Module Wrapper.Controllable
Wrapper - CONTROLLABLE is an intermediate class wrapping Group and Unit classes "controllers".
Author: FlightControl
Wrapper class to handle the "DCS Controllable objects", which are Groups and Units:
Wrapper class to handle the "DCS Controllable objects", which are Groups and Units:
- Support all DCS Controllable APIs.
- Enhance with Controllable specific APIs not in the DCS Controllable API set.
- Handle local Controllable Controller.
- Manage the "state" of the DCS Controllable.
1) CONTROLLABLE constructor
The CONTROLLABLE class provides the following functions to construct a CONTROLLABLE instance:
- CONTROLLABLE.New(): Create a CONTROLLABLE instance.
2) CONTROLLABLE Task methods
Several controllable task methods are available that help you to prepare tasks. These methods return a string consisting of the task description, which can then be given to either a CONTROLLABLE.PushTask() or CONTROLLABLE.SetTask() method to assign the task to the CONTROLLABLE. Tasks are specific for the category of the CONTROLLABLE, more specific, for AIR, GROUND or AIR and GROUND. Each task description where applicable indicates for which controllable category the task is valid. There are 2 main subdivisions of tasks: Assigned tasks and EnRoute tasks.
2.1) Task assignment
Assigned task methods make the controllable execute the task where the location of the (possible) targets of the task are known before being detected. This is different from the EnRoute tasks, where the targets of the task need to be detected before the task can be executed.
Find below a list of the assigned task methods:
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskAttackGroup: (AIR) Attack a Controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskAttackMapObject: (AIR) Attacking the map object (building, structure, e.t.c).
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskAttackUnit: (AIR) Attack the Unit.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskBombing: (AIR) Delivering weapon at the point on the ground.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskBombingRunway: (AIR) Delivering weapon on the runway.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskEmbarking: (AIR) Move the controllable to a Vec2 Point, wait for a defined duration and embark a controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskEmbarkToTransport: (GROUND) Embark to a Transport landed at a location.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskEscort: (AIR) Escort another airborne controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskGroundEscort: (AIR/HELO) Escort a ground controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskFAC_AttackGroup: (AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and orders the FAC to control the target (enemy ground controllable) destruction.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskFireAtPoint: (GROUND) Fire some or all ammunition at a VEC2 point.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskFollow: (AIR) Following another airborne controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskHold: (GROUND) Hold ground controllable from moving.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskHoldPosition: (AIR) Hold position at the current position of the first unit of the controllable.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskLandAtVec2: (AIR HELICOPTER) Landing at the ground. For helicopters only.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskLandAtZone: (AIR) Land the controllable at a CONTROLLABLE.TaskOrbitCircle: (AIR) Orbit at the current position of the first unit of the controllable at a specified altitude.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskOrbitCircleAtVec2: (AIR) Orbit at a specified position at a specified altitude during a specified duration with a specified speed.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskStrafing: (AIR) Strafe a point Vec2 with onboard weapons.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRefueling: (AIR) Refueling from the nearest tanker. No parameters.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRecoveryTanker: (AIR) Set group to act as recovery tanker for a naval group.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRoute: (AIR + GROUND) Return a Mission task to follow a given route defined by Points.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRouteToVec2: (AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to a given point.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRouteToVec3: (AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to a given point.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskRouteToZone: (AIR + GROUND) Route the controllable to a given zone.
2.2) EnRoute assignment
EnRoute tasks require the targets of the task need to be detected by the controllable (using its sensors) before the task can be executed:
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskAWACS: (AIR) Aircraft will act as an AWACS for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts). No parameters.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskEngageControllable: (AIR) Engaging a controllable. The task does not assign the target controllable to the unit/controllable to attack now; it just allows the unit/controllable to engage the target controllable as well as other assigned targets.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskEngageTargets: (AIR) Engaging targets of defined types.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskEngageTargetsInZone: (AIR) Engaging a targets of defined types at circle-shaped zone.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskEWR: (AIR) Attack the Unit.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskFAC: (AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose a targets (enemy ground controllable) around as well as other assigned targets.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskFAC_EngageControllable: (AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose the target (enemy ground controllable) as well as other assigned targets.
- CONTROLLABLE.EnRouteTaskTanker: (AIR) Aircraft will act as a tanker for friendly units. No parameters.
2.3) Task preparation
There are certain task methods that allow to tailor the task behavior:
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskWrappedAction: Return a WrappedAction Task taking a Command.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskCombo: Return a Combo Task taking an array of Tasks.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskCondition: Return a condition section for a controlled task.
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskControlled: Return a Controlled Task taking a Task and a TaskCondition.
2.4) Call a function as a Task
A function can be called which is part of a Task. The method CONTROLLABLE.TaskFunction() prepares a Task that can call a GLOBAL function from within the Controller execution. This method can also be used to embed a function call when a certain waypoint has been reached. See below the Tasks at Waypoints section.
Demonstration Mission: GRP-502 - Route at waypoint to random point
2.5) Tasks at Waypoints
Special Task methods are available to set tasks at certain waypoints. The method CONTROLLABLE.SetTaskWaypoint() helps preparing a Route, embedding a Task at the Waypoint of the Route.
This creates a Task element, with an action to call a function as part of a Wrapped Task.
2.6) Obtain the mission from controllable templates
Controllable templates contain complete mission descriptions. Sometimes you want to copy a complete mission from a controllable and assign it to another:
- CONTROLLABLE.TaskMission: (AIR + GROUND) Return a mission task from a mission template.
3) Command methods
Controllable command methods prepare the execution of commands using the CONTROLLABLE.SetCommand method:
- CONTROLLABLE.CommandDoScript: Do Script command.
- CONTROLLABLE.CommandSwitchWayPoint: Perform a switch waypoint command.
4) Routing of Controllables
Different routing methods exist to route GROUPs and UNITs to different locations:
- CONTROLLABLE.Route(): Make the Controllable to follow a given route.
- CONTROLLABLE.RouteGroundTo(): Make the GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific coordinate.
- CONTROLLABLE.RouteAirTo(): Make the AIR Controllable to fly towards a specific coordinate.
- CONTROLLABLE.RelocateGroundRandomInRadius(): Relocate the GROUND controllable to a random point in a given radius.
5) Option methods
Controllable Option methods change the behavior of the Controllable while being alive.
5.1) Rule of Engagement:
To check whether an ROE option is valid for a specific controllable, use:
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROEWeaponFreePossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROEOpenFirePossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROEReturnFirePossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROEEvadeFirePossible
5.2) Reaction On Thread:
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROTPassiveDefense
To test whether an ROT option is valid for a specific controllable, use:
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROTNoReactionPossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROTPassiveDefensePossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROTEvadeFirePossible
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionROTVerticalPossible
5.3) Alarm state:
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionAlarmStateAuto
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionAlarmStateGreen
- CONTROLLABLE.OptionAlarmStateRed
5.4) Jettison weapons:
5.5) Air-2-Air missile attack range:
* CONTROLLABLE.OptionAAAttackRange(): Defines the usage of A2A missiles against possible targets.
6) [GROUND] IR Maker Beacons for GROUPs and UNITs
* #CONTROLLABLE(): Create a blinking IR Marker on a GROUP or UNIT.
Fields and Methods inherited from CONTROLLABLE | Description |
Clear all tasks from the controllable. |
Activate ACLS system of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Give the CONTROLLABLE the command to activate a beacon. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandActivateICLS(Channel, UnitID, Callsign, Delay) |
Activate ICLS system of the CONTROLLABLE. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandActivateLink4(Frequency, UnitID, Callsign, Delay) |
Activate LINK4 system of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Deactivate ACLS system of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Deactivate the active beacon of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Deactivate the ICLS of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Deactivate the active Link4 of the CONTROLLABLE. |
Do Script command |
Set EPLRS of the CONTROLLABLE on/off. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandSetCallsign(CallName, CallNumber, Delay) |
Set callsign of the CONTROLLABLE. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandSetFrequency(Frequency, Modulation, Power, Delay) |
Set radio frequency. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandSetFrequencyForUnit(Frequency, Modulation, Power, UnitID, Delay) |
[AIR] Set radio frequency. |
Set unlimited fuel. |
Create a stop route command, which returns a string containing the command. |
CONTROLLABLE:CommandSwitchWayPoint(FromWayPoint, ToWayPoint) |
Perform a switch waypoint command |
The name of the controllable. |
Return the route of a controllable by using the Core.Database#DATABASE class. |
The DCS controllable class. |
[GROUND] Disable the IR marker. |
[GROUND] Disable the IR markers for a whole group. |
(AIR) Aircraft will act as an AWACS for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts). |
(AIR) Enroute anti-ship task. |
(AIR) Enroute CAP task. |
(GROUND) Ground unit (EW-radar) will act as an EWR for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts). |
(AIR) Engaging a controllable. |
CONTROLLABLE:EnRouteTaskEngageTargets(Distance, TargetTypes, Priority) |
(AIR) Engaging targets of defined types. |
CONTROLLABLE:EnRouteTaskEngageTargetsInZone(Vec2, Radius, TargetTypes, Priority) |
(AIR) Engaging a targets of defined types at circle-shaped zone. |
(AIR) Search and attack the Unit. |
CONTROLLABLE:EnRouteTaskFAC(Frequency, Modulation, CallsignID, CallsignNumber, Priority) |
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose a targets (enemy ground controllable) around as well as other assigned targets. |
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose the target (enemy ground controllable) as well as other assigned targets. |
(AIR) Enroute SEAD task. |
(AIR) Aircraft will act as a tanker for friendly units. |
[GROUND] Enable the IR marker. |
[GROUND] Enable the IR markers for a whole group. |
Return the detected target groups of the controllable as a Core.Set#SET_GROUP. |
Return the detected targets of the controllable. |
Return the detected targets of the controllable. |
Returns relative amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) the unit has in its internal tanks. |
Returns relative average amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) a unit or group has in its internal tanks. |
Returns relative minimum amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) a unit or group has in its internal tanks. |
Returns the health. |
Returns the initial health. |
Return the mission template of the controllable. |
Return the mission route of the controllable. |
Get the current WayPoints set with the WayPoint functions( Note that the WayPoints can be nil, although there ARE waypoints). |
[GROUND] Check if an IR Spot exists. |
Checking the Task Queue of the controllable. |
Returns if the Controllable contains AirPlanes. |
Check if a certain GROUP is detected by the controllable. |
Returns if the Controllable contains Helicopters. |
Returns if the unit is a submarine. |
Check if a DCS object (unit or static) is detected by the controllable. |
Check if a certain UNIT is detected by the controllable. |
Create a new CONTROLLABLE from a DCSControllable |
[GROUND] Create and enable a new IR Marker for the given controllable UNIT or GROUP. |
Sets Controllable Option for A2A attack range for AIR FIGHTER units. |
Alarm state to Auto: AI will automatically switch alarm states based on the presence of threats. |
Alarm state to Green: Group is not combat ready. |
Alarm state to Red: Group is combat ready and actively searching for targets. |
Allow to Jettison of weapons upon threat. |
Defines how long a GROUND unit/group will move to avoid an ongoing attack. |
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces. |
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces. |
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces. |
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces. |
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces. |
Defines the range at which a GROUND unit/group is allowed to use its weapons automatically. |
[Ground] Allows AI radar units to take defensive actions to avoid anti radiation missiles. |
[Ground] Option that defines the vehicle spacing when in an on road and off road formation. |
Keep weapons upon threat. |
Prohibit Afterburner. |
Set option for Rules of Engagement (ROE). |
Weapons Hold: AI will hold fire under all circumstances. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE hold their weapons? |
Open Fire (Only Designated): AI will engage only targets specified in its taskings. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack designated targets? |
Open Fire, Weapons Free (Priority Designated): AI will engage any enemy group it detects, but will prioritize targets specified in the groups tasking. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack priority designated targets? |
Return Fire: AI will only engage threats that shoot first. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack returning on enemy fire? |
Weapon free. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack targets of opportunity? |
Set Reation On Threat behaviour. |
Evade on fire. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade on enemy fire? |
No evasion on enemy threats. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE ignore enemy fire? |
Evasion passive defense. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade using passive defenses? |
Evade on fire using vertical manoeuvres. |
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade on fire using vertical manoeuvres? |
Set RTB on ammo. |
Set RTB on bingo fuel. |
Sets Controllable Option for Restriction of Afterburner. |
CONTROLLABLE:PatrolRaceTrack(Point1, Point2, Altitude, Speed, Formation, AGL, Delay) |
[Air] Make an airplane or helicopter patrol between two points in a racetrack - resulting in a much tighter track around the start and end points. |
(GROUND) Patrol iteratively using the waypoints of the (parent) group. |
CONTROLLABLE:PatrolRouteRandom(Speed, Formation, ToWaypoint) |
(GROUND) Patrol randomly to the waypoints the for the (parent) group. |
CONTROLLABLE:PatrolZones(ZoneList, Speed, Formation, DelayMin, DelayMax) |
(GROUND) Patrol randomly to the waypoints the for the (parent) group. |
Popping current Task from the controllable. |
Pushing Task on the queue from the controllable. |
CONTROLLABLE:RelocateGroundRandomInRadius(speed, radius, onroad, shortcut, formation, onland) |
(GROUND) Relocate controllable to a random point within a given radius; use e.g.for evasive actions; Note that not all ground controllables can actually drive, also the alarm state of the controllable might stop it from moving. |
Make the controllable to follow a given route. |
CONTROLLABLE:RouteAirTo(ToCoordinate, AltType, Type, Action, Speed, DelaySeconds) |
Make the AIR Controllable fly towards a specific point. |
Make the TRAIN Controllable to drive towards a specific point using railroads. |
Make the GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point using (mostly) roads. |
Make the GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point. |
Make the controllable to push follow a given route. |
Resumes the movement of the vehicle on the route. |
Stops the movement of the vehicle on the route. |
(AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to fly to a given point. |
(AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to a given point. |
[AIR] Sets the controlled aircraft group to fly at the specified altitude in meters. |
Executes a command action for the CONTROLLABLE. |
Set option. |
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar. |
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: for attack only. |
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: always on. |
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: when required for searching. |
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar. |
[AIR] Set the AI to report contact for certain types of objects. |
