER_REQUEST
Defined in:
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