[AIR] Set the AI to report engaging certain types of objects. |
[AIR] Set the AI to report killing certain types of objects. |
[AIR] Set the AI to not report anything over the radio - radio silence |
[AIR] Set if the AI is reporting passing of waypoints |
Sets the controlled group to go at the specified speed in meters per second. |
Clearing the Task Queue and Setting the Task on the queue from the controllable. |
Set a Task at a Waypoint using a Route list. |
Give an uncontrolled air controllable the start command. |
Return an empty task shell for Aerobatics. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "AILERON_ROLL" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "BARREL_ROLL" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "CANDLE" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "CLIMB" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "DIVE" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "EDGE_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "FORCED_TURN" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "HAMMERHEAD" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "HORIZONTAL_EIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "IMMELMAN" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "LOOP" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "MILITARY_TURN" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SKEWED_LOOP" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SPIRAL" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SPLIT_S" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "STRAIGHT_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "TURN" to the Aerobatics Task. |
Add an aerobatics entry of type "WINGOVER_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task. |
(AIR + GROUND) Attack a Controllable. |
(AIR) Attacking the map object (building, structure, etc). |
(AIR + GROUND) Attack the Unit. |
(AIR) Delivering weapon at the point on the ground. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskBombingRunway(Airbase, WeaponType, WeaponExpend, AttackQty, Direction, GroupAttack) |
(AIR) Delivering weapon on the runway. |
(AIR) Delivering weapon via CarpetBombing (all bombers in formation release at same time) at the point on the ground. |
Return a Combo Task taking an array of Tasks. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskCondition(time, userFlag, userFlagValue, condition, duration, lastWayPoint) |
Return a condition section for a controlled task. |
Return a Controlled Task taking a Task and a TaskCondition. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskDisembarking(Coordinate, GroupSetToDisembark) |
Specifies the location infantry groups that is being transported by helicopters will be unloaded at. |
Set EPLRS data link on/off. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskEmbarkToTransport(Coordinate, Radius, UnitType) |
Used in conjunction with the embarking task for a transport helicopter group. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskEmbarking(Coordinate, GroupSetForEmbarking, Duration, Distribution) |
(AIR HELICOPTER) Move the controllable to a Vec2 Point, wait for a defined duration and embark infantry groups. |
Return an Empty Task. |
(AIR) Escort another airborne controllable. |
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and orders the FAC to control the target (enemy ground controllable) destruction. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskFireAtPoint(Vec2, Radius, AmmoCount, WeaponType, Altitude, ASL) |
(GROUND) Fire at a VEC2 point until ammunition is finished. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskFollow(FollowControllable, Vec3, LastWaypointIndex) |
(AIR) Following another airborne controllable. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskFollowBigFormation(FollowControllable, Vec3, LastWaypointIndex) |
(AIR) Following another airborne controllable. |
This creates a Task element, with an action to call a function as part of a Wrapped Task. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskGroundEscort(FollowControllable, LastWaypointIndex, OrbitDistance, TargetTypes) |
(AIR/HELO) Escort a ground controllable. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskGroundOnRailRoads(ToCoordinate, Speed, WaypointFunction, WaypointFunctionArguments) |
Make a task for a TRAIN Controllable to drive towards a specific point using railroad. |
Make a task for a GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point using (mostly) roads. |
(GROUND) Hold ground controllable from moving. |
(AIR) Hold position at the current position of the first unit of the controllable. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskLandAtVec2(Vec2, Duration, CombatLanding, DirectionAfterLand) |
(AIR HELICOPTER) Landing at the ground. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskLandAtZone(Zone, Duration, RandomPoint, CombatLanding, DirectionAfterLand) |
(AIR) Land the controllable at a @{Core.Zone#ZONE_RADIUS). |
(AIR + GROUND) Return a mission task from a mission template. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskOrbit(Coord, Altitude, Speed, CoordRaceTrack) |
(AIR) Orbit at a position with at a given altitude and speed. |
(AIR) Orbit at the current position of the first unit of the controllable at a specified altitude. |
(AIR) Orbit at a specified position at a specified altitude during a specified duration with a specified speed. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskRecoveryTanker(CarrierGroup, Speed, Altitude, LastWptNumber) |
(AIR) Act as Recovery Tanker for a naval/carrier group. |
(AIR) Refueling from the nearest tanker. |
Return a "Misson" task to follow a given route defined by Points. |
(GROUND) Route the controllable to a given Vec2. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskRouteToZone(Zone, Randomize, Speed, Formation) |
(AIR + GROUND) Route the controllable to a given zone. |
CONTROLLABLE:TaskStrafing(Vec2, AttackQty, Length, WeaponType, WeaponExpend, Direction, GroupAttack) |
(AIR) Strafe the point on the ground. |
Return a WrappedAction Task taking a Command. |
Executes the WayPoint plan. |
CONTROLLABLE:WayPointFunction(WayPoint, WayPointIndex, WayPointFunction, ...) |
Registers a waypoint function that will be executed when the controllable moves over the WayPoint. |
Retrieve the controllable mission and allow to place function hooks within the mission waypoint plan. |
Get the controller for the CONTROLLABLE. |
[Internal] This method is called by the scheduler after enabling the IR marker. |
CONTROLLABLE.___PassingWaypoint(controllable, n, N, waypointfunction, ...) |
Task function when controllable passes a waypoint. |
Fields and Methods inherited from POSITIONABLE | Description |
Add cargo. |
Get cargo item count. |
Clear all cargo. |
Destroys the POSITIONABLE. |
Triggers an explosion at the coordinates of the positionable. |
Signal a flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE. |
Signal a green flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE. |
Signal a red flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE. |
Signal a white flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE. |
Signal a yellow flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE. |
Returns the indicated airspeed (IAS). |
Returns the true airspeed (TAS). |
Returns the altitude above sea level of the POSITIONABLE. |
Returns the Angle of Attack of a POSITIONABLE. |
Create a Core.Beacon#BEACON, to allow this POSITIONABLE to broadcast beacon signals. |
Get the bounding box of the underlying POSITIONABLE DCS Object. |
Get the bounding radius of the underlying POSITIONABLE DCS Object. |
Get all contained cargo. |
Get Cargo Bay Free Weight in kg. |
Get Cargo Bay Weight Limit in kg. |
Returns the climb or descent angle of the POSITIONABLE. |
Returns a reference to a COORDINATE object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns a new COORDINATE object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns the DCS object. |
Returns the horizonal speed relative to eath's surface. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE heading in degrees. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE height above sea level in meters. |
Get the last assigned laser code |
Returns a message with the callsign embedded (if there is one). |
Returns the message text with the callsign embedded (if there is one). |
Returns a message of a specified type with the callsign embedded (if there is one). |
Get the object size. |
Returns a COORDINATE object, which is offset with respect to the orientation of the POSITIONABLE. |
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current orientation in 3D space. |
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current X orientation in 3D space, i.e. |
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current Y orientation in 3D space, i.e. |
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current Z orientation in 3D space, i.e. |
Returns the pitch angle of a POSITIONABLE. |
Returns a POINT_VEC2 object indicating the point in 2D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns a POINT_VEC3 object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns a pos3 table of the objects current position and orientation in 3D space. |
Returns the DCS#Position3 position vectors indicating the point and direction vectors in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Create a Sound.Radio#RADIO, to allow radio transmission for this POSITIONABLE. |
Returns a random DCS#Vec3 vector within a range, indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns a COORDINATE object, which is transformed to be relative to the POSITIONABLE. |
Get relative velocity with respect to another POSITIONABLE. |
Returns the roll angle of a unit. |
Get the Spot |
Get the number of infantry soldiers that can be embarked into an aircraft (airplane or helicopter). |
Returns the DCS#Vec2 vector indicating the point in 2D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns the DCS#Vec3 vector indicating the 3D vector of the POSITIONABLE within the mission. |
Returns the Core.Velocity object from the POSITIONABLE. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in km/h. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in knots. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in meters per second. |
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity Vec3 vector. |
Returns the yaw angle of a POSITIONABLE. |
Returns if carrier has given cargo. |
Returns true if the POSITIONABLE is in the air. |
Returns if the Positionable is located above a runway. |
Returns if the unit is of an air category. |
Is cargo bay empty. |
Returns if the unit is of an ground category. |
Returns true if the unit is within a Core.Zone. |
Check if the POSITIONABLE is lasing a target. |
Returns true if the unit is not within a Core.Zone. |
Returns if the unit is of ship category. |
Returns if the unit is a submarine. |
CONTROLLABLE:LaseCoordinate(Coordinate, LaserCode, Duration) |
Start Lasing a COORDINATE. |
Stop Lasing a POSITIONABLE. |
Start Lasing a POSITIONABLE. |
Send a message to the players in the Wrapper.Group. |
Send a message to all coalitions. |
Send a message to the blue coalition. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToClient(Message, Duration, Client, Name) |
Send a message to a client. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToCoalition(Message, Duration, MessageCoalition, Name) |
Send a message to a coalition. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToGroup(Message, Duration, MessageGroup, Name) |
Send a message to a Wrapper.Group. |
Send a message to the red coalition. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToSetGroup(Message, Duration, MessageSetGroup, Name) |
Send a message to a Core.Set#SET_GROUP. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToSetUnit(Message, Duration, MessageSetUnit, Name) |
Send a message to a Core.Set#SET_UNIT. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageToUnit(Message, Duration, MessageUnit, Name) |
Send a message to a Wrapper.Unit. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageTypeToCoalition(Message, MessageType, MessageCoalition, Name) |
Send a message to a coalition. |
CONTROLLABLE:MessageTypeToGroup(Message, MessageType, MessageGroup, Name) |
Send a message of a message type to a Wrapper.Group. |
Create a new POSITIONABLE from a DCSPositionable |
Remove cargo. |
Set Cargo Bay Weight Limit in kg. |
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Blue. |
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Green. |
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Orange. |
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Red. |
Smoke the POSITIONABLE White. |
Coordinate object. |
Point Vec3 object. |
Fields and Methods inherited from IDENTIFIABLE | Description |
Gets the CallSign of the IDENTIFIABLE, which is a blank by default. |
Returns object category of the DCS Identifiable. |
Returns the DCS Identifiable category name as defined within the DCS Identifiable Descriptor. |
Returns coalition of the Identifiable. |
Returns the name of the coalition of the Identifiable. |
Returns country of the Identifiable. |
Returns country name of the Identifiable. |
Returns Identifiable descriptor. |
Returns DCS Identifiable object name. |
Gets the threat level. |
Returns the type name of the DCS Identifiable. |
Check if the Object has the attribute. |
The name of the identifiable. |
Returns if the Identifiable is alive. |
Create a new IDENTIFIABLE from a DCSIdentifiable |
Fields and Methods inherited from OBJECT | Description |
Destroys the OBJECT. |
Returns the unit's unique identifier. |
Create a new OBJECT from a DCSObject |
The name of the Object. |
Fields and Methods inherited from BASE | Description |
The ID number of the class. |
The name of the class. |
The name of the class concatenated with the ID number of the class. |
Clear the state of an object. |
CONTROLLABLE:CreateEventBirth(EventTime, Initiator, IniUnitName, place, subplace) |
Creation of a Birth Event. |
CONTROLLABLE:CreateEventCrash(EventTime, Initiator, IniObjectCategory) |
Creation of a Crash Event. |
CONTROLLABLE:CreateEventDead(EventTime, Initiator, IniObjectCategory) |
Creation of a Dead Event. |
Creation of a S_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CARGO_LOADED event. |
Creation of a S_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CARGO_REMOVED event. |
Creation of a S_EVENT_NEW_DYNAMIC_CARGO event. |
Creation of a |
Creation of a Remove Unit Event. |
Creation of a Takeoff Event. |
Creation of a Crash Event. |
Log an exception which will be traced always. |
Returns the event dispatcher |
Remove all subscribed events |
Trace a function call. |
Trace a function call level 2. |
Trace a function call level 3. |
Get the ClassID of the class instance. |
Get the ClassName of the class instance. |
Get the ClassName + ClassID of the class instance. |
Get the Class Core.Event processing Priority. |
This is the worker method to retrieve the Parent class. |
Get all of the properties of an object in a table. |
Get one property of an object by the key. |
Get a Value given a Key from the Object. |
Subscribe to a DCS Event. |
Log an information which will be traced always. |
This is the worker method to inherit from a parent class. |
This is the worker method to check if an object is an (sub)instance of a class. |
Enquires if tracing is on (for the class). |
BASE constructor. |
Occurs when an Event for an object is triggered. |
BDA. |
Occurs when a ground unit captures either an airbase or a farp. |
Occurs when any object is spawned into the mission. |
Occurs when any aircraft crashes into the ground and is completely destroyed. |
Occurs when an object is dead. |
Unknown precisely what creates this event, likely tied into newer damage model. |
Discard chair after ejection. |
Occurs when a player loads a dynamic cargo object with the F8 ground crew menu into a helo. |
Occurs when a dynamic cargo crate is removed. |
Occurs when a player unloads a dynamic cargo object with the F8 ground crew menu from a helo. |
Occurs when a pilot ejects from an aircraft Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. |
Occurs when any aircraft shuts down its engines. |
Occurs when any aircraft starts its engines. |
Occurs whenever an object is hit by a weapon. |
Occurs when any system fails on a human controlled aircraft. |
Occurs on the death of a unit. |
Occurs when an aircraft lands at an airbase, farp or ship Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. |
Occurs shortly after the landing animation of an ejected pilot touching the ground and standing up. |
Landing quality mark. |
Occurs when a new mark was added. |
Occurs when a mark text was changed. |
Occurs when a mark was removed. |
Occurs when a mission ends Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. |
Occurs when a mission starts Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. |
Occurs when a player creates a dynamic cargo object from the F8 ground crew menu. |
Weapon add. |
Occurs when the pilot of an aircraft is killed. |
Occurs when a player enters a slot and takes control of an aircraft. |
Occurs when any player assumes direct control of a unit. |
Occurs when any player relieves control of a unit to the AI. |
Occurs when an aircraft connects with a tanker and begins taking on fuel. |
Occurs when an aircraft is finished taking fuel. |
Occurs when any modification to the "Score" as seen on the debrief menu would occur. |
Occurs when any unit stops firing its weapon. |
Occurs when any unit begins firing a weapon that has a high rate of fire. |
Occurs whenever any unit in a mission fires a weapon. |
Occurs when an aircraft takes off from an airbase, farp, or ship. |
Trigger zone. |
Occurs when the game thinks an object is destroyed. |
Schedule a new time event. |
CONTROLLABLE:ScheduleRepeat(Start, Repeat, RandomizeFactor, Stop, SchedulerFunction, ...) |
Schedule a new time event. |
Stops the Schedule. |
The scheduler object. |
Set the Class Core.Event processing Priority. |
Set one property of an object. |
Set a state or property of the Object given a Key and a Value. |
Trace a function logic level 1. |
Trace a function logic level 2. |
Trace a function logic level 3. |
Trace all methods in MOOSE |
Set tracing for a class |
Set tracing for a specific method of class |
Set trace level |
Set trace off. |
Set trace on. |
Set trace on or off Note that when trace is off, no BASE.Debug statement is performed, increasing performance! When Moose is loaded statically, (as one file), tracing is switched off by default. |
UnSubscribe to a DCS event. |
CONTROLLABLE:_F(Arguments, DebugInfoCurrentParam, DebugInfoFromParam) |
Trace a function call. |
(Internal) Serialize arguments |
CONTROLLABLE:_T(Arguments, DebugInfoCurrentParam, DebugInfoFromParam) |
Trace a function logic. |
The main event handling function... |
The name of the controllable.
Clear all tasks from the controllable.
Activate ACLS system of the CONTROLLABLE.
The controllable should be an aircraft carrier! Also needs Link4 to work.
Defined in:
#number UnitID
(Optional) The DCS UNIT ID of the unit the ACLS system is attached to. Defaults to the UNIT itself.
#string Name
(Optional) Name of the ACLS Beacon
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the ICLS is activated.
Return value:
Give the CONTROLLABLE the command to activate a beacon.
See DCS_command_activateBeacon on Hoggit. For specific beacons like TACAN use the more convenient #BEACON class. Note that a controllable can only have one beacon activated at a time with the execption of ICLS.
Defined in:
Beacon type (VOR, DME, TACAN, RSBN, ILS etc).
Core.Beacon#BEACON.System System
Beacon system (VOR, DME, TACAN, RSBN, ILS etc).
#number Frequency
Frequency in Hz the beacon is running on. Use UTILS.TACANToFrequency to generate a frequency for TACAN beacons.
#number UnitID
The ID of the unit the beacon is attached to. Useful if more units are in one group.
#number Channel
Channel the beacon is using. For, e.g. TACAN beacons.
#string ModeChannel
The TACAN mode of the beacon, i.e. "X" or "Y".
#boolean AA
If true, create and Air-Air beacon. IF nil, automatically set if CONTROLLABLE depending on whether unit is and aircraft or not.
#string Callsign
Morse code identification callsign.
#boolean Bearing
If true, beacon provides bearing information - if supported by the unit the beacon is attached to.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the beacon is activated.
Return value:
Activate ICLS system of the CONTROLLABLE.
The controllable should be an aircraft carrier!
Defined in:
#number Channel
ICLS channel.
#number UnitID
The DCS UNIT ID of the unit the ICLS system is attached to. Useful if more units are in one group.
#string Callsign
Morse code identification callsign.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the ICLS is activated.
Return value:
Activate LINK4 system of the CONTROLLABLE.
The controllable should be an aircraft carrier!
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Link4 Frequency in MHz, e.g. 336 (defaults to 336 MHz)
#number UnitID
(Optional) The DCS UNIT ID of the unit the LINK4 system is attached to. Defaults to the UNIT itself.
#string Callsign
(Optional) Morse code identification callsign.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the LINK4 is activated.
Return value:
Deactivate ACLS system of the CONTROLLABLE.
The controllable should be an aircraft carrier!
Defined in:
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the ICLS is deactivated.
Return value:
Deactivate the active beacon of the CONTROLLABLE.
Defined in:
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the beacon is deactivated.
Return value:
Deactivate the ICLS of the CONTROLLABLE.
Defined in:
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the ICLS is deactivated.
Return value:
Deactivate the active Link4 of the CONTROLLABLE.
Defined in:
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the Link4 is deactivated.
Return value:
Do Script command
Set EPLRS of the CONTROLLABLE on/off.
Defined in:
#boolean SwitchOnOff
If true (or nil) switch EPLRS on. If false switch off.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the callsign is set. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Set callsign of the CONTROLLABLE.
Defined in:
Number corresponding the the callsign identifier you wish this group to be called.
#number CallNumber
The number value the group will be referred to as. Only valid numbers are 1-9. For example Uzi 5-1. Default 1.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the callsign is set. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Set radio frequency.
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Radio frequency in MHz.
#number Modulation
Radio modulation. Default radio.modulation.AM
#number Power
(Optional) Power of the Radio in Watts. Defaults to 10.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the frequency is set. Default is immediately.
Return value:
[AIR] Set radio frequency.
See DCS command SetFrequencyForUnit
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Radio frequency in MHz.
#number Modulation
Radio modulation. Default radio.modulation.AM
#number Power
(Optional) Power of the Radio in Watts. Defaults to 10.
#number UnitID
(Optional, if your object is a UNIT) The UNIT ID this is for.
#number Delay
(Optional) Delay in seconds before the frequency is set. Default is immediately.
Return value:
Set unlimited fuel.
See DCS command Unlimited Fuel.
Defined in:
#boolean OnOff
Set unlimited fuel on = true or off = false.
#number Delay
(Optional) Set the option only after x seconds.
Return value:
Create a stop route command, which returns a string containing the command.
Use the result in the method CONTROLLABLE.SetCommand(). A value of true will make the ground group stop, a value of false will make it continue. Note that this can only work on GROUP level, although individual UNITs can be commanded, the whole GROUP will react.
Example missions:
- GRP-310
Defined in:
#boolean StopRoute
true if the ground unit needs to stop, false if it needs to continue to move.
Return value:
Perform a switch waypoint command
Defined in:
#number FromWayPoint
#number ToWayPoint
Return value:
-- This test demonstrates the use(s) of the SwitchWayPoint method of the GROUP class.
HeliGroup = GROUP:FindByName( "Helicopter" )
-- Route the helicopter back to the FARP after 60 seconds.
-- We use the SCHEDULER class to do this.
function( HeliGroup )
local CommandRTB = HeliGroup:CommandSwitchWayPoint( 2, 8 )
HeliGroup:SetCommand( CommandRTB )
end, { HeliGroup }, 90
Return the route of a controllable by using the Core.Database#DATABASE class.
Defined in:
#number Begin
The route point from where the copy will start. The base route point is 0.
#number End
The route point where the copy will end. The End point is the last point - the End point. The last point has base 0.
#boolean Randomize
Randomization of the route, when true.
#number Radius
When randomization is on, the randomization is within the radius.
[GROUND] Disable the IR marker.
[GROUND] Disable the IR markers for a whole group.
(AIR) Aircraft will act as an AWACS for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts).
No parameters. hoggit.
(AIR) Enroute anti-ship task.
Defined in:
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
Array of target categories allowed to engage. Default {"Ships"}
#number Priority
(Optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default 0.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Enroute CAP task.
Defined in:
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
Array of target categories allowed to engage. Default {"Air"}
#number Priority
(Optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default 0.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(GROUND) Ground unit (EW-radar) will act as an EWR for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts).
No parameters. See hoggit.
(AIR) Engaging a controllable.
The task does not assign the target controllable to the unit/controllable to attack now; it just allows the unit/controllable to engage the target controllable as well as other assigned targets. See hoggit.
Defined in:
The Controllable to be attacked.
#number Priority
All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first.
#number WeaponType
(optional) Bitmask of weapon types those allowed to use. If parameter is not defined that means no limits on weapon usage.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
DCS#Distance Altitude
(optional) Desired attack start altitude. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the altitude. If the altitude is too low or too high to use weapon aircraft/controllable will choose closest altitude to the desired attack start altitude. If the desired altitude is defined controllable/aircraft will not attack from safe altitude.
#boolean AttackQtyLimit
(optional) The flag determines how to interpret attackQty parameter. If the flag is true then attackQty is a limit on maximal attack quantity for "AttackGroup" and "AttackUnit" tasks. If the flag is false then attackQty is a desired attack quantity for "Bombing" and "BombingRunway" tasks.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Engaging targets of defined types.
Defined in:
DCS#Distance Distance
Maximal distance from the target to a route leg. If the target is on a greater distance it will be ignored.
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
Array of target categories allowed to engage.
#number Priority
All enroute tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default 0.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Engaging a targets of defined types at circle-shaped zone.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
2D-coordinates of the zone.
DCS#Distance Radius
Radius of the zone.
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
(Optional) Array of target categories allowed to engage. Default {"Air"}.
#number Priority
(Optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default 0.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Search and attack the Unit.
See hoggit.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT EngageUnit
#number Priority
(optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first.
#boolean GroupAttack
(optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
DCS#Distance Altitude
(optional) Desired altitude to perform the unit engagement.
#boolean Visible
(optional) Unit must be visible.
#boolean ControllableAttack
(optional) Flag indicates that the target must be engaged by all aircrafts of the controllable. Has effect only if the task is assigned to a controllable, not to a single aircraft.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose a targets (enemy ground controllable) around as well as other assigned targets.
Assigns the controlled group to act as a Forward Air Controller or JTAC. Any detected targets will be assigned as targets to the player via the JTAC radio menu. Target designation is set to auto and is dependent on the circumstances. See hoggit.
Defined in:
#number Frequency
Frequency in MHz. Default 133 MHz.
#number Modulation
Radio modulation. Default radio.modulation.AM
#number CallsignID
CallsignID, e.g. CALLSIGN.JTAC.Anvil
for ground or CALLSIGN.Aircraft.Ford
for air.
#number CallsignNumber
Callsign first number, e.g. 2 for Ford-2
#number Priority
All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose the target (enemy ground controllable) as well as other assigned targets.
The killer is player-controlled allied CAS-aircraft that is in contact with the FAC. If the task is assigned to the controllable lead unit will be a FAC. See hoggit.
Defined in:
#number Priority
(Optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default is 0.
#number WeaponType
(Optional) Bitmask of weapon types those allowed to use. Default is "Auto".
DCS#AI.Task.Designation Designation
(Optional) Designation type.
#boolean Datalink
(optional) Allows to use datalink to send the target information to attack aircraft. Enabled by default.
#number CallsignID
CallsignID, e.g. CALLSIGN.JTAC.Anvil
for ground or CALLSIGN.Aircraft.Ford
for air.
#number CallsignNumber
Callsign first number, e.g. 2 for Ford-2
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Enroute SEAD task.
Defined in:
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
Array of target categories allowed to engage. Default {"Air Defence"}
#number Priority
(Optional) All en-route tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first. Default 0.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
[GROUND] Enable the IR marker.
Defined in:
#number Runtime
(Optionally) Run this IR Marker for the given number of seconds, then stop. Else run until you call myobject:DisableIRMarker()
Return value:
[GROUND] Enable the IR markers for a whole group.
Return the detected target groups of the controllable as a Core.Set#SET_GROUP.
The optional parametes specify the detection methods that can be applied. If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default.
Defined in:
#boolean DetectVisual
(Optional) If false, do not include visually detected targets.
#boolean DetectOptical
(Optional) If false, do not include optically detected targets.
#boolean DetectRadar
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by radar.
#boolean DetectIRST
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by IRST.
#boolean DetectRWR
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by RWR.
#boolean DetectDLINK
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by data link.
Return value:
Set of detected groups.
Return the detected targets of the controllable.
The optional parameters specify the detection methods that can be applied. If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default.
Defined in:
#boolean DetectVisual
#boolean DetectOptical
#boolean DetectRadar
#boolean DetectIRST
#boolean DetectRWR
#boolean DetectDLINK
Return value:
Return the detected targets of the controllable.
The optional parametes specify the detection methods that can be applied. If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default. If at least one detection method is specified, only the methods set to true will be used.
Defined in:
#boolean DetectVisual
(Optional) If false, do not include visually detected targets.
#boolean DetectOptical
(Optional) If false, do not include optically detected targets.
#boolean DetectRadar
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by radar.
#boolean DetectIRST
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by IRST.
#boolean DetectRWR
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by RWR.
#boolean DetectDLINK
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by data link.
Return value:
Set of detected units.
Returns relative amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) the unit has in its internal tanks.
This method returns nil to ensure polymorphic behavior! This method needs to be overridden by GROUP or UNIT.
Defined in:
Return value:
The CONTROLLABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns relative average amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) a unit or group has in its internal tanks.
This method returns nil to ensure polymorphic behavior! This method needs to be overridden by GROUP or UNIT.
Defined in:
Return value:
The CONTROLLABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns relative minimum amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) a unit or group has in its internal tanks.
This method returns nil to ensure polymorphic behavior! This method needs to be overridden by GROUP or UNIT.
Defined in:
Return value:
The CONTROLLABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns the health.
Dead controllables have health <= 1.0.
Defined in:
Return values:
The controllable health value (unit or group average).
The controllable is not existing or alive.
Returns the initial health.
Defined in:
Return value:
The controllable health value (unit or group average) or nil
if the controllable does not exist.
Return the mission template of the controllable.
Defined in:
Return value:
The MissionTemplate TODO: Rework the method how to retrieve a template ...
Return the mission route of the controllable.
Defined in:
Return value:
The mission route defined by points.
Get the current WayPoints set with the WayPoint functions( Note that the WayPoints can be nil, although there ARE waypoints).
Defined in:
Return value:
WayPoints If WayPoints is given, then return the WayPoints structure.
[GROUND] Check if an IR Spot exists.
Defined in:
Return value:
Checking the Task Queue of the controllable.
Returns false if no task is on the queue. true if there is a task.
Returns if the Controllable contains AirPlanes.
Defined in:
Return value:
true if Controllable contains AirPlanes.
Check if a certain GROUP is detected by the controllable.
The optional parametes specify the detection methods that can be applied. If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default. If at least one detection method is specified, only the methods set to true will be used.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP Group
The group that is supposed to be detected.
#boolean DetectVisual
(Optional) If false, do not include visually detected targets.
#boolean DetectOptical
(Optional) If false, do not include optically detected targets.
#boolean DetectRadar
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by radar.
#boolean DetectIRST
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by IRST.
#boolean DetectRWR
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by RWR.
#boolean DetectDLINK
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by data link.
Return value:
True if any unit of the group is detected.
Returns if the Controllable contains Helicopters.
Defined in:
Return value:
true if Controllable contains Helicopters.
Returns if the unit is a submarine.
Defined in:
Return value:
Submarines attributes result.
Check if a DCS object (unit or static) is detected by the controllable.
Note that after a target is detected it remains "detected" for a certain amount of time, even if the controllable cannot "see" the target any more with it's sensors. The optional parametes specify the detection methods that can be applied.
If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default. If at least one detection method is specified, only the methods set to true will be used.
Defined in:
DCS#Object DCSObject
The DCS object that is checked.
#boolean DetectVisual
(Optional) If false, do not include visually detected targets.
#boolean DetectOptical
(Optional) If false, do not include optically detected targets.
#boolean DetectRadar
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by radar.
#boolean DetectIRST
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by IRST.
#boolean DetectRWR
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by RWR.
#boolean DetectDLINK
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by data link.
Return values:
if target is detected.
if target is currently visible by line of sight. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
if target type is known. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
if distance to target is known. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
Mission time in seconds when target was last detected. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Last known position vector of the target. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Last known velocity vector of the target. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Check if a certain UNIT is detected by the controllable.
The optional parametes specify the detection methods that can be applied.
If no detection method is given, the detection will use all the available methods by default. If at least one detection method is specified, only the methods set to true will be used.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT Unit
The unit that is supposed to be detected.
#boolean DetectVisual
(Optional) If false, do not include visually detected targets.
#boolean DetectOptical
(Optional) If false, do not include optically detected targets.
#boolean DetectRadar
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by radar.
#boolean DetectIRST
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by IRST.
#boolean DetectRWR
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by RWR.
#boolean DetectDLINK
(Optional) If false, do not include targets detected by data link.
Return values:
if target is detected.
if target is currently visible by line of sight. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
if target type is known. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
if distance to target is known. Target must be detected (first parameter returns true
Mission time in seconds when target was last detected. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Last known position vector of the target. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Last known velocity vector of the target. Only present if the target is currently not visible (second parameter returns false
) otherwise nil
is returned.
Create a new CONTROLLABLE from a DCSControllable
Defined in:
#string ControllableName
The DCS Controllable name
Return value:
[GROUND] Create and enable a new IR Marker for the given controllable UNIT or GROUP.
Defined in:
#boolean EnableImmediately
(Optionally) If true start up the IR Marker immediately. Else you need to call myobject:EnableIRMarker()
later on.
#number Runtime
(Optionally) Run this IR Marker for the given number of seconds, then stop. Use in conjunction with EnableImmediately.
Return value:
Sets Controllable Option for A2A attack range for AIR FIGHTER units.
Defined in:
#number range
Defines the range
Return value:
Range can be one of MAX_RANGE = 0, NEZ_RANGE = 1, HALF_WAY_RMAX_NEZ = 2, TARGET_THREAT_EST = 3, RANDOM_RANGE = 4. Defaults to 3. See:
Alarm state to Auto: AI will automatically switch alarm states based on the presence of threats.
The AI kind of cheats in this regard.
Alarm state to Green: Group is not combat ready.
Sensors are stowed if possible.
Alarm state to Red: Group is combat ready and actively searching for targets.
Allow to Jettison of weapons upon threat.
Defines how long a GROUND unit/group will move to avoid an ongoing attack.
Defined in:
#number Seconds
Any positive number: AI will disperse, but only for the specified time before continuing their route. 0: AI will not disperse.
Return value:
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces.
Defined in:
#number ECMvalue
Can be - 0=Never on, 1=if locked by radar, 2=if detected by radar, 3=always on, defaults to 1
Return value:
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces.
AI will leave their ECM on all the time.
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces.
If the AI is being detected by a radar they will enable their ECM.
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces.
Disables the ability for AI to use their ECM.
[Air] Defines the usage of Electronic Counter Measures by airborne forces.
If the AI is actively being locked by an enemy radar they will enable their ECM jammer.
Defines the range at which a GROUND unit/group is allowed to use its weapons automatically.
Defined in:
#number EngageRange
Engage range limit in percent (a number between 0 and 100). Default 100.
Return value:
[Ground] Allows AI radar units to take defensive actions to avoid anti radiation missiles.
Units are allowed to shut radar off and displace.
Defined in:
#number Seconds
Can be - nil, 0 or false = switch off this option, any positive number = number of seconds the escape sequency runs.
Return value:
[Ground] Option that defines the vehicle spacing when in an on road and off road formation.
Defined in:
#number meters
Can be zero to 100 meters. Defaults to 50 meters.
Return value:
Keep weapons upon threat.
Prohibit Afterburner.
Defined in:
#boolean Prohibit
If true or nil, prohibit. If false, do not prohibit.
Return value:
Set option for Rules of Engagement (ROE).
Defined in:
#number ROEvalue
ROE value. See ENUMS.ROE.
Return value:
Weapons Hold: AI will hold fire under all circumstances.
Can the CONTROLLABLE hold their weapons?
Defined in:
Return value:
Open Fire (Only Designated): AI will engage only targets specified in its taskings.
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack designated targets?
Defined in:
Return value:
Open Fire, Weapons Free (Priority Designated): AI will engage any enemy group it detects, but will prioritize targets specified in the groups tasking.
Only for AIR units!
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack priority designated targets?
Only for AIR!
Defined in:
Return value:
Return Fire: AI will only engage threats that shoot first.
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack returning on enemy fire?
Defined in:
Return value:
Weapon free.
Can the CONTROLLABLE attack targets of opportunity?
Defined in:
Return value:
Set Reation On Threat behaviour.
Defined in:
#number ROTvalue
ROT value. See ENUMS.ROT.
Return value:
Evade on fire.
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade on enemy fire?
Defined in:
Return value:
No evasion on enemy threats.
Can the CONTROLLABLE ignore enemy fire?
Defined in:
Return value:
Evasion passive defense.
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade using passive defenses?
Defined in:
Return value:
Evade on fire using vertical manoeuvres.
Can the CONTROLLABLE evade on fire using vertical manoeuvres?
Defined in:
Return value:
Set RTB on ammo.
Defined in:
#boolean WeaponsFlag
Weapons.flag enumerator.
Return value:
Set RTB on bingo fuel.
Defined in:
#boolean RTB
true if RTB on bingo fuel (default), false if no RTB on bingo fuel. Warning! When you switch this option off, the airborne group will continue to fly until all fuel has been consumed, and will crash.
Return value:
Sets Controllable Option for Restriction of Afterburner.
Defined in:
#boolean RestrictBurner
If true, restrict burner. If false or nil, allow (unrestrict) burner.
[Air] Make an airplane or helicopter patrol between two points in a racetrack - resulting in a much tighter track around the start and end points.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Point1
Start point.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Point2
End point.
#number Altitude
(Optional) Altitude in meters. Defaults to the altitude of the coordinate.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed in kph. Defaults to 500 kph.
#number Formation
(Optional) Formation to take, e.g. ENUMS.Formation.FixedWing.Trail.Close, also see Hoggit Wiki.
#boolean AGL
(Optional) If true, set altitude to above ground level (AGL), not above sea level (ASL).
#number Delay
(Optional) Set the task after delay seconds only.
Return value:
(GROUND) Patrol iteratively using the waypoints of the (parent) group.
(GROUND) Patrol randomly to the waypoints the for the (parent) group.
A random waypoint will be picked and the group will move towards that point.
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in km/h.
#string Formation
The formation the group uses.
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToWaypoint
The waypoint where the group should move to.
Return value:
(GROUND) Patrol randomly to the waypoints the for the (parent) group.
A random waypoint will be picked and the group will move towards that point.
Defined in:
#table ZoneList
Table of zones.
#number Speed
Speed in km/h the group moves at.
#string Formation
(Optional) Formation the group should use.
#number DelayMin
Delay in seconds before the group progresses to the next route point. Default 1 sec.
#number DelayMax
Max. delay in seconds. Actual delay is randomly chosen between DelayMin and DelayMax. Default equal to DelayMin.
Return value:
Popping current Task from the controllable.
Pushing Task on the queue from the controllable.
(GROUND) Relocate controllable to a random point within a given radius; use e.g.for evasive actions; Note that not all ground controllables can actually drive, also the alarm state of the controllable might stop it from moving.
Defined in:
#number speed
Speed of the controllable, default 20
#number radius
Radius of the relocation zone, default 500
#boolean onroad
If true, route on road (less problems with AI way finding), default true
#boolean shortcut
If true and onroad is set, take a shorter route - if available - off road, default false
#string formation
Formation string as in the mission editor, e.g. "Vee", "Diamond", "Line abreast", etc. Defaults to "Off Road"
#boolean onland
(optional) If true, try up to 50 times to get a coordinate on land.SurfaceType.LAND. Note - this descriptor value is not reliably implemented on all maps.
Return value:
Make the controllable to follow a given route.
Defined in:
#table Route
A table of Route Points.
#number DelaySeconds
(Optional) Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route. Default is one second.
Return value:
Make the AIR Controllable fly towards a specific point.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
The altitude type.
The route point type.
The route point action.
#number Speed
(optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 500 km/h.
#number DelaySeconds
Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route.
Return value:
Make the TRAIN Controllable to drive towards a specific point using railroads.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 20 km/h.
#number DelaySeconds
(Optional) Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route. Default is one second.
#function WaypointFunction
(Optional) Function called when passing a waypoint. First parameters of the function are the #CONTROLLABLE object, the number of the waypoint and the total number of waypoints.
#table WaypointFunctionArguments
(Optional) List of parameters passed to the WaypointFunction.
Return value:
Make the GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point using (mostly) roads.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 20 km/h.
#number DelaySeconds
(Optional) Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route. Default is one second.
#string OffRoadFormation
(Optional) The formation at initial and final waypoint. Default is "Off Road".
#function WaypointFunction
(Optional) Function called when passing a waypoint. First parameters of the function are the #CONTROLLABLE object, the number of the waypoint and the total number of waypoints.
#table WaypointFunctionArguments
(Optional) List of parameters passed to the WaypointFunction.
Return value:
Make the GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
#number Speed
(optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 20 km/h.
#string Formation
(optional) The route point Formation, which is a text string that specifies exactly the Text in the Type of the route point, like "Vee", "Echelon Right".
#number DelaySeconds
Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route.
#function WaypointFunction
(Optional) Function called when passing a waypoint. First parameters of the function are the #CONTROLLABLE object, the number of the waypoint and the total number of waypoints.
#table WaypointFunctionArguments
(Optional) List of parameters passed to the WaypointFunction.
Return value:
Make the controllable to push follow a given route.
Defined in:
#table Route
A table of Route Points.
#number DelaySeconds
(Optional) Wait for the specified seconds before executing the Route. Default is one second.
Return value:
Resumes the movement of the vehicle on the route.
Stops the movement of the vehicle on the route.
(AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to fly to a given point.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec3 Point
The destination point in Vec3 format.
#number Speed
The speed [m/s] to travel.
Return value:
(AIR + GROUND) Make the Controllable move to a given point.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec3 Point
The destination point in Vec3 format.
#number Speed
The speed [m/s] to travel.
Return value:
[AIR] Sets the controlled aircraft group to fly at the specified altitude in meters.
Defined in:
#number Altitude
Altitude in meters.
#boolean Keep
(Optional) When set to true, will maintain the altitude on passing waypoints. If not present or false, the controlled group will return to the altitude as defined by their route.
#string AltType
(Optional) Specifies the altitude type used. If nil, the altitude type of the current waypoint will be used. Accepted values are "BARO" and "RADIO".
Return value:
Executes a command action for the CONTROLLABLE.
Defined in:
DCS#Command DCSCommand
The command to be executed.
Return value:
Set option.
Defined in:
#number OptionID
ID/Type of the option.
#number OptionValue
Value of the option
Return value:
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar.
Defined in:
#number Option
Return value:
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: for attack only.
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: always on.
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar, here: when required for searching.
[AIR] Set how the AI uses the onboard radar.
Here: never.
[AIR] Set the AI to report contact for certain types of objects.
Defined in:
#table Objects
Table of attribute names for which AI reports contact. Defaults to {"Air"}. See Hoggit Wiki
Return value:
[AIR] Set the AI to report engaging certain types of objects.
Defined in:
#table Objects
Table of attribute names for which AI reports contact. Defaults to {"Air"}, see Hoggit Wiki
Return value:
[AIR] Set the AI to report killing certain types of objects.
Defined in:
#table Objects
Table of attribute names for which AI reports contact. Defaults to {"Air"}, see Hoggit Wiki
Return value:
[AIR] Set the AI to not report anything over the radio - radio silence
Defined in:
#boolean OnOff
If true or nil, radio is set to silence, if false radio silence is lifted.
Return value:
[AIR] Set if the AI is reporting passing of waypoints
Defined in:
#boolean OnOff
If true or nil, AI will report passing waypoints, if false, it will not.
Return value:
Sets the controlled group to go at the specified speed in meters per second.
Defined in:
#number Speed
Speed in meters per second
#boolean Keep
(Optional) When set to true, will maintain the speed on passing waypoints. If not present or false, the controlled group will return to the speed as defined by their route.
Return value:
Clearing the Task Queue and Setting the Task on the queue from the controllable.
Defined in:
DCS#Task DCSTask
DCS Task array.
#number WaitTime
Time in seconds, before the task is set.
Return value:
Set a Task at a Waypoint using a Route list.
Give an uncontrolled air controllable the start command.
Defined in:
#number delay
(Optional) Delay before start command in seconds.
Return value:
Return an empty task shell for Aerobatics.
Defined in:
Return value:
local plane = GROUP:FindByName("Aerial-1")
-- get a task shell
local aerotask = plane:TaskAerobatics()
-- add a series of maneuvers
aerotask = plane:TaskAerobaticsHorizontalEight(aerotask,1,5000,850,true,false,1,70)
aerotask = plane:TaskAerobaticsWingoverFlight(aerotask,1,0,0,true,true,20)
aerotask = plane:TaskAerobaticsLoop(aerotask,1,0,0,false,true)
-- set the task
Add an aerobatics entry of type "AILERON_ROLL" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number RollRate
(Optional) How many degrees to roll per sec(?), can be between 15 and 450, defaults to 90.
#number TurnAngle
(Optional) Angles to turn overall, defaults to 360.
#number FixAngle
(Optional) No idea what this does, can be between 0 and 180 degrees, defaults to 180.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "BARREL_ROLL" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number RollRate
(Optional) How many degrees to roll per sec(?), can be between 15 and 450, defaults to 90.
#number TurnAngle
(Optional) Turn angle, defaults to 360 degrees.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "CANDLE" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "CLIMB" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Angle
(Optional) Angle to climb. Can be between 15 and 90 degrees. Defaults to 45 degrees.
#number FinalAltitude
(Optional) Altitude to climb to in meters. Defaults to 5000m.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "DIVE" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 5000.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Angle
(Optional) With how many degrees to dive, defaults to 45. Can be 15 to 90 degrees.
#number FinalAltitude
(Optional) Final altitude in meters, defaults to 1000.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "EDGE_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number FlightTime
(Optional) Time to fly this manoever in seconds, defaults to 10.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "FORCED_TURN" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number TurnAngle
(Optional) Angles to turn, defaults to 360.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number FlightTime
(Optional) Flight time in seconds for thos maneuver. Defaults to 30.
#number MinSpeed
(Optional) Minimum speed to keep in kph, defaults to 250 kph.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "HAMMERHEAD" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "HORIZONTAL_EIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number RollDeg
(Optional) Roll degrees for Roll 1 and 2, defaults to 60.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "IMMELMAN" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "LOOP" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "MILITARY_TURN" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SKEWED_LOOP" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number RollDeg
(Optional) Roll degrees for Roll 1 and 2, defaults to 60.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SPIRAL" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number TurnAngle
(Optional) Turn angle, defaults to 360 degrees.
#number Roll
(Optional) Roll to take, defaults to 60 degrees.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number UpDown
(Optional) Spiral upwards (1) or downwards (0). Defaults to 0 - downwards.
#number Angle
(Optional) Angle to spiral. Can be between 15 and 90 degrees. Defaults to 45 degrees.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "SPLIT_S" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number FinalSpeed
(Optional) Final speed to reach in KPH. Defaults to 500 kph.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "STRAIGHT_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number FlightTime
(Optional) Time to fly this manoever in seconds, defaults to 10.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "TURN" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number Side
(Optional) On which side to fly, 0 == left, 1 == right side, defaults to 0.
#number RollDeg
(Optional) Roll degrees for Roll 1 and 2, defaults to 60.
#number Pull
(Optional) How many Gs to pull in this, defaults to 2.
#number Angle
(Optional) How many degrees to turn, defaults to 180.
Return value:
Add an aerobatics entry of type "WINGOVER_FLIGHT" to the Aerobatics Task.
Defined in:
DCS#Task TaskAerobatics
The Aerobatics Task
#number Repeats
(Optional) The number of repeats, defaults to 1.
#number InitAltitude
(Optional) Starting altitude in meters, defaults to 0.
#number InitSpeed
(Optional) Starting speed in KPH, defaults to 0.
#boolean UseSmoke
(Optional) Using smoke, defaults to false.
#boolean StartImmediately
(Optional) If true, start immediately and ignore InitAltitude and InitSpeed.
#number FlightTime
(Optional) Time to fly this manoever in seconds, defaults to 10.
Return value:
(AIR + GROUND) Attack a Controllable.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP AttackGroup
The Group to be attacked.
#number WeaponType
(optional) Bitmask of weapon types those allowed to use. If parameter is not defined that means no limits on weapon usage.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
DCS#Distance Altitude
(optional) Desired attack start altitude. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the altitude. If the altitude is too low or too high to use weapon aircraft/controllable will choose closest altitude to the desired attack start altitude. If the desired altitude is defined controllable/aircraft will not attack from safe altitude.
#boolean AttackQtyLimit
(optional) The flag determines how to interpret attackQty parameter. If the flag is true then attackQty is a limit on maximal attack quantity for "AttackGroup" and "AttackUnit" tasks. If the flag is false then attackQty is a desired attack quantity for "Bombing" and "BombingRunway" tasks.
#boolean GroupAttack
(Optional) If true, attack as group.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Attacking the map object (building, structure, etc).
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
2D-coordinates of the point to deliver weapon at.
#boolean GroupAttack
(Optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(Optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(Optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(Optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
#number Altitude
(Optional) The altitude [meters] from where to attack. Default 30 m.
#number WeaponType
(Optional) The WeaponType. Default Auto=1073741822.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR + GROUND) Attack the Unit.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT AttackUnit
The UNIT to be attacked
#boolean GroupAttack
(Optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found. Default false.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(Optional) Determines how many weapons will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(Optional) Limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attacks than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(Optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction.
#number Altitude
(Optional) The (minimum) altitude in meters from where to attack. Default is altitude of unit to attack but at least 1000 m.
#number WeaponType
(optional) The WeaponType. See DCS Enumerator Weapon Type on Hoggit.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Delivering weapon at the point on the ground.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
2D-coordinates of the point to deliver weapon at.
#boolean GroupAttack
(optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
#number Altitude
(optional) The altitude from where to attack.
#number WeaponType
(optional) The WeaponType.
#boolean Divebomb
(optional) Perform dive bombing. Default false.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
CONTROLLABLE:TaskBombingRunway(Airbase, WeaponType, WeaponExpend, AttackQty, Direction, GroupAttack)
(AIR) Delivering weapon on the runway.
See hoggit
Make sure the aircraft has the following role:
- Ground Attack
- Runway Attack
- Anti-Ship Strike
- Pinpoint Strike
Defined in:
Wrapper.Airbase#AIRBASE Airbase
Airbase to attack.
#number WeaponType
(optional) Bitmask of weapon types those allowed to use. See DCS enum weapon flag. Default 2147485694 = AnyBomb (GuidedBomb + AnyUnguidedBomb).
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
Enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend that defines how much munitions the AI will expend per attack run. Default "ALL".
#number AttackQty
Number of times the group will attack if the target. Default 1.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
#boolean GroupAttack
(optional) Flag indicates that the target must be engaged by all aircrafts of the controllable. Has effect only if the task is assigned to a group and not to a single aircraft.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Delivering weapon via CarpetBombing (all bombers in formation release at same time) at the point on the ground.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
2D-coordinates of the point to deliver weapon at.
#boolean GroupAttack
(optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found.
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit will choose expend on its own discretion.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
#number Altitude
(optional) The altitude from where to attack.
#number WeaponType
(optional) The WeaponType.
#number CarpetLength
(optional) default to 500 m.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
Return a Combo Task taking an array of Tasks.
Defined in:
DCS#TaskArray DCSTasks
Array of DCSTasking.Task#Task
Return value:
Return a condition section for a controlled task.
Defined in:
DCS#Time time
DCS mission time.
#string userFlag
Name of the user flag.
#boolean userFlagValue
User flag value true or false. Could also be numeric, i.e. either 0=false or 1=true. Other numeric values don't work!
#string condition
Lua string.
DCS#Time duration
Duration in seconds.
#number lastWayPoint
Last waypoint. return DCS#Task
Return a Controlled Task taking a Task and a TaskCondition.
Defined in:
DCS#Task DCSTask
DCS#DCSStopCondition DCSStopCondition
Return value:
Specifies the location infantry groups that is being transported by helicopters will be unloaded at.
Used in conjunction with the EmbarkToTransport task.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinates where AI is expecting to be picked up.
Return value:
Embark to transport task.
Set EPLRS data link on/off.
Defined in:
#boolean SwitchOnOff
If true (or nil) switch EPLRS on. If false switch off.
#number idx
Task index. Default 1.
Return value:
Task wrapped action.
Used in conjunction with the embarking task for a transport helicopter group.
The Ground units will move to the specified location and wait to be picked up by a helicopter. The helicopter will then fly them to their dropoff point defined by another task for the ground forces; DisembarkFromTransport task. The controllable has to be an infantry group!
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
Coordinates where AI is expecting to be picked up.
#number Radius
Radius in meters. Default 200 m.
#string UnitType
The unit type name of the carrier, e.g. "UH-1H". Must not be specified.
Return value:
Embark to transport task.
(AIR HELICOPTER) Move the controllable to a Vec2 Point, wait for a defined duration and embark infantry groups.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The point where to pickup the troops.
Core.Set#SET_GROUP GroupSetForEmbarking
Set of groups to embark.
#number Duration
(Optional) The maximum duration in seconds to wait until all groups have embarked.
#table Distribution
(Optional) Distribution used to put the infantry groups into specific carrier units.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Escort another airborne controllable.
The unit / controllable will follow lead unit of another controllable, wingmens of both controllables will continue following their leaders. The unit / controllable will also protect that controllable from threats of specified types.
Defined in:
#CONTROLLABLE FollowControllable
The controllable to be escorted.
DCS#Vec3 Vec3
Position of the unit / lead unit of the controllable relative lead unit of another controllable in frame reference oriented by course of lead unit of another controllable. If another controllable is on land the unit / controllable will orbit around.
#number LastWaypointIndex
Detach waypoint of another controllable. Once reached the unit / controllable Escort task is finished.
#number EngagementDistance
Maximal distance from escorted controllable to threat in meters. If the threat is already engaged by escort escort will disengage if the distance becomes greater than 1.5 * engagementDistMax.
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
Array of AttributeName that is contains threat categories allowed to engage. Default {"Air"}. See
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR + GROUND) The task makes the controllable/unit a FAC and orders the FAC to control the target (enemy ground controllable) destruction.
The killer is player-controlled allied CAS-aircraft that is in contact with the FAC. If the task is assigned to the controllable lead unit will be a FAC. It's important to note that depending on the type of unit that is being assigned the task (AIR or GROUND), you must choose the correct type of callsign enumerator. For airborne controllables use CALLSIGN.Aircraft and for ground based use CALLSIGN.JTAC enumerators.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP AttackGroup
Target GROUP object.
#number WeaponType
Bitmask of weapon types, which are allowed to use.
DCS#AI.Task.Designation Designation
(Optional) Designation type.
#boolean Datalink
(Optional) Allows to use datalink to send the target information to attack aircraft. Enabled by default.
#number Frequency
Frequency in MHz used to communicate with the FAC. Default 133 MHz.
#number Modulation
Modulation of radio for communication. Default 0=AM.
#number CallsignName
Callsign enumerator name of the FAC. (CALLSIGN.Aircraft.{name} for airborne controllables, CALLSIGN.JTACS.{name} for ground units)
#number CallsignNumber
Callsign number, e.g. Axeman-1.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(GROUND) Fire at a VEC2 point until ammunition is finished.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
The point to fire at.
DCS#Distance Radius
The radius of the zone to deploy the fire at.
#number AmmoCount
(optional) Quantity of ammunition to expand (omit to fire until ammunition is depleted).
#number WeaponType
(optional) Enum for weapon type ID. This value is only required if you want the group firing to use a specific weapon, for instance using the task on a ship to force it to fire guided missiles at targets within cannon range. See
#number Altitude
(Optional) Altitude in meters.
#number ASL
Altitude is above mean sea level. Default is above ground level.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Following another airborne controllable.
The unit / controllable will follow lead unit of another controllable, wingmens of both controllables will continue following their leaders. If another controllable is on land the unit / controllable will orbit around.
Defined in:
#CONTROLLABLE FollowControllable
The controllable to be followed.
DCS#Vec3 Vec3
Position of the unit / lead unit of the controllable relative lead unit of another controllable in frame reference oriented by course of lead unit of another controllable. If another controllable is on land the unit / controllable will orbit around.
#number LastWaypointIndex
Detach waypoint of another controllable. Once reached the unit / controllable Follow task is finished.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Following another airborne controllable.
The unit / controllable will follow lead unit of another controllable, wingmens of both controllables will continue following their leaders. Used to support CarpetBombing Task
Defined in:
#CONTROLLABLE FollowControllable
The controllable to be followed.
DCS#Vec3 Vec3
Position of the unit / lead unit of the controllable relative lead unit of another controllable in frame reference oriented by course of lead unit of another controllable. If another controllable is on land the unit / controllable will orbit around.
#number LastWaypointIndex
Detach waypoint of another controllable. Once reached the unit / controllable Follow task is finished.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
This creates a Task element, with an action to call a function as part of a Wrapped Task.
This Task can then be embedded at a Waypoint by calling the method CONTROLLABLE.SetTaskWaypoint.
Defined in:
#string FunctionString
The function name embedded as a string that will be called.
The variable arguments passed to the function when called! These arguments can be of any type!
Return value:
local ZoneList = {
ZONE:New( "ZONE1" ),
ZONE:New( "ZONE2" ),
ZONE:New( "ZONE3" ),
ZONE:New( "ZONE4" ),
ZONE:New( "ZONE5" )
GroundGroup = GROUP:FindByName( "Vehicle" )
--- @param Wrapper.Group#GROUP GroundGroup
function RouteToZone( Vehicle, ZoneRoute )
local Route = {}
Vehicle:E( { ZoneRoute = ZoneRoute } )
Vehicle:MessageToAll( "Moving to zone " .. ZoneRoute:GetName(), 10 )
-- Get the current coordinate of the Vehicle
local FromCoord = Vehicle:GetCoordinate()
-- Select a random Zone and get the Coordinate of the new Zone.
local RandomZone = ZoneList[ math.random( 1, #ZoneList ) ] -- Core.Zone#ZONE
local ToCoord = RandomZone:GetCoordinate()
-- Create a "ground route point", which is a "point" structure that can be given as a parameter to a Task
Route[#Route+1] = FromCoord:WaypointGround( 72 )
Route[#Route+1] = ToCoord:WaypointGround( 60, "Vee" )
local TaskRouteToZone = Vehicle:TaskFunction( "RouteToZone", RandomZone )
Vehicle:SetTaskWaypoint( Route[#Route], TaskRouteToZone ) -- Set for the given Route at Waypoint 2 the TaskRouteToZone.
Vehicle:Route( Route, math.random( 10, 20 ) ) -- Move after a random seconds to the Route. See the Route method for details.
RouteToZone( GroundGroup, ZoneList[1] )
(AIR/HELO) Escort a ground controllable.
The unit / controllable will follow lead unit of the other controllable, additional units of both controllables will continue following their leaders. The unit / controllable will also protect that controllable from threats of specified types.
Defined in:
#CONTROLLABLE FollowControllable
The controllable to be escorted.
#number LastWaypointIndex
(optional) Detach waypoint of another controllable. Once reached the unit / controllable Escort task is finished.
#number OrbitDistance
(optional) Maximum distance helo will orbit around the ground unit in meters. Defaults to 2000 meters.
DCS#AttributeNameArray TargetTypes
(optional) Array of AttributeName that is contains threat categories allowed to engage. Default {"Ground vehicles"}. See
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
CONTROLLABLE:TaskGroundOnRailRoads(ToCoordinate, Speed, WaypointFunction, WaypointFunctionArguments)
Make a task for a TRAIN Controllable to drive towards a specific point using railroad.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 20 km/h.
#function WaypointFunction
(Optional) Function called when passing a waypoint. First parameters of the function are the #CONTROLLABLE object, the number of the waypoint and the total number of waypoints.
#table WaypointFunctionArguments
(Optional) List of parameters passed to the WaypointFunction.
Return value:
Make a task for a GROUND Controllable to drive towards a specific point using (mostly) roads.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE ToCoordinate
A Coordinate to drive to.
#number Speed
(Optional) Speed in km/h. The default speed is 20 km/h.
#string OffRoadFormation
(Optional) The formation at initial and final waypoint. Default is "Off Road".
#boolean Shortcut
(Optional) If true, controllable will take the direct route if the path on road is 10x longer or path on road is less than 5% of total path.
Core.Point#COORDINATE FromCoordinate
(Optional) Explicit initial coordinate. Default is the position of the controllable.
#function WaypointFunction
(Optional) Function called when passing a waypoint. First parameters of the function are the #CONTROLLABLE object, the number of the waypoint and the total number of waypoints.
#table WaypointFunctionArguments
(Optional) List of parameters passed to the WaypointFunction.
Return values:
If true, path on road is possible. If false, task will route the group directly to its destination.
(GROUND) Hold ground controllable from moving.
(AIR) Hold position at the current position of the first unit of the controllable.
Defined in:
#number Duration
The maximum duration in seconds to hold the position.
Return value:
(AIR HELICOPTER) Landing at the ground.
For helicopters only.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
The point where to land.
#number Duration
The duration in seconds to stay on the ground.
#boolean CombatLanding
(optional) If true, set the Combat Landing option.
#number DirectionAfterLand
(optional) Heading after landing in degrees.
Return value:
(AIR) Land the controllable at a @{Core.Zone#ZONE_RADIUS).
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone where to land.
#number Duration
The duration in seconds to stay on the ground.
#boolean RandomPoint
(optional) If true,land at a random point inside of the zone.
#boolean CombatLanding
(optional) If true, set the Combat Landing option.
#number DirectionAfterLand
(optional) Heading after landing in degrees.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR + GROUND) Return a mission task from a mission template.
Defined in:
#table TaskMission
A table containing the mission task.
Return value:
(AIR) Orbit at a position with at a given altitude and speed.
Optionally, a race track pattern can be specified.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coord
Coordinate at which the CONTROLLABLE orbits. Can also be given as a DCS#Vec3
or DCS#Vec2
#number Altitude
Altitude in meters of the orbit pattern. Default y component of Coord.
#number Speed
Speed [m/s] flying the orbit pattern. Default 128 m/s = 250 knots.
Core.Point#COORDINATE CoordRaceTrack
(Optional) If this coordinate is specified, the CONTROLLABLE will fly a race-track pattern using this and the initial coordinate.
Return value:
(AIR) Orbit at the current position of the first unit of the controllable at a specified altitude.
Defined in:
#number Altitude
The altitude [m] to hold the position.
#number Speed
The speed [m/s] flying when holding the position.
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
(Optional) The coordinate where to orbit. If the coordinate is not given, then the current position of the controllable is used.
Return value:
(AIR) Orbit at a specified position at a specified altitude during a specified duration with a specified speed.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Point
The point to hold the position.
#number Altitude
The altitude AGL in meters to hold the position.
#number Speed
The speed [m/s] flying when holding the position.
Return value:
(AIR) Act as Recovery Tanker for a naval/carrier group.
Defined in:
Wrapper.Group#GROUP CarrierGroup
#number Speed
Speed in meters per second
#number Altitude
Altitude the tanker orbits at in meters
#number LastWptNumber
(optional) Waypoint of carrier group that when reached, ends the recovery tanker task
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
(AIR) Refueling from the nearest tanker.
No parameters.
Return a "Misson" task to follow a given route defined by Points.
Defined in:
#table Points
A table of route points.
Return value:
DCS mission task. Has entries .id="Mission"
, params
, were params has entries airborne
and route
, which is a table of points
(GROUND) Route the controllable to a given Vec2.
A speed can be given in km/h. A given formation can be given.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
The Vec2 where to route to.
#number Speed
The speed in m/s. Default is 5.555 m/s = 20 km/h.
Core.Base#FORMATION Formation
The formation string.
(AIR + GROUND) Route the controllable to a given zone.
The controllable final destination point can be randomized. A speed can be given in km/h. A given formation can be given.
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE Zone
The zone where to route to.
#boolean Randomize
Defines whether to target point gets randomized within the Zone.
#number Speed
The speed in m/s. Default is 5.555 m/s = 20 km/h.
Core.Base#FORMATION Formation
The formation string.
CONTROLLABLE:TaskStrafing(Vec2, AttackQty, Length, WeaponType, WeaponExpend, Direction, GroupAttack)
(AIR) Strafe the point on the ground.
Defined in:
DCS#Vec2 Vec2
2D-coordinates of the point to deliver strafing at.
#number AttackQty
(optional) This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aircraft/controllable will not make more attack than allowed even if the target controllable not destroyed and the aircraft/controllable still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/controllable will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/controllable will run out of ammo.
#number Length
(optional) Length of the strafing area.
#number WeaponType
(optional) The WeaponType. WeaponType is a number associated with a corresponding weapons flags
DCS#AI.Task.WeaponExpend WeaponExpend
(optional) Determines how much ammunition will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / controllable will choose expend on its own discretion, e.g. AI.Task.WeaponExpend.ALL.
DCS#Azimuth Direction
(optional) Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Controllable/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain controllable/aircraft will choose another direction.
#boolean GroupAttack
(optional) If true, all units in the group will attack the Unit when found.
Return value:
The DCS task structure.
local attacker = GROUP:FindByName("Aerial-1")
local attackVec2 = ZONE:New("Strafe Attack"):GetVec2()
-- Attack with any cannons = 805306368, 4 runs, strafe a field of 200 meters
local task = attacker:TaskStrafing(attackVec2,4,200,805306368,AI.Task.WeaponExpend.ALL)
Return a WrappedAction Task taking a Command.
Executes the WayPoint plan.
The function gets a WayPoint parameter, that you can use to restart the mission at a specific WayPoint. Note that when the WayPoint parameter is used, the new start mission waypoint of the controllable will be 1!
Defined in:
#number WayPoint
The WayPoint from where to execute the mission.
#number WaitTime
The amount seconds to wait before initiating the mission.
Return value:
Intended Workflow is:
mygroup:WayPointFunction( WayPoint, WayPointIndex, WayPointFunction, ... )
Registers a waypoint function that will be executed when the controllable moves over the WayPoint.
Defined in:
#number WayPoint
The waypoint number. Note that the start waypoint on the route is WayPoint 1!
#number WayPointIndex
When defining multiple WayPoint functions for one WayPoint, use WayPointIndex to set the sequence of actions.
#function WayPointFunction
The waypoint function to be called when the controllable moves over the waypoint. The waypoint function takes variable parameters.
Return value:
Intended Workflow is:
mygroup:WayPointFunction( WayPoint, WayPointIndex, WayPointFunction, ... )
Retrieve the controllable mission and allow to place function hooks within the mission waypoint plan.
Use the method CONTROLLABLE.WayPointFunction() to define the hook functions for specific waypoints. Use the method CONTROLLABLE.WayPointExecute() to start the execution of the new mission plan. Note that when WayPointInitialize is called, the Mission of the controllable is RESTARTED!
Defined in:
#table WayPoints
If WayPoints is given, then use the route.
Return value:
Intended Workflow is:
mygroup:WayPointFunction( WayPoint, WayPointIndex, WayPointFunction, ... )
Get the controller for the CONTROLLABLE.
[Internal] This method is called by the scheduler after enabling the IR marker.
Task function when controllable passes a waypoint.
Defined in:
#CONTROLLABLE controllable
The controllable object.
#number n
Current waypoint number passed.
#number N
Total number of waypoints.
#function waypointfunction
Function called when a waypoint is passed.
The name of the controllable.
Add cargo.
Get cargo item count.
Destroys the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
#boolean GenerateEvent
(Optional) If true, generates a crash or dead event for the unit. If false, no event generated. If nil, a remove event is generated.
Return value:
The DCS Unit is not existing or alive.
Air unit example: destroy the Helicopter and generate a S_EVENT_CRASH for each unit in the Helicopter group. Helicopter = UNIT:FindByName( "Helicopter" ) Helicopter:Destroy( true )
-- Ground unit example: destroy the Tanks and generate a S_EVENT_DEAD for each unit in the Tanks group. Tanks = UNIT:FindByName( "Tanks" ) Tanks:Destroy( true )
-- Ship unit example: destroy the Ship silently. Ship = STATIC:FindByName( "Ship" ) Ship:Destroy()
-- Destroy without event generation example. Ship = STATIC:FindByName( "Boat" ) Ship:Destroy( false ) -- Don't generate an event upon destruction.
Triggers an explosion at the coordinates of the positionable.
Defined in:
#number power
Power of the explosion in kg TNT. Default 100 kg TNT.
#number delay
(Optional) Delay of explosion in seconds.
Return value:
Signal a flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE.
Signal a green flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Signal a red flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Signal a white flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Signal a yellow flare at the position of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Returns the indicated airspeed (IAS).
The IAS is calculated from the TAS under the approximation that TAS increases by ~2% with every 1000 feet altitude ASL.
Defined in:
#number oatcorr
(Optional) Outside air temperature (OAT) correction factor. Default 0.017 (=1.7%).
Return value:
IAS in m/s. Returns 0 if the POSITIONABLE does not exist.
Returns the true airspeed (TAS).
This is calculated from the current velocity minus wind in 3D.
Defined in:
Return value:
TAS in m/s. Returns 0 if the POSITIONABLE does not exist.
Returns the altitude above sea level of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns the Angle of Attack of a POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Angle of attack in degrees.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Create a Core.Beacon#BEACON, to allow this POSITIONABLE to broadcast beacon signals.
Get the bounding box of the underlying POSITIONABLE DCS Object.
Defined in:
Return values:
Get the bounding radius of the underlying POSITIONABLE DCS Object.
Defined in:
#number MinDist
(Optional) If bounding box is smaller than this value, MinDist is returned.
Return values:
The bounding radius of the POSITIONABLE
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Get all contained cargo.
Get Cargo Bay Free Weight in kg.
Get Cargo Bay Weight Limit in kg.
Returns the climb or descent angle of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Climb or descent angle in degrees. Or 0 if velocity vector norm is zero.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a reference to a COORDINATE object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
This function works similar to POSITIONABLE.GetCoordinate(), however, this function caches, updates and re-uses the same COORDINATE object stored within the POSITIONABLE. This has higher performance, but comes with all considerations associated with the possible referencing to the same COORDINATE object. This should only be used when performance is critical and there is sufficient awareness of the possible pitfalls. However, in most instances, GetCoordinate() is preferred as it will return a fresh new COORDINATE and thus avoid potentially unexpected issues.
Defined in:
Return value:
A reference to the COORDINATE object of the POSITIONABLE.
Returns a new COORDINATE object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return value:
Returns the DCS object.
Polymorphic for other classes like UNIT, STATIC, GROUP, AIRBASE.
Returns the horizonal speed relative to eath's surface.
The vertical component of the velocity vector is projected out (set to zero).
Defined in:
Return value:
Ground speed in m/s. Returns 0 if the POSITIONABLE does not exist.
Returns the POSITIONABLE heading in degrees.
Defined in:
Return values:
The POSITIONABLE heading in degrees.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns the POSITIONABLE height above sea level in meters.
Defined in:
Return value:
Height of the positionable in meters (or nil, if the object does not exist).
Get the last assigned laser code
Returns a message with the callsign embedded (if there is one).
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Return value:
Returns the message text with the callsign embedded (if there is one).
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Return values:
The message text.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a message of a specified type with the callsign embedded (if there is one).
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
Core.Message#MESSAGE MessageType
MessageType The message type.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Return value:
Get the object size.
Defined in:
Return values:
Max size of object in x, z or 0 if bounding box could not be obtained.
Length x or 0 if bounding box could not be obtained.
Height y or 0 if bounding box could not be obtained.
Width z or 0 if bounding box could not be obtained.
Returns a COORDINATE object, which is offset with respect to the orientation of the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
#number x
Offset in the direction "the nose" of the unit is pointing in meters. Default 0 m.
#number y
Offset "above" the unit in meters. Default 0 m.
#number z
Offset in the direction "the wing" of the unit is pointing in meters. z>0 starboard, z<0 port. Default 0 m.
Return value:
The COORDINATE of the offset with respect to the orientation of the POSITIONABLE.
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current orientation in 3D space.
X, Y, Z values are unit vectors defining the objects orientation. X is the orientation parallel to the movement of the object, Z perpendicular and Y vertical orientation.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current X orientation in 3D space, i.e.
along the direction of movement.
Defined in:
Return values:
X orientation, i.e. parallel to the direction of movement.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current Y orientation in 3D space, i.e.
vertical orientation.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns a {@DCS#Vec3} table of the objects current Z orientation in 3D space, i.e.
perpendicular to direction of movement.
Defined in:
Return values:
Z orientation, i.e. perpendicular to movement.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns the pitch angle of a POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Pitch angle in degrees.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a POINT_VEC2 object indicating the point in 2D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return values:
The 2D point vector of the POSITIONABLE.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a POINT_VEC3 object indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return values:
The 3D point vector of the POSITIONABLE.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns a pos3 table of the objects current position and orientation in 3D space.
X, Y, Z values are unit vectors defining the objects orientation. Coordinates are dependent on the position of the maps origin.
Defined in:
Return value:
Table consisting of the point and orientation tables.
Returns the DCS#Position3 position vectors indicating the point and direction vectors in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return values:
The 3D position vectors of the POSITIONABLE.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Create a Sound.Radio#RADIO, to allow radio transmission for this POSITIONABLE.
Set parameters with the methods provided, then use RADIO:Broadcast() to actually broadcast the message
Returns a random DCS#Vec3 vector within a range, indicating the point in 3D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
#number Radius
Return values:
-- If Radius is ignored, returns the DCS#Vec3 of first UNIT of the GROUP
Returns a COORDINATE object, which is transformed to be relative to the POSITIONABLE.
Inverse of POSITIONABLE.GetOffsetCoordinate.
Defined in:
#number x
Offset along the world x-axis in meters. Default 0 m.
#number y
Offset along the world y-axis in meters. Default 0 m.
#number z
Offset along the world z-axis in meters. Default 0 m.
Return value:
The relative COORDINATE with respect to the orientation of the POSITIONABLE.
Get relative velocity with respect to another POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
#POSITIONABLE Positionable
Return value:
Relative velocity in m/s.
Returns the roll angle of a unit.
Defined in:
Return values:
Pitch angle in degrees.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Get the Spot
Get the number of infantry soldiers that can be embarked into an aircraft (airplane or helicopter).
Returns nil
for ground or ship units.
Defined in:
Return value:
Descent number of soldiers that fit into the unit. Returns #nil
for ground and ship units.
Returns the DCS#Vec2 vector indicating the point in 2D of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns the DCS#Vec3 vector indicating the 3D vector of the POSITIONABLE within the mission.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns the Core.Velocity object from the POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Velocity The Velocity object.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in km/h.
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in knots.
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity in meters per second.
Defined in:
Return value:
The velocity in meters per second.
Returns the POSITIONABLE velocity Vec3 vector.
Defined in:
Return values:
Returns the yaw angle of a POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
Return values:
Yaw angle in degrees.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns if carrier has given cargo.
Defined in:
Return value:
Returns true if the POSITIONABLE is in the air.
Polymorphic, is overridden in GROUP and UNIT.
Defined in:
Return values:
true if in the air.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns if the Positionable is located above a runway.
Defined in:
Return values:
true if Positionable is above a runway.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns if the unit is of an air category.
If the unit is a helicopter or a plane, then this method will return true, otherwise false.
Defined in:
Return values:
Air category evaluation result.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns if the unit is of an ground category.
If the unit is a ground vehicle or infantry, this method will return true, otherwise false.
Defined in:
Return values:
Ground category evaluation result.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns true if the unit is within a Core.Zone.
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE_BASE Zone
The zone to test.
Return value:
Returns true if the unit is within the Core.Zone#ZONE_BASE
Check if the POSITIONABLE is lasing a target.
Returns true if the unit is not within a Core.Zone.
Defined in:
Core.Zone#ZONE_BASE Zone
The zone to test.
Return value:
Returns true if the unit is not within the Core.Zone#ZONE_BASE
Returns if the unit is of ship category.
Defined in:
Return values:
Ship category evaluation result.
The POSITIONABLE is not existing or alive.
Returns if the unit is a submarine.
Start Lasing a COORDINATE.
Defined in:
Core.Point#COORDINATE Coordinate
The coordinate where the lase is pointing at.
#number LaserCode
Laser code or random number in [1000, 9999].
#number Duration
Duration of lasing in seconds.
Return value:
Start Lasing a POSITIONABLE.
Defined in:
The target to lase.
#number LaserCode
Laser code or random number in [1000, 9999].
#number Duration
Duration of lasing in seconds.
Return value:
Send a message to the players in the Wrapper.Group.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to all coalitions.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to the blue coalition.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to a client.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
Wrapper.Client#CLIENT Client
The client object receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to a coalition.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
DCS#coalition MessageCoalition
The Coalition receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to a Wrapper.Group.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
Wrapper.Group#GROUP MessageGroup
The GROUP object receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to the red coalition.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to a Core.Set#SET_GROUP.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
Core.Set#SET_GROUP MessageSetGroup
The SET_GROUP collection receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message to a Core.Set#SET_UNIT.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
Core.Set#SET_UNIT MessageSetUnit
The SET_UNIT collection receiving the message.
#string Name
(optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, the Name is the type of the Positionable.
Send a message to a Wrapper.Unit.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
DCS#Duration Duration
The duration of the message.
Wrapper.Unit#UNIT MessageUnit
The UNIT object receiving the message.
#string Name
(optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, the Name is the type of the Positionable.
Send a message to a coalition.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
Core.Message#MESSAGE.Type MessageType
The message type that determines the duration.
DCS#coalition MessageCoalition
The Coalition receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, Name is set to the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Send a message of a message type to a Wrapper.Group.
The message will appear in the message area. The message will begin with the callsign of the group and the type of the first unit sending the message.
Defined in:
#string Message
The message text
Core.Message#MESSAGE.Type MessageType
The message type that determines the duration.
Wrapper.Group#GROUP MessageGroup
The GROUP object receiving the message.
#string Name
(Optional) The Name of the sender. If not provided, the Name is the type of the POSITIONABLE.
Create a new POSITIONABLE from a DCSPositionable
Defined in:
#string PositionableName
Return value:
Remove cargo.
Set Cargo Bay Weight Limit in kg.
Defined in:
#number WeightLimit
(Optional) Weight limit in kg. If not given, the value is taken from the descriptors or hard coded.
Defined in:
Utilities.Utils#SMOKECOLOR SmokeColor
The smoke color.
#number Range
The range in meters to randomize the smoking around the POSITIONABLE.
#number AddHeight
The height in meters to add to the altitude of the POSITIONABLE.
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Green.
Defined in:
Smoke the POSITIONABLE Orange.
Defined in:
Smoke the POSITIONABLE White.
Defined in:
The name of the controllable.
Gets the CallSign of the IDENTIFIABLE, which is a blank by default.
Defined in:
Return value:
The CallSign of the IDENTIFIABLE.
Returns object category of the DCS Identifiable.
One of
- Object.Category.UNIT = 1
- Object.Category.WEAPON = 2
- Object.Category.STATIC = 3
- Object.Category.BASE = 4
- Object.Category.SCENERY = 5
- Object.Category.Cargo = 6
For UNITs this returns a second value, one of
Unit.Category.AIRPLANE = 0
Unit.Category.HELICOPTER = 1
Unit.Category.GROUND_UNIT = 2
Unit.Category.SHIP = 3
Unit.Category.STRUCTURE = 4
Defined in:
Return values:
The category ID, i.e. a number.
The unit category ID, i.e. a number. For units only.
Returns the DCS Identifiable category name as defined within the DCS Identifiable Descriptor.
Defined in:
Return value:
The DCS Identifiable Category Name
Returns coalition of the Identifiable.
Defined in:
Return value:
The side of the coalition or #nil
The DCS Identifiable is not existing or alive.
Returns the name of the coalition of the Identifiable.
Defined in:
Return values:
The name of the coalition.
The DCS Identifiable is not existing or alive.
Returns country of the Identifiable.
Defined in:
Return value:
The country identifier or #nil
The DCS Identifiable is not existing or alive.
Returns country name of the Identifiable.
Returns Identifiable descriptor.
Descriptor type depends on Identifiable category.
Defined in:
Return value:
The Identifiable descriptor or #nil
The DCS Identifiable is not existing or alive.
Returns DCS Identifiable object name.
The function provides access to non-activated objects too.
Defined in:
Return value:
The name of the DCS Identifiable or #nil
Gets the threat level.
Returns the type name of the DCS Identifiable.
Defined in:
Return value:
The type name of the DCS Identifiable.
Check if the Object has the attribute.
Defined in:
#string AttributeName
The attribute name.
Return value:
true if the attribute exists or #nil
The DCS Identifiable is not existing or alive.
Returns if the Identifiable is alive.
If the Identifiable is not alive, nil is returned.
If the Identifiable is alive, true is returned.
Defined in:
Return value:
true if Identifiable is alive or #nil
if the Identifiable is not existing or is not alive.
Create a new IDENTIFIABLE from a DCSIdentifiable
Defined in:
#string IdentifiableName
The DCS Identifiable name
Return value:
The name of the controllable.
Destroys the OBJECT.
Defined in:
Return value:
Returns true
if the object is destroyed or #nil if the object is nil.
Returns the unit's unique identifier.
Defined in:
Return value:
ObjectID or #nil if the DCS Object is not existing or alive. Note that the ID is passed as a string and not a number.
Create a new OBJECT from a DCSObject
The name of the controllable.
Clear the state of an object.
Defined in:
The object that holds the Value set by the Key.
The key that is should be cleared.
Creation of a Birth Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
#string IniUnitName
The initiating unit name.
Creation of a Crash Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
Creation of a Dead Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
Creation of a S_EVENT_NEW_DYNAMIC_CARGO event.
Creation of a Remove Unit Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
Creation of a Takeoff Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
Creation of a Crash Event.
Defined in:
DCS#Time EventTime
The time stamp of the event.
DCS#Object Initiator
The initiating object of the event.
Log an exception which will be traced always.
Can be anywhere within the function logic.
Returns the event dispatcher
Remove all subscribed events
Trace a function call.
Must be at the beginning of the function logic.
Trace a function call level 2.
Must be at the beginning of the function logic.
Trace a function call level 3.
Must be at the beginning of the function logic.
Get the ClassID of the class instance.
Get the ClassName of the class instance.
Get the ClassName + ClassID of the class instance.
The ClassName + ClassID is formatted as '%s#%09d'.
Get the Class Core.Event processing Priority.
The Event processing Priority is a number from 1 to 10, reflecting the order of the classes subscribed to the Event to be processed.
This is the worker method to retrieve the Parent class.
Note that the Parent class must be passed to call the parent class method.
Get all of the properties of an object in a table.
Get one property of an object by the key.
Defined in:
The key that is used as a reference of the value. Note that the key can be a #string, but it can also be any other type!
Return value:
Value The value that is stored. Note that the value can be a #string, but it can also be any other type! Nil if not found.
Get a Value given a Key from the Object.
Note that if the Object is destroyed, set to nil, or garbage collected, then the Values and Keys will also be gone.
Defined in:
The object that holds the Value set by the Key.
The key that is used to retrieve the value. Note that the key can be a #string, but it can also be any other type!
Return value:
The Value retrieved or nil if the Key was not found and thus the Value could not be retrieved.
Subscribe to a DCS Event.
Defined in:
Core.Event#EVENTS EventID
Event ID.
#function EventFunction
(optional) The function to be called when the event occurs for the unit.
Return value:
Log an information which will be traced always.
Can be anywhere within the function logic.
This is the worker method to inherit from a parent class.
Defined in:
is the Child class that inherits.
#BASE Parent
is the Parent class that the Child inherits from.
Return value:
This is the worker method to check if an object is an (sub)instance of a class.
ZONE:New( 'some zone' ):IsInstanceOf( ZONE ) will return true
ZONE:New( 'some zone' ):IsInstanceOf( 'ZONE' ) will return true
ZONE:New( 'some zone' ):IsInstanceOf( 'zone' ) will return true
ZONE:New( 'some zone' ):IsInstanceOf( 'BASE' ) will return true
ZONE:New( 'some zone' ):IsInstanceOf( 'GROUP' ) will return false
Defined in:
is the name of the class or the class itself to run the check against
Return value:
Enquires if tracing is on (for the class).
BASE constructor.
This is an example how to use the BASE:New() constructor in a new class definition when inheriting from BASE.
function EVENT:New()
local self = BASE:Inherit( self, BASE:New() ) -- #EVENT
return self
Occurs when an Event for an object is triggered.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that triggered the event.
Occurs when a ground unit captures either an airbase or a farp.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that captured the base place: The airbase that was captured, can be a FARP or Airbase. When calling place:getCoalition() the faction will already be the new owning faction.
Occurs when any object is spawned into the mission.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that was spawned
Occurs when any aircraft crashes into the ground and is completely destroyed.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that has crashed
Occurs when an object is dead.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is dead.
Unknown precisely what creates this event, likely tied into newer damage model.
Will update this page when new information become available.
- initiator: The unit that had the failure.
Discard chair after ejection.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when a player loads a dynamic cargo object with the F8 ground crew menu into a helo.
* NOTE * this is a workarounf for DCS not creating these events as of Aug 2024.
Occurs when a dynamic cargo crate is removed.
* NOTE * this is a workarounf for DCS not creating these events as of Aug 2024.
Occurs when a player unloads a dynamic cargo object with the F8 ground crew menu from a helo.
* NOTE * this is a workarounf for DCS not creating these events as of Aug 2024.
Occurs when a pilot ejects from an aircraft Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
initiator : The unit that has ejected
Occurs when any aircraft shuts down its engines.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is stopping its engines.
Occurs when any aircraft starts its engines.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is starting its engines.
Occurs whenever an object is hit by a weapon.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit object the fired the weapon weapon: Weapon object that hit the target target: The Object that was hit.
Occurs when any system fails on a human controlled aircraft.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that had the failure
Occurs on the death of a unit.
Contains more and different information. Similar to unit_lost it will occur for aircraft before the aircraft crash event occurs. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
- initiator: The unit that killed the target
- target: Target Object
- weapon: Weapon Object
Occurs when an aircraft lands at an airbase, farp or ship Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
initiator : The unit that has landed place: Object that the unit landed on. Can be an Airbase Object, FARP, or Ships
Occurs shortly after the landing animation of an ejected pilot touching the ground and standing up.
Event does not occur if the pilot lands in the water and sub combs to Davey Jones Locker. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
- initiator: Static object representing the ejected pilot. Place : Aircraft that the pilot ejected from.
- place: may not return as a valid object if the aircraft has crashed into the ground and no longer exists.
- subplace: is always 0 for unknown reasons.
Occurs when a new mark was added.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. MarkID: ID of the mark.
Occurs when a mark text was changed.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. MarkID: ID of the mark.
Occurs when a mark was removed.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. MarkID: ID of the mark.
Occurs when a mission ends Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when a mission starts Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when a player creates a dynamic cargo object from the F8 ground crew menu.
* NOTE * this is a workarounf for DCS not creating these events as of Aug 2024.
Weapon add.
Fires when entering a mission per pylon with the name of the weapon (double pylons not counted, infinite wep reload not counted. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when the pilot of an aircraft is killed.
Can occur either if the player is alive and crashes or if a weapon kills the pilot without completely destroying the plane. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that the pilot has died in.
Occurs when a player enters a slot and takes control of an aircraft.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. NOTE: This is a workaround of a long standing DCS bug with the PLAYER_ENTER_UNIT event. initiator : The unit that is being taken control of.
Occurs when any player assumes direct control of a unit.
Note - not Mulitplayer safe. Use PlayerEnterAircraft. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is being taken control of.
Occurs when any player relieves control of a unit to the AI.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that the player left.
Occurs when an aircraft connects with a tanker and begins taking on fuel.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is receiving fuel.
Occurs when an aircraft is finished taking fuel.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that was receiving fuel.
Occurs when any modification to the "Score" as seen on the debrief menu would occur.
There is no information on what values the score was changed to. Event is likely similar to player_comment in this regard. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when any unit stops firing its weapon.
Event will always correspond with a shooting start event. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that was doing the shooting.
Occurs when any unit begins firing a weapon that has a high rate of fire.
Most common with aircraft cannons (GAU-8), autocannons, and machine guns. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that is doing the shooting. target: The unit that is being targeted.
Occurs whenever any unit in a mission fires a weapon.
But not any machine gun or autocannon based weapon, those are handled by EVENT.ShootingStart. Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
Occurs when an aircraft takes off from an airbase, farp, or ship.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes. initiator : The unit that tookoff place: Object from where the AI took-off from. Can be an Airbase Object, FARP, or Ships
Occurs when the game thinks an object is destroyed.
Have a look at the class Core.Event#EVENT as these are just the prototypes.
- initiator: The unit that is was destroyed.
Schedule a new time event.
Note that the schedule will only take place if the scheduler is started. Even for a single schedule event, the scheduler needs to be started also.
Defined in:
#number Start
Specifies the amount of seconds that will be waited before the scheduling is started, and the event function is called.
#function SchedulerFunction
The event function to be called when a timer event occurs. The event function needs to accept the parameters specified in SchedulerArguments.
#table ...
Optional arguments that can be given as part of scheduler. The arguments need to be given as a table { param1, param 2, ... }.
Return value:
The Schedule ID of the planned schedule.
Schedule a new time event.
Note that the schedule will only take place if the scheduler is started. Even for a single schedule event, the scheduler needs to be started also.
Defined in:
#number Start
Specifies the amount of seconds that will be waited before the scheduling is started, and the event function is called.
#number Repeat
Specifies the interval in seconds when the scheduler will call the event function.
#number RandomizeFactor
Specifies a randomization factor between 0 and 1 to randomize the Repeat.
#number Stop
Specifies the amount of seconds when the scheduler will be stopped.
#function SchedulerFunction
The event function to be called when a timer event occurs. The event function needs to accept the parameters specified in SchedulerArguments.
#table ...
Optional arguments that can be given as part of scheduler. The arguments need to be given as a table { param1, param 2, ... }.
Return value:
The Schedule ID of the planned schedule.
Stops the Schedule.
Defined in:
#string SchedulerID
(Optional) Scheduler ID to be stopped. If nil, all pending schedules are stopped.
Set the Class Core.Event processing Priority.
The Event processing Priority is a number from 1 to 10, reflecting the order of the classes subscribed to the Event to be processed.
Set one property of an object.
Defined in:
The key that is used as a reference of the value. Note that the key can be a #string, but it can also be any other type!
The value that is stored. Note that the value can be a #string, but it can also be any other type!
Set a state or property of the Object given a Key and a Value.
Note that if the Object is destroyed, set to nil, or garbage collected, then the Values and Keys will also be gone.
Defined in:
The object that will hold the Value set by the Key.
The key that is used as a reference of the value. Note that the key can be a #string, but it can also be any other type!
The value to is stored in the object.
Return value:
The Value set.
Trace a function logic level 1.
Can be anywhere within the function logic.
Trace a function logic level 2.
Can be anywhere within the function logic.
Trace a function logic level 3.
Can be anywhere within the function logic.
Trace all methods in MOOSE
Set tracing for a class
Set tracing for a specific method of class
Set trace off.
Set trace on.
Set trace on or off Note that when trace is off, no BASE.Debug statement is performed, increasing performance! When Moose is loaded statically, (as one file), tracing is switched off by default.
So tracing must be switched on manually in your mission if you are using Moose statically. When moose is loading dynamically (for moose class development), tracing is switched on by default.
Defined in:
#boolean TraceOnOff
Switch the tracing on or off.
-- Switch the tracing On
BASE:TraceOnOff( true )
-- Switch the tracing Off
BASE:TraceOnOff( false )
UnSubscribe to a DCS event.
Trace a function call.
This function is private.
Defined in:
A #table or any field.
(Internal) Serialize arguments
Trace a function logic.
Defined in:
A #table or any field.
The main event handling function...
This function captures all events generated for the class